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How Many Chapters of Fire Emblem Would You Be Willing To Play


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I like FE7 most, but for some reason I don't like FE10 very much even though they're about the same length.

I think it's the paralogues that make things interesting to me. I like FE7's ~30 chapters plus ~10 paralogues, and I also like FE6's 25 chapters plus 6 paralogues.

I do not like FE11, though, despite its structural similarity to FE6, because FE11's paralogue requirements are outright insane.

As for how many chapters I'd be willing to play... I guess 45 is my absolute maximum. I don't think I would have liked FE7 as much if it were any longer.

Edited by Paper Jam
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the paralogues

*gaiden chapters

Anyways, I would say having something inbetween the number of chapters from Thracia or FE6 and FE7. Somewhere around 30? 30 seems like a nice number, yeah.

Though the chapters should at least be different, rather than having all of them have the same goal, like in FE6. Nothing else I have to say, I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been pondering this question for the past several days... On one hand, I feel like I have less tolerance for FE games that run on for a ton of chapters (had to slog through Radiant Dawn), but on the other hand, I absolutely love the ~42-chapter length of the GBA Super Robot Taisen games and FE7's length felt a little short for me.

So, for me, an ideal length for a single campaign might be 37-40 chapters? (With meaningful route splits for replayability.)

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I've been pondering this question for the past several days... On one hand, I feel like I have less tolerance for FE games that run on for a ton of chapters (had to slog through Radiant Dawn), but on the other hand, I absolutely love the ~42-chapter length of the GBA Super Robot Taisen games and FE7's length felt a little short for me.

So, for me, an ideal length for a single campaign might be 37-40 chapters? (With meaningful route splits for replayability.)

FE7 was short? Didn't this thread say Hector mode (including Lyn mode) is as long as Radiant Dawn if you get all the side quests.

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FE7 was short? Didn't this thread say Hector mode (including Lyn mode) is as long as Radiant Dawn if you get all the side quests.

FE7 is undoubtedly second longest, even without sidequests it's 32-34 chapters, 21-23 for just Hector and Eliwood mode (+6 or 7 if you get all the sidequests in those modes by themselves.) FE6 at max sidequests is 32, at max Shadow Dragon is 34 if you're a genocidal maniac, 30 in any difficulty other than normal. Thracia is around 33 at max. FE12 is 41, including those awful prologue chapters (8) and the downloadable episodes (3). FE7 Hector Mode at max just reaches over that with 43, although 2 of those sidequests I would say are very difficult to obtain so maybe 41. Genealogy is the only one that might be longer, I doubt it, but it's hard to judge exactly how many chapters would fit in one Genealogy chapter.

EDIT: And Radiant Dawn is... 43. So I guess FE7 Hector Mode is the same. Though do to the length of many chapters in RD, I'd still say it's probably the longer game and you are unlikely to get all the FE7 side quests unless you're trying and know how to get them. (Train Nils to level 7 in Lyn mode and kill Kishuna in Hector mode WTF?) Gonna check Awakening...

EDIT 2: Awakening is 50, not counting Premonition, though with this I'd say you are VERY unlikely to complete all the sidequests before defeating Grima, vanilla is 27, 31 with non-children sidequests. Xenologues brings it up to 75.

EDIT 3: Someone please correct me if I added wrong.

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FE7 is undoubtedly second longest, even without sidequests it's 32-34 chapters, 21-23 for just Hector and Eliwood mode (+6 or 7 if you get all the sidequests in those modes by themselves.) FE6 at max sidequests is 32, at max Shadow Dragon is 34 if you're a genocidal maniac, 30 in any difficulty other than normal. Thracia is around 33 at max. FE12 is 41, including those awful prologue chapters (8) and the downloadable episodes (3). FE7 Hector Mode at max just reaches over that with 43, although 2 of those sidequests I would say are very difficult to obtain so maybe 41. Genealogy is the only one that might be longer, I doubt it, but it's hard to judge exactly how many chapters would fit in one Genealogy chapter.

Ooh. This makes me want to make a list.

