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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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But Pizzas taste so much better with bacon on...

I'm sorry, I thought this was the VincentASM interview.

jk I'm not that much of a dick

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I'm sorry, I thought this was the VincentASM interview.

jk I'm not that much of a dick


But you should add a question mark at the end of your sentences.

Edited by Naughx
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But you should add a question mark at the end of your sentences.

this keyboard doesn't let me-- it's broken

I can't type colons and semicolons either and I don't wanna copy and past them all the time

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omg you skipped several games!!

ilu for ToS.

31. What kind of girls do you like?

32. Why don't you learn to cook?

33. Why are you so detached from the world?

34. What's your favorite childhood memories?

35. What do you think of Shigeru Miyamoto?

*thank Jenni for these questions.

Kind ones.

Everyone else is occupying the kitchen? ^^;;;

Well, it's better than being too clingy, right? At least until my plan to attain immortality reaches fruition.

Playing Lego with my cousin and exploring the local woods.

Creative genius.

Favorite VGM/OST from each of these games?

I can't remember that much XD

Skull Dungeon

First level

Overworld world map

Saturos and Mernadi's first battle

Stone Tower Temple

Like a glint of light

Gaur Plain

Blue Radiance

Id ~ Hope

Mystic Core

what are your opinions on shrimp crackers

what are your opinions on putting bacon in pasta

Tasty, but unhealthy.

It works (and I've tried it, more or less).

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At least until my plan to attain immortality reaches fruition.


36. Do you still play with LEGO?

37. What do you think of waifus?

38. What's your favorite snack?

39. What are your fears?

40. What are some of your goals in life?

41. Why are you a lone wolf?

42. What consoles and handhelds do you have?

43. Why do you like Reyson too?

44. impressions of FE4 thread members?

45. What do you think of TExJenni?

(oh god I still have 60 55 more to go.)

Edited by Aqua
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Since you use female avatars a lot, what particular physical traits do you like in females? (Eg: long straight hair, youthful face, puffy cheeks, shy looking eyes. Also, do you have any preference in hair or eye colour? And, uh, let's keep the descriptions G-Rated)

What are your favourite action based games with little to no RPG elements? (Eg: 2D and 3D Mario, Contra, Gradius, etc.)

How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

How would real life friends and family describe you, personality-wise?

If there's one aspect you think the SF community could improve in, what would it be? (Eg: tactfulness, cutting down on lewdness, being more kind)

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1.Cats or Corgis?

2. What do you look for when listening to music?

3. Favorite FE soundtrack?

4. Favorite quote?

5. Ideal vacation spot?

6. Do you think the FE series should revamp their gameplay? or keep it the same?

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Do you look forward to playing Sen 1/2 or did you give up on them?

Your rebellious little sister doesn't care about SC anymore. What's your opinion about that, and what do you intend to do in order to try and fix this situation?

At this rate, I won't make 100. ;w;

git gud
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36. Do you still play with LEGO?

37. What do you think of waifus?

38. What's your favorite snack?

39. What are your fears?

40. What are some of your goals in life?

41. Why are you a lone wolf?

42. What consoles and handhelds do you have?

43. Why do you like Reyson too?

44. impressions of FE4 thread members?

45. What do you think of TExJenni?

(oh god I still have 60 55 more to go.)

No, but I have a collection in my TV cupboard.

Each to their own : P

Cupcakes with icing.

It's a secret I can't reveal my weaknesses to the enemy XD

Get married, have a mage girl daughter.

It's easier to move around.

N64, GameCube, Wii, PS2, GB, GBC, GBA, DS, 3DS

He's a cool guy that doesn't take any flak, despite being a harmless heron

I wonder what would happen if the FE4 Thread "accidentally" went missing?


Do you think Shirley has the fortitude to ask all 100 questions?

Dunno. She's halfway there, so it's make or break time.

Since you use female avatars a lot, what particular physical traits do you like in females? (Eg: long straight hair, youthful face, puffy cheeks, shy looking eyes. Also, do you have any preference in hair or eye colour? And, uh, let's keep the descriptions G-Rated)

What are your favourite action based games with little to no RPG elements? (Eg: 2D and 3D Mario, Contra, Gradius, etc.)

How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

How would real life friends and family describe you, personality-wise?

If there's one aspect you think the SF community could improve in, what would it be? (Eg: tactfulness, cutting down on lewdness, being more kind)

I'm fond of long blonde hair and hazel eyes. I like long black hair too ^^

Little to no RPG elements, huh? I guess 3D platformers.

The shy guy in the corner who wants to help with something, but doesn't know what.

That smart kid who doesn't say much.

Less aggressive posts would be nice ^^

1.Cats or Corgis?

2. What do you look for when listening to music?

3. Favorite FE soundtrack?

4. Favorite quote?

5. Ideal vacation spot?

6. Do you think the FE series should revamp their gameplay? or keep it the same?

I haven't met any corgis, so cats.

Pleasing to listen to.

Genealogy of the Holy War.


Tropical island.

The same but improved, otherwise it wouldn't really be FE.

1. How do you feel, being fated to know all spoilers from an FE game before it comes out for Europe because you run the mainsite?

It has its upsides and downsides. Of course, I'm not really going to be very surprised when I play the games, but ever since Genealogy, there hasn't been much worthwhile to be surprised about XD

On the plus side, knowing most of the game in advance is great for planning my playthrough and ensuring I avoid most novice mistakes.

If it was the Kiseki series, that's a completely different story. I'd love to run a Kiseki site (theoretically, if I had the time/effort), but I couldn't because it would completely ruin the experience : /

Oops, I somehow killed your quote pyramid.



If it's non-alcoholic

987 654321

I'll just chill here, thanks

Do you look forward to playing Sen 1/2 or did you give up on them?

Your rebellious little sister doesn't care about SC anymore. What's your opinion about that, and what do you intend to do in order to try and fix this situation?

Totally : D

Nah, I'm waiting for the right opportunity to purchase a PS3.

Saddening, but I'm sure we can bring her back to the light. Having SC in English on the PSP would help a lot, I think.

How does it feel to be the Final Boss of Serenes Forest?

Mwahaha, you'll be grinding forever before you can beat me.

What non-FE game are you most excited for?

Xenoblade Chronicles X

What is your favorite animal?

what is your fave clothing accessory? (necklaces', scarves, rings stuff like that)


Gloves? They help keep my fingers warm : o

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46. What are your opinions on America?

47. What do you typically wear?

48. What's your favorite non-asian food?

49. What's your favorite car model?

50. Do you drive or take public transportation usually?

51. Thoughts on my soul-giving name changes?

52. Why would you or anyone make the FE4 thread disappear?!

53. How long have you been wearing glasses for?

54. How tall are you?

55. Opinions on fersona ("smt x fe")?

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