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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Not sure what you mean by the good old days, but overall there are some parts I missed and some parts I don't haaaa

You know that's a very good question ask me 10 years later and see if I ever done it AHAHA

That answer satisfies me

Well, I know never to send anything to you ever again!

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are you a kitten or a cone girl

what's your opinion about your cousin's non-thing with tontão

what do you think of elieson's sneaky move

pick two questions of your choice out of elieson's pile and answer them (random.org/d20 use encouraged)

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At the risk of being nosy, is Kinumi your legal/blood cousin, or is that a relationship you've assigned to yourselves since meeting on SF?


2. Do you like rainbows?

3. What about moonbows?

4. And just bows?

5. Let's not forget bow ties!

OK OK so also, do you have a favorite deathblow?

Edited by Severlan
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Long post is long!

1. First and current impressions of me?
2. What factors contributed to your shyness?
3. What, if anything, inspired you to draw?
4. Who is your favourite living artist?
5. How do you feel about having children?

1. First: "I wonder how I can talk to someone like him -- seems different compared to the rest" If I remember correctly, when I first met you, you joined a drawing stream I was doing. I can't remember much about it but we had some nice conversations here and there. (something about an apple tree?)

Current: "He's a pretty cool guy to hang out with and play!" We've talked a bit more now thanks to Elsword and it's been a nice time. There's been a lot of moments that made me laugh when you joined the party with Nightmare and I \o /

2. When I was growing up, I often got teased and bullied in school for things like my name. It got to a certain point where I closed off from people and didn't ever want to socialize really. By the time I got to middle/high school, I got really reluctant to talk to people for the longest time. It's not as much of a problem like it used to, but it still happens from time to time!

3. There's a lot of things that inspired me to draw when growing up. I can't remember /all/ of them but I know my uncle was probably someone I looked up to. Same goes for Kinumi and a common friend of ours. I used to suck at drawing quite frankly and they made me inspired to improve up to this point! Other things that inspired me would probably be the pokemon and digimon series.

4. My favorite one..oh god that's a tricky one. The one who started it all and is still my favorite artist would have to be huke! He's known for his character Black Rock Shooter and is the main artist for the Steins Gate series.

5. Children huh..I never really thought about it. I wouldn't mind having a couple, as long I know that I can let them grow in a loving and happy environment throughout their entire life.

how do you feel of your cousins attempts to try to rally you for the past three weeks?

first and current impressions of me the impressions questions?

It's honestly astounding how many times she tried to do it! I felt bad for Kim when it didn't work out in her favor at times, but she tried her best haha

First Impression: "holy shit this guy is so extroverted how am I suppose to talk to an extrovert oh god"

Current Impression: "eyyy I can talk to this guy more than I thought!" Overall I think you're a fantastic dude and think your pride for 'murica is fantastic B)

Why do you put up with me, despite all the weirdness that comes from knowing and putting up with me?

How does it feel to know that Lexi loves talking to you on Skype more than probably anyone else? Sry everying, it's because she's a girl, which cuts out like 85% of ya'll, and because her name's Kitty, which was kind of the deciding factor for picking a favorite early on?

Do you have a fourth in mind for our near-future endeavor?

Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?

Why havent you watched Markiplier's FNAF2 yet?

Holy shit you posted so many questions wai BUT ANYWAYS

1. You know that's actually a really good question idk why I still do after all the times I wanted to hit you in the face : D

2. Your daughter is literally the cutest person I ever met soooo I don't mind it at all! It's a bit weird at times since I don't know what to say and I feel like I have different voices to when I talk little kids sooooo yeah

3. A FOURTH..yeah I have no clue who will be that person.

4. I hate both types of weather but if I would have to choose, I prefer cold weather cause that's when snow comes around and making snowmen are fun. that and potential school days are endless!

5. I haven't watched it since I want to beat the game myself first but it's proven to be quite difficult >:

are you a kitten or a cone girl
what's your opinion about your cousin's non-thing with tontão
what do you think of elieson's sneaky move
pick two questions of your choice out of elieson's pile and answer them (random.org/d20 use encouraged)

1. According to random.org, it said I was a kitten girl so I am going with that!

2. It was pretty funny seeing it all happen and such, that being the first few months I joined SF. That and it made good sketching practice when I drew them a lot.

