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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Oh, I'll be opting out, Makaze.





11: Kalas

8: Boron

7: Chen

3: Draco

3: Anacybele

2: Aquakat

2: Shadowfrost

1: shinpichu

1: Shin

1: Glac

1: CR

1: Chiki

1: Sorin

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1. Favorite song?

2. What do you think of Etrian Odyssey?

3. Favorite thing to do?

4. Least favorite FE?

5. Favorite myrmidon?

1. True Mirror (guitar version)

2. I've only played 4 but it's pretty great if grindy and almost unfair at places.

3. I don't really have one.

4. Of the ones i've played probably awakening because overhype.

5. Person who starts as a myrmidon: Ronku or Navarre. Person who is in the myrmidon class line, stefan

Favorite music genres?

Favorite music artists?

Favorite songs?

first and current impressions, if any

Rock, Grunge, I guess some pop.

Nirvana, Muse, Queen, Daft Punk but I don't have any of their albums, Pink Floyd

Heart Shaped Box, Bohemian Rhapsody, The True Mirror (guitar version), You will know our names, that one midboss song from EO4, probably the Naraku Battle theme From SMTIV, the standard battle theme for the Ancestral Steppe from MH4U, the SNAKE EATER theme, Brain Damage

you seemed like a meme originally but you're pretty okay i guess. 9/10

Edited by Komeiji Koishi
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1) Are you looking forward to being interviewed?

2) Can you hear the people sing, singing the songs of angry men?

3) What do you think of Xenoblade Chronicles?

4) Are you superstitious?

5) How much could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

6) Do you prefer serious or crazy questions?

7) Favourite colour?

8) Are there any countries do you want to visit?

9) What is your favourite FE Lord (excluding the Avatars, for obvious reasons)?

10) Least favourite video game?

Edit: Corrected. I will move question 11 to my next post.

Edited by Fantasia
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11) Favourite film?

12) Favourite Operation Rainfall game? (I.e. Xenoblade vs Last Story vs Pandora's Tower)

13) What is your opinion on the Zero Escape series?

14) Have you read Harry Potter?

15) If yes, who is your favourite character?

16) Have you read the Hunger Games?

17) Have you read any books by Darren Shan?

Edited by Fantasia
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1. First and current impression of me?

2. Hardest game you have played?

3. If you had spell cards, what would they be?

4. If you had a catchphrase, what would it be?

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1. Obligatory: first/current impressions?

2. Ever walked out of a movie?

3. Favorite Star Wars film?

4. Opinion on FE3?

5. Ever played Metal Slug?

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You can't blame me for mafia.


as for questions, I don't really know anything to ask about


how are you doing?

would you try out a mafia game on sf?

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indeedas for questions, I don't really know anything to ask abouthmmm,how are you doing?would you try out a mafia game on sf?

Blitz you're so mean you never asked me anything!

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