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Good little update, Dragoncat. I read it and enjoyed it very much. Haha, I could almost see Cerai rush Shinon. You should have written about her slapping him like a boss or something. I don't like Shinon.

Yeah lol. She would, but he's got a bow. She's a flier. He could probably pwn her easily, but then again we're talking game mechanics. I guess she knows Ike wouldn't appreciate her beating the stuffing out of one of his archers. Even if the said archer is a bit of a dick. Honestly I think Samba was more likely to attack him.

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Snowy should be happy with this chapter :) Actually, this is the first chapter where both Kelly and Jerec have appeared. I figured he'd be able to use his Daein heritage to the advantage of his friends/companions...he'll be a wanted man if that gets out, but I don't think he'd really care.

PoR Ike WAS a little scrawny. Can't tell he ever was in RD though. I'm glad I threw in the physical descriptions of Cerai and Leo, and Samba's human form. Description is something I need to work on and even though you can just look at my art/sprites, it's good to have that in there.

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I noticed that both Jerec and Kelly showed up. ^^ Nice chapter, btw! Things just keep getting more and more interesting. :o

Btw, you named Geoffrey's horse after the horse from Tangled, didn't you? XD His name is Maximus too, and he also belongs to the commander of the knights in that movie. lol I'm not complaining though, Maximus and Flynn were hilarious!

Anyway, Geoffrey actually DOES know about Jerec where I've written him, but he never really meets him, so for the purpose of your fic, it's fine for Geoffrey to just have no knowledge of him at all. It's not that big a difference, so no big deal there. :P

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I knew the horse in Tangled was named that despite not having watched it. Needed a name that sounded like one Geoffrey would use, that was the first one I thought of so I used it xD

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Yay! Kelly showed up! I hope some more focus gets put on her character and who she is before long.

You didn't tell me she was someone extremely important...but! She'll be traveling with the main group once I get there.

Ah, I see. Tangled is a great movie, you ought to watch it if you like Disney. ^^

I hear it's a play on the story of Rapunzel. Might watch it someday, Flynn does look quite hilarious.

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She's not that 'important' from a narritive perspective, no more than Ilyana in PoR. That dun mean she shouldn't get some focus.

Tangled was also good. Liked it a lot. Still prefer their other recent movies... Though Frozen is dropping due to over-exposure (and it wasn't THAT amazing to begin with).

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What? Frozen was positively amazing! One of the best Disney movies of all time, imo. The relationship between Anna and Elsa was really cool, and it was nice to see Disney stray away from the generic romantic love saves the day thing when it comes to princesses. Instead, it was the love between siblings that ruled the day this time.

It really saddens me that anyone hates Frozen. :(

Edited by Anacybele
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What? Frozen was positively amazing! One of the best Disney movies of all time, imo. The relationship between Anna and Elsa was really cool, and it was nice to see Disney stray away from the generic romantic love saves the day thing when it comes to princesses. Instead, it was the love between siblings that ruled the day this time.

It really saddens me that anyone hates Frozen. :(

Pun intended on the bold or not? ;)

I loved Frozen, but I do think it's getting way too much popularity/exposure/etc.

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What? Frozen was positively amazing! One of the best Disney movies of all time, imo. The relationship between Anna and Elsa was really cool, and it was nice to see Disney stray away from the generic romantic love saves the day thing when it comes to princesses. Instead, it was the love between siblings that ruled the day this time.

It really saddens me that anyone hates Frozen. :(

I didn't say I hated it. I just said it wasn't as good. Yes the relationship between Anna and Elsa was good, but many of the other characters and plot that wasn't focused on them suffered for it. Yes it had some good musical numbers, but stuff like 'Fixer-upper' felt out of place as well. Yes the visuals were good, but compared to, say, The Princess and the Frog, I'd much rather have the latter for its style.

I don't hate Frozen. It's MILES above about 90% of the shlock out there these days. I just think it's only a 8.5ish/10 instead of a 'OMG ELSA PWNS/10' like others do.

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Oh wow, that pun was totally not intended. XD

And I see, I misunderstood then, Snowy. My bad. xP I love Elsa though... And...

Hans was the most OMG villain I ever saw. I never suspected he was the antagonist. This made the movie that much more enjoyable for me.

I also think the music was great, particularly "Let it Go." ^^ I've been practicing it too, though it's a pretty tricky song to do. I've never seen The Princess and the Frog, truth be told...

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Thoughts on the story: it's a lot easier to sympathize with the Crimean Revels when Daein is actually going down the batshit insane revanchenistic route. Elincia is kinda acting like Neville Chamberlain here.

Thoughts on Frozen: Where to start? I really don't like it. In my mind, Elsa is a bad queen. A queen is supposed to live for her people, not run off on some quest to live in an ice castle! Elsa is being ridiculously selfish when she does what she does. She is abandoning her people instead of sucking it up and doing her duty. The price of living in a palace is sacrificing everything for your country, even and especially your happiness. If Elsa couldn't deal with that, fine, but formally abdicate and hand the throne to your sister rather than running away. And if you absolutely must run away, don't fucking cover your kingdom in ice that destroys it's economy and probably caused a good amount of people to freeze to death! Though it could come in handy if the Nazis invade I suppose...