3. I have no idea what to think about what elie did since that is way more than I expected him to think of and that is very time consuming to answer crai

4. Random.org chose:

What's your plan for our inevitable fight to the naptime that'll happen in 2 months? WELL CLEARLY I'll just yolo it and beat you up so I can brag to all of SF on how a little girl beat a grown man in a fight

Do you like calling Makaze Bakamaka? It is fun calling him that but I probably should refrain saying it if Makaze doesn't like being called that haaa

1. What are your thoughts on becoming an overlord?

2. Do you like rainbows?

3. What about moonbows?

4. And just bows?

5. Let's not forget bow ties!

1. If that was actually a thing, my five year old self would be so proud of me. Sadly that is not the case J: But if I were one that would be pretty fantastic

2. Well if the bakery is going to have a lot of rainbow themed sweets, I mean I obviously should!

3. I have never seen a moonbow but google images makes them really really pretty so YES

4. Mixed feelings for bows! It's a nice decoration and accessory but sometimes they are annoying.

5. Bowties are literally the greatest thing I wish I had more of them to look spiffy

At the risk of being nosy, is Kinumi your legal/blood cousin, or is that a relationship you've assigned to yourselves since meeting on SF?


OK OK so also, do you have a favorite deathblow?

We are actual cousins in real life! In fact we live pretty near each other and go to the same school o/

I don't know if I do, but a cool one I like is the deathblows done in the Psycho-Pass series where their dominator (a gun) are set to destroy decomposer and the person they shoot at explodes of sort. A bit gruesome but it's an interesting concept!

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I don't know if I do, but a cool one I like is the deathblows done in the Psycho-Pass series where their dominator (a gun) are set to destroy decomposer and the person they shoot at explodes of sort. A bit gruesome but it's an interesting concept!

I looked that up. Saw some guy kill a kind of wolf robot thing. Pretty damn cool.
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1. since everyone else is asking it: what was/is your first/current impression of me?

2. which of the assassin kitties is your favourite? and why is it the blue one?

3. do you have a favourite of the videro grames?

4. If you could travel to somewhere abroad, where would you go?

Edited by #RR shinpichu
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We are actual cousins in real life! In fact we live pretty near each other and go to the same school o/

I don't know if I do, but a cool one I like is the deathblows done in the Psycho-Pass series where their dominator (a gun) are set to destroy decomposer and the person they shoot at explodes of sort. A bit gruesome but it's an interesting concept!

Nitkpick incoming: Destroy Decomposer allows them to disintegrate obstacle or non-organic things. You're probably thinking of Lethal Eliminator.

As for the questions,

I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and ask: What was your first and current impression of me?

What is your favorite manga or anime? (or you can tell your favorite for both if you so wish)

What is your favorite musical artist and what is your favorite song by said artist?

What made you want to become a journalist?

What inspired you to start writing stories?

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-whistles innocently-

I looked that up. Saw some guy kill a kind of wolf robot thing. Pretty damn cool.

yeah it is! I can't remember the other functions as well, but it does make humans explode too iirc

1. since everyone else is asking it: what was/is your first/current impression of me?

2. which of the assassin kitties is your favourite? and why is it the blue one?

3. do you have a favourite of the videro grames?

4. If you could travel to somewhere abroad, where would you go?

1. First: "This guy is all about commies and 'MURICA FANTASTIC" that and you always gave me laughs when you showed things related to america /w/

Current: I am pretty sure it's still the same! But one note I might have to add is that your voice is pretty lovely I must say

2. what I have to choose /one/!? all of them are too cute pls

3. A favorite video game..well it would have to be 999 or Virtue's Last Reward atm! It's a story I'll never forget and its puzzles just made it even more interesting to go forward and get all the paths/endings.

4. There are a lot of places I really want to go to but if I could only choose a couple..hm. South Korea, Japan, France and England probably!

1.) What was the weirdest thing you remember from when you first joined SF?

