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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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1. You mentioned not living the life you think you should, along with not knowing how to live it. With all thay considered, have you, or do you know any options that you could possibly explore? I'd like to think you're not too old to try

2. Do you consider yourself an old man?

3. What's your impression on SF as a community?

4. What knowledge/wisdom would you pass to younger gens, if given the chance?

5.How amusing (for lack of a better word) was The King's Catalogue of Purgatory (Assuming you actually read it)?

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I love cookies and cream but I had a chocolate chip cookie dough Blizzard and that's gotta be my favourite ever so far (even chocolate chip cookie dough poptarts~! even chocolate chip cookie dough cookies~!)

i think you should opt back in flareohr

1. You mentioned not living the life you think you should, along with not knowing how to live it. With all thay considered, have you, or do you know any options that you could possibly explore? I'd like to think you're not too old to try

2. Do you consider yourself an old man?

3. What's your impression on SF as a community?

4. What knowledge/wisdom would you pass to younger gens, if given the chance?

5.How amusing (for lack of a better word) was The King's Catalogue of Purgatory (Assuming you actually read it)?

1. so many options it's paralysing

story of my life

2. not really, just "too old for this" if you get what i mean

3. well, let's just say i stay inside the fe4thread for a reason

4. all of it, if given the chance

lost knowledge is sad concept

5. tbh i'm not sure what you're talking about

What's one thing that will always keep your spirits up?

i have no such a thing anymore
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>13. wait what

oh Interest already asked you. change to past tense. "were you looking forward to Interest's questions?"

3. there was this time when i actually won a hundred free big macs

junk food or not, global gladiators was definitely money well spent


Tell me all the details. how did you win them. who ate all the big macs.

I love cookies and cream but I had a chocolate chip cookie dough Blizzard and that's gotta be my favourite ever so far (even chocolate chip cookie dough poptarts~! even chocolate chip cookie dough cookies~!)

I loooove choc chip cookie dough with a scoop of ice cream~

16. Did you learn things from your homeworks?

17. What would you do if someone gave you a cell phone as a present?

Hmm I think The King is talking about his Purgatory logs.

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How did you get into video games?

my parents bought me an atari, and then a master system

i didn't ask for them

>13. wait what

oh Interest already asked you. change to past tense. "were you looking forward to Interest's questions?"


Tell me all the details. how did you win them. who ate all the big macs.

I loooove choc chip cookie dough with a scoop of ice cream~

16. Did you learn things from your homeworks?

17. What would you do if someone gave you a cell phone as a present?

Hmm I think The King is talking about his Purgatory logs.

a. not particularly tbh

b. i bought a game (global gladiators for sms), sent the promotion form, won

i had to call friends and family to eat them

most times, the mcdonald's workers looked funnily at the tickets, i only remember one who actually knew what they were about

If you could choose a successor to your title of old man of SF, who would it be?

that seat is still open

but if hhh really becomes the fe4thread's successor, soledai could become a new old man

who knows

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>13. wait what

oh Interest already asked you. change to past tense. "were you looking forward to Interest's questions?"

I did?

*checks if I tried to ask any questions due to being smashed every night*

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What inspired your username/s? Specifically TheEnd and OldMan. I'm getting MGS3 The End vibes, but I'm probably wrong.

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I hope you don't mind me asking these.

1. Cats or Corgis?

2. My friend wants to work in Japan, how many years of studying would it take minimum? (I want to give him a better answer)

3. Your ideal vacation place?

4. What aspects do you look for when listening to music? (Rhythm? Context?)

5. Your favorite quote?

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I did?

*checks if I tried to ask any questions due to being smashed every night*

just ask 'em

What inspired your username/s? Specifically TheEnd and OldMan. I'm getting MGS3 The End vibes, but I'm probably wrong.

i've never played mgs, theend is a pun on fin(n) from fe4

oldman is just me saying i'm too old to be in a forum about japanese vydia in other words, manchild

I hope you don't mind me asking these.

1. Cats or Corgis?

2. My friend wants to work in Japan, how many years of studying would it take minimum? (I want to give him a better answer)

3. Your ideal vacation place?

4. What aspects do you look for when listening to music? (Rhythm? Context?)

5. Your favorite quote?

i don't mind

1. why not geckos cats

2. a hard question for me to answer, since i've never been in japan and working in japan never appealed to me at all

i'd suggest studying a bit to grasp the grammar, then staying a few months/couple years in japan (studying)

i've seen people grow immensely with that method

3. my home

4. i'd say context is the biggest thing

songs have this odd power of triggering memories associated with them (of course, that also makes me stop listening to otherwise good songs altogether, so it goes both ways)

5. so many of them, i'll just say the first one to come to my mind

能ある鷹は爪を隠す (an astute falcon hides its claws)

it's also easily misunderstood, too

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When did you start getting interested in LEGO?

technically, ever since when i was a child (can't remember when i got my first sets) - it was my favorite toy until d&d and computers became a thing

then i decided to go back to it in 2014, after ~20 years, because of reasons (they aren't secret or anything, but you asked when)

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because i figured it would bore you - oh you

well, i never stopped liking building things - which was what led me to build a pc as soon as i got disposable income, and then terraria later

but i guess i could say there were two reasons that took me back to actual lego

1. one day, circumstances forced me to try and describe myself through a banner made from magazine cutouts i'm so glad i have a different boss now

i found lego in one of those magazines, and that somehow made me google stuff... and discover that an official lego store had just opened in my city

it seriously felt like fate

2. i actually considered lego ever since i got this job, but it took too much room so i settled with computer parts

then i noticed that:

a. my pc was already pretty much the way i wanted it to be, and further upgrades wouldn't be worth the money (why buy a new video card when i mostly play retro games?)

b. i can occupy space previously used by my mother by using lego... with absolute impunity (me being me, i gleefully told her of my master plan and laughed)

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What is it about Legos that you love so much?

What is it with the SF community outside FE4 Thread you find toxic?

i like building things, but my hand-eye coordination is terrible and i'd probably lose fingers if i were to use sharp cutting tools

not toxic, just generally dumb

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Is it b/c people like Ana?

If so, I completely understand

i wouldn't say so because i don't pay attention to her

i know kon and rey butt/ed heads with her a lot, but i don't think their behavior in the regard is reasonable either so idk

okay, i'll elaborate a bit on the issue: visiting the other boards simply isn't necessary anymore

there was a time when forums (fess first and foremost) were the primary source of knowledge on fe, there was no decent website with all the info

so it was worthwhile to go and ask people about strategies, details, story... well, discuss things in general

but since vincentasm compiled most of the relevant info in series, that need was greatly lessened, and thus discussions were dominated by ltc, efficiency, e-peen contests and stuff i simply don't care about

fe4thread banzai, etc.

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favourite line/series of legos?

favourite lego set you've ever built?

first/current impressions of me?

will you accept Radd as your lord and saviour?

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