Akaneia Saga: 3

FE2: 5 (total number of chapters. I have no idea number of maps)

FE4: 12 (of course, big maps)

FE8; 23 (per playthrough, 36 total)
FE3: 20 + 24 (so 44 in total making it the longest by that count)
FE1: 25? (I'm counting by the script and translations on this site, FE1 doesn't seem to have one)
FE9: 31

FE6: 32 (max per playthrough, 39 total)

FE5: 33 (per playthrough, 35 total)

FE11: 35 (at max)

FE12: 38 max (I'm going to count the DLC like I would trial maps)

FE7: 43 (max per playthrough, 46ish in total. I'm not sure how many of Eliwoods and Hector's overlap)

FE10: 43 (including the end game as five and raise the standard as two)

If my count is right and so is yours, then Radiant Dawn and FE7 are of equal length by chapter count. Wow Sacred stones has always felt like the shortest but looking at it up there, it really is lacking per playthrough count compared to the others.

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Ooh. This makes me want to make a list.

Akaneia Saga: 3

FE2: 5 (total number of chapters. I have no idea number of maps)

FE4: 10 (of course, big maps)

FE8; 23 (per playthrough, 36 total)
FE3: 20 + 24 (so 44 in total making it the longest by that count)
FE1: 25? (I'm counting by the script and translations on this site, FE1 doesn't seem to have one)
FE9: 31

FE6: 32 (max per playthrough, 39 total)

FE5: 33 (per playthrough, 35 total)

FE11: 35 (at max)

FE12: 38 max (I'm going to count the DLC like I would trial maps)

FE7: 43 max

FE10: 43 (including the end game as five and raise the standard as two)

If my count is right and so is yours, then Radiant Dawn and FE7 are of equal length by chapter count. Wow Sacred stones has always felt like the shortest but looking at it up there, it really is lacking per playthrough count compared to the others.

Wait. FE4 is twelve maps. Ten official chapters plus Prologue and Final.

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Wait. FE4 is twelve maps. Ten official chapters plus Prologue and Final.

Gah your right. I was just thinking Chapter 10. My mistake. I'll edit it right away. Still though, 10 or 12, it's relative chapter count compared to the other is still pretty big. In terms of actual content though I'd put it up there in the top 5.

Must have miscounted a bit in my post.

I've recounted FE7 and it seems your right with 43 possible chapters per playthrough too. Of course we have to be aware that chapter count isn't a solid indicator for chapter quality. FE7's number of 43 includes the shopping chapter and the two enemy Lyn prologue where you barely get to even control your one character.

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Hey, if all the chapters were enjoyable, I would play for a very, very long time. Of course, I do tend to value quality over quantity, but I definitely appreciate length. I don't want to pay 40$+ for an hour of gameplay, regardless of how great it is.

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the gaiden map on this site has 33 numbered locations (which all contain battles), plus some naimed locations, but only some of the named locations have battles, and some locations have multiple maps. There is also a one chapter long route split, plus several of those locations are sidequest only. As for game length, it would have to be really good to go over 50 or so, although it helps that Fire emblem games are modular enough to take month long breaks and come back without feeling lost.

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So if Hector Mode + Lyn Mode + all Gaiden Chapters have the same amount of chapters as RD, yet RD feels hella long, but HM+LM is relatively short... Both have great map creation (unlike a certain game *cough* Fire Emblem: Abomination *cough*).

So... good quantity, but still quality over quantity. Twenty-eight or slightly more chapters, perhaps?

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for a handheld fire emblem i'd say 30-35 ch including side quests is perfect length, and for a console fire emblem the number could really hypothetically be anything between 5-100 ch depending on how long you want the game to be (without padding) and how each map plays.

but most importantly id say all maps should have quality foremost in mind.

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FE7's actually THAT long? I guess I wouldn't know, given that I don't consider 19xx worth the hassle of unlocking (Nils to level 7 in Lyn mode AND kill Kishuna? Really now?), and the shopping chapter isn't exactly what I'd consider a chapter...

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FE7's actually THAT long? I guess I wouldn't know, given that I don't consider 19xx worth the hassle of unlocking (Nils to level 7 in Lyn mode AND kill Kishuna? Really now?), and the shopping chapter isn't exactly what I'd consider a chapter...

A lot of Lyn mode is pretty much the AI playing the game for you too.

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