2.) What is the weirdest thing you remember from recently on SF?

1. Tbh the weirdest thing for me was meeting so many people at once since I was never used to that

2. The weirdest thing actually happened yesterday! I was in a call and we were voicing characters from Parasite Eve as someone was playing it. Some of the voices were really weird but quite enjoyable.

Nitkpick incoming: Destroy Decomposer allows them to disintegrate obstacle or non-organic things. You're probably thinking of Lethal Eliminator.

As for the questions,

I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and ask: What was your first and current impression of me?

What is your favorite manga or anime? (or you can tell your favorite for both if you so wish)

What is your favorite musical artist and what is your favorite song by said artist?

What made you want to become a journalist?

What inspired you to start writing stories?

You know Lux why don't you shush it I forget okay ;__;

1. My favorite manga would have to be Hirunaka no Ryuusei while my favorite anime would probably be Tegami Bachi

2. There's a lot of them so I can't really pinpoint a favorite! The first one I really liked though would have to be neko! As for songs..hm. Most likely Black★Rock Shooter if anything.

3. This started out when I was indecisive of what high school I wanted to go into. There was a school showcase I want to and I went to a booth featuring the Journalism & Communications (J&C) department at the said high school. While most eighth graders only talked to the booth people for maybe 15 mins, I ended up talking to all of the J&C teachers and students for 3 hrs! I learned so much from them and with their experiences I was inspired to go into the field.

4. What inspired me to write stories..I don't remember that actually! I just got told so many times I should write novels as I grew up due to my storytelling it just became a thing. If there was an inspiration though, it would probably be all the novels I read up to this point maybe

Favorite movie?

Which of your drawings/art works is your personal favorite?

What do you think of dogs?

1. There is wayyyyy too many movies I like but if we can go with the most current one, it would have to be Big Hero 6!

2. My personal favorite would have to be 'Circle of Friends', where I drew a lot of HHH members in a circle. It took the most time and effort but I really like the end result. Way better than I thought it would've been haha

3. I have a fear towards dogs due to childhood experiences of being chased by them all the time so I can't say much about it! They are really cute but I have a hard time adjusting to them.

What is your favorite food?

Favorite animal?

What do you like doing in your free time?

1. The first thing that popped into my mind was bun bo hue! It's a dish I grew up with and I still love eating it up to this point.

2. Hmm probably cats!

3. In my free time I either read, draw or occasionally go outside to stargaze but that's been difficult lately so mostly the first two things o/

What are you afraid of?

Favorite thing to draw?

If you were a magical girl, what powers would you have?

What do you think is the most annoying sound in the world?

1. There's a couple but I can't remember all of them. The most notable ones are thunder, dogs and heights.

2. Friends really! Not sure why but it's something I like to do.

3. If I was a magical girl..hm. Something involving the power of music or art might fit me best.

4. The most annoying sound to me at least is velcro. Hearing it every time is just really cringe worthy but I'm not sure why it happens!

Edited by Koneko
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limit lift pls

6. Would your greatest fear be raijuu then?

Lifting limit!

6. Since it somehow incorporates three of my top fears, yeah probably I would be scared to death about it J:

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You know Lux why don't you shush it I forget okay ;__;

1. My favorite manga would have to be Hirunaka no Ryuusei while my favorite anime would probably be Tegami Bachi

2. There's a lot of them so I can't really pinpoint a favorite! The first one I really liked though would have to be neko! As for songs..hm. Most likely Black★Rock Shooter if anything.

3. This started out when I was indecisive of what high school I wanted to go into. There was a school showcase I want to and I went to a booth featuring the Journalism & Communications (J&C) department at the said high school. While most eighth graders only talked to the booth people for maybe 15 mins, I ended up talking to all of the J&C teachers and students for 3 hrs! I learned so much from them and with their experiences I was inspired to go into the field.

4. What inspired me to write stories..I don't remember that actually! I just got told so many times I should write novels as I grew up due to my storytelling it just became a thing. If there was an inspiration though, it would probably be all the novels I read up to this point maybe

Sorry, it's a bad habit. I blame it on listening to Psycho-Pass lately and having a good memories for little details like that.

