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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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96. Favorite fictional alien species?

97. Favorite fictional fantasy race?

98. Would you rather be an elf or a dwarf?

99. Least disliked rock/metal song?

100. Have I asked enough questions?

96. I dunno lol

97. Kokiri

98. Elf

99. Mermaid of the Uncharted Land

100. you decide

4.) You should totally play the GC games they were great

5.) Have you played any of the Mario/Luigi games and if so which one is the best (and why is it Partners in Time)

6.) What is a good memory you had from playing a not-2hu video game

7.) Why is your opinion of me wrong

4. don't feel like looking

5. Partners in Time was best because piggy back system was fun

6. I was so ridiculously proud of my first FE10 clear

7. because it isn't

Card game that plays like UNO, apparently it's officially (and more commonly) called Switch.

89. Thoughts on it?

89. dunno
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56. Drawing and gaming, done both recently. I dunno why I'd need an explanation as to why I'd do things I like

Oh, I had another question in mind when I asked that, pardon that blunder. "If not, why not?" Is what that was supposed to say.

I will probably ask more later on, but until then

*effusive gushing, etc.*

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90. Is there a reason you're siding with Hoshido?

91. Are mages your favourite Fire Emblem class?

92. Do you plan on playing the non-FE14 Fire Emblems you haven't beaten yet?

93. What's the hardest game you've played?

94. How do you feel about presentations?

95. What's your least favourite Fire Emblem class?

96. Favourite Zelda game?

97. Favourite Zelda item?

98. Favourite school subject?

99. Opinion of actual bugs?

100. Do you prefer asking questions or answering them?

101. Despite me only being here for like a cycle of Majora's Mask, do you have any initial impressions of me?

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90. Is there a reason you're siding with Hoshido?

91. Are mages your favourite Fire Emblem class?

92. Do you plan on playing the non-FE14 Fire Emblems you haven't beaten yet?

93. What's the hardest game you've played?

94. How do you feel about presentations?

95. What's your least favourite Fire Emblem class?

96. Favourite Zelda game?

97. Favourite Zelda item?

98. Favourite school subject?

99. Opinion of actual bugs?

100. Do you prefer asking questions or answering them?

101. Despite me only being here for like a cycle of Majora's Mask, do you have any initial impressions of me?

90. Apparently Nohr's writing is crap, but I'm more excited for invisible kingdom than either Nohr or Hoshido.

91. YES

92. Eventually.

93. Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object

94. I don't like giving them

95. Fighters

96. The Wind Waker

97. The Wind Waker Boomerang and A Link Between Worlds Nice Ice Rod.

98. Mathematics

99. I love them!

100. I am ambivalent about both.

101. You asked me what Touhou is so you're kinda interested in trying it which is good.

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Where were y'all at during my interview?

Obligatory first/last - blah, you know the drill

Impression of yourself?

How well would you say your zodiac matches you?

Which zodiac trait do you admire most?

When'd ya start writing fanfics?

Given that quote in your sig, how courageous would you consider yourself?

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Where were y'all at during my interview?

Obligatory first/last - blah, you know the drill

Impression of yourself?

How well would you say your zodiac matches you?

Which zodiac trait do you admire most?

When'd ya start writing fanfics?

Given that quote in your sig, how courageous would you consider yourself?

Don't really pay much attention to this thread

First: Seems like a calm guy. Now: You're nice, and calm and collected. You're a good friend to turn to when things are rough

I'm a lazy butt, but I try to be nice and helpful to everyone. Sometimes it doesn't work out, but oh well.

I dunno.

I dunno

7th grade? Maybe I was younger... yeah, I was younger, but 7th grade was when I started writing them down.

I used to be deathly afraid of a lot of things. Snakes, spiders, the lot. I'm not scared of them anymore, in fact I admire their beauty. So a bit?

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If you could breath underwater and tolerate extreme pressure changes, how deep would you go? (Plus having fins and swimming really fast)

Edited by Naughx
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If you could breath underwater and tolerate extreme pressure changes, how deep would you go? (Plus having fins and swimming really fast)

Just to a coral reef, since that's the pretty part.

Do you like hurting other people?

Who is leaving messages on your answering machine?

Where are you right now?

Why are we having this conversation?


no one atm

my house

no idea

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Do any of those questions strike you as odd?

Is it... just a movie?

When do you think you will lose something?

What will you do when you wake up in a bigger house?

A bit


Some point

Panic and think I got kidnapped.

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61. Why be vague?

62. Cake or pie?

63. If you could create a National Pastime, what would it be? Something specific.

64. East or west?

65. If you set out to fail, but succeeded instead, did you fail or succeed?

66. When was the last time your morality was questioned? (Alternatively; questioned your own morality)

67. Do you ask enough questions or are you satisfied with your current knowledge?

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61. Why be vague?

62. Cake or pie?

63. If you could create a National Pastime, what would it be? Something specific.

64. East or west?

65. If you set out to fail, but succeeded instead, did you fail or succeed?

66. When was the last time your morality was questioned? (Alternatively; questioned your own morality)

67. Do you ask enough questions or are you satisfied with your current knowledge?

61. I want to be :D

62. Cake!

63. Playing Touhou!

64. East

65. Why would I set out to fail in the first place? Succeed.

66. Yesterday

67. I like learning things

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Well, trying to be vague and actually being vague are two entirely different things.

I find that the harder a person tries to be vague, the more obvious they become.

65. Why would I set out to fail in the first place? Succeed.

I note you failed to understand the meaning of that question. Stupendous.

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