Did you purposefully ignore my first question to spite me after my nitpicking? you answered to 2., 3., 4., 5.

6. Why do you like the word 'suspicious'?

7. Who is your favorite character in 999? in Virtue's Last Reward?

8. What is the best character in Elsword?

Lifting limit!

6. Since it somehow incorporates three of my top fears, yeah probably I would be scared to death about it J:

So Hak scares you?

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what made you decide on drawing the dudes back in HHH?

First Impression: "holy shit this guy is so extroverted how am I suppose to talk to an extrovert oh god"

Current Impression: "eyyy I can talk to this guy more than I thought!" Overall I think you're a fantastic dude and think your pride for 'murica is fantastic B)

i meant you thoughts on how annoying the impressions question is but ok .w.

Wants to do the best for her beloved cousin i guess


an extrovert?

you're too kind ;u;

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Sorry, it's a bad habit. I blame it on listening to Psycho-Pass lately and having a good memories for little details like that.

Did you purposefully ignore my first question to spite me after my nitpicking? you answered to 2., 3., 4., 5.

6. Why do you like the word 'suspicious'?

7. Who is your favorite character in 999? in Virtue's Last Reward?

8. What is the best character in Elsword?

So Hak scares you?

omaigod I am so sorry I didn't notice the first question I SWEAR

1. First impression of you was pretty simple! "Oh cool a new member joins HHH and he seems pretty cool from what I seen"

Now it's more like "Wow this guy is too cool and I can get along and talk with pretty easily! Common interests too what a great person"

6. Whenever someone would ask me what I was drawing I would say "suspicious" or "suspicious activity" and it just kind of stuck! That and a lot of people associate that with me so it's funny at times haaa-

7. In 999, it'll have to be Santa definitely! He's the reason I mostly started playing the game after it was suggested by Soledai and Balcerzak. As for Virtue's Last Reward, it would probably have to be Luna. She's such a sweet person and then things in the game made me really sad ;___;

8. idk who tbh! For me it might be a tie between Eve and Ara.

Yes if Hak happened to be a real life thing I would be afraid of him

So I guess do the

3.) current/first impressions blah blah :)

3. First: I don't remember when I talked to you a lot but I'm pretty sure it started back in June! "Oh cool, he's easier to get along with than I first expected!" or something of the sort.

Current: I haven't talked to you as much as I used to but you're still a pretty good guy \o /

what made you decide on drawing the dudes back in HHH?

i meant you thoughts on how annoying the impressions question is but ok .w.

Wants to do the best for her beloved cousin i guess


an extrovert?

you're too kind ;u;

3. What made me decide to draw them huh..I think it was just on a whim saying 'I WONDER HOW MANY PEOPLE I CAN FIT ONTO THIS CANVAS' and that became a thing!

Ooooops I did not know that sorry friend. But I don't mind the impressions question really! I wish I could say more for some people but I haven't talked to much people to get wholehearted impression ;__;

But yeah you are friend! Be proud of the extrovertedness

I didn't think I would ask the the first/current impressions question, but looking at this giant bandwagon here, I figure I might as well.

Just pretend that I phrased that as a question.

First: tbqh I wasn't sure how to act around you since at times you seemed so serious and such and my mind went 'uh how do I talk to this guy oh god'. Might've been my mind tricking me!

Current: Knowing you a bit more, you seem to be a good guy overall! I wish I had more to say but I don't know what else I could say without it being repetitive OTL

what made you join yearbook

It included all three things I really like to do really!

All of the publications at school had something I liked about it, but when putting all the positives for each one, yearbook had the most in comparison to the rest. There's also the editorial board which all of them inspired me while I was a clubber for them last year yeee

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First: tbqh I wasn't sure how to act around you since at times you seemed so serious and such and my mind went 'uh how do I talk to this guy oh god'. Might've been my mind tricking me!

Current: Knowing you a bit more, you seem to be a good guy overall! I wish I had more to say but I don't know what else I could say without it being repetitive OTL

Haha oh wow

That's rather amusing to think about (no offense)


Have you gotten around to playing the other Ace Attorney games yet?

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