Regarding Hans, he was predictable the moment the poor guy came into the picture. Anna, as a Disney princess, is contractually obligated to marry the poor guy over the rich guy. Of course, they couldn't very well make her ditch Hans for no reason, so they made him evil. I feel like his villainy was completely unneeded to the plot, and only existed so that Anna wouldn't look like a bitch for dumping him. Really, the movie didn't need a human antagonist. It would be much better if it was about Elsa and Anna alone.

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Firstly, Elsa ran away because she was afraid of what her people would think of her now that they know she has ice powers. Her parents caused her to live in fear all her life and desperately hide her powers from everyone. Second, she can't fucking control her powers, she had no idea that she set a never ending winter upon it. Also, she came back in the end.

And the movie would be left without an antagonist if Hans wasn't there. Imo, the plot would've been less interesting without him there to mix things up and try killing Elsa.

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Thoughts on the story: it's a lot easier to sympathize with the Crimean Revels when Daein is actually going down the batshit insane revanchenistic route. Elincia is kinda acting like Neville Chamberlain here.

I know...but Ludveck still wanted all the power to himself, and trying to have Lucia killed makes me think: what if he got what he wanted, and one of the nobles started disagreeing with him? He'd probably have them killed without hesitation. Elincia at least tries to solve problems without fear/violence.

And not everybody in Daein is like that. The Dawn Brigade is trying to have Nyra taken off the throne and replaced. Not familiar with any character called Neville Chamberlain, but I pretty much got your point.

Thanks for finally posting feedback, btw...oh, and the Frozen conversation maybe needs to go elsewhere?

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Firstly, Elsa ran away because she was afraid of what her people would think of her now that they know she has ice powers. Her parents caused her to live in fear all her life and desperately hide her powers from everyone. Second, she can't fucking control her powers, she had no idea that she set a never ending winter upon it. Also, she came back in the end.

And the movie would be left without an antagonist if Hans wasn't there. Imo, the plot would've been less interesting without him there to mix things up and try killing Elsa.

And the people had a damn good reason to be afraid. How would you feel if Obama had ice powers and could freeze anyone who opposed him? Admittedly, that would maybe make Congress go a bit smoother, but that's beside the point. Her parent's biggest mistake was not making Anna heir. The reasoning for this is obvious. Now, Elsa really should have figured out that she had caused a never ending winter when she looked out of her ice palace and saw everything below her covered in snow. Then, she was informed of this by Anna, and so she sliced her pet Abominable Snowman on her. Now, her parents were doing the right thing. They displayed true courage when they put the needs of their country above the needs of their daughter. Even if it proved to be ineffective, they were still my favorite characters. The fact that they died before they really could see the effect it was having helps her case, too. Finally, Hans wasn't a good plot twist because there was no evidence for it. It would be like if in Star Wars, C3P0 turned out to actually be the Emperor. It would come completely out of left field, but it would still fail as a plot twist.

I know...but Ludveck still wanted all the power to himself, and trying to have Lucia killed makes me think: what if he got what he wanted, and one of the nobles started disagreeing with him? He'd probably have them killed without hesitation. Elincia at least tries to solve problems without fear/violence.

And not everybody in Daein is like that. The Dawn Brigade is trying to have Nyra taken off the throne and replaced. Not familiar with any character called Neville Chamberlain, but I pretty much got your point.

Thanks for finally posting feedback, btw...oh, and the Frozen conversation maybe needs to go elsewhere?

In regards to Ludveck, fair enough. I was just trying to point out that Elincia isn't exactly being the image of wisdom here. Also, it honestly doesn't strike me as something Micaiah would do trying to overthrow an evil monarch. After all, she went along with what Pelleas was doing when he seemed to be acting evil.

Chamberlain was the PM of the UK during the late 1930s. He followed a policy of appeasement, which was basically letting the Nazis have what they wanted as long as they didn't have Britain. He is considered one of the biggest idiots in British history.

RE the Frozen conversation, agreed. I'll open up a thread in the Entertainment section.

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Pelleas also proved that he was trustworthy before the blood pact thing came into play. But idk. This is an alternate reality thing I came up with a long time ago, it might not be perfect...

And wow. He sounds pretty stupid. Wonder why I didn't learn about him in school when we were studying that era?

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Pelleas also proved that he was trustworthy before the blood pact thing came into play. But idk. This is an alternate reality thing I came up with a long time ago, it might not be perfect...

And wow. He sounds pretty stupid. Wonder why I didn't learn about him in school when we were studying that era?

The DB didn't know about the Blood Pact for quite a while, yet still went along with Pelleas in the war.

To be fair, it's entirely possible that the course you took was overly centered on America, which wouldn't surprise me.

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Micaiah told Sothe she was sure there had to be a legit reason. She trusted Pelleas because she had spent time with him, whereas all she sees of Nyra is that she resembles her father way too much. She's a fortune teller so yeah.

Yeah highschool classes tend to be that way...

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Micaiah told Sothe she was sure there had to be a legit reason. She trusted Pelleas because she had spent time with him, whereas all she sees of Nyra is that she resembles her father way too much. She's a fortune teller so yeah.

Yeah highschool classes tend to be that way...

It's entirely possible for someone to be putting up a facade. Arvis in FE4 did it. I think the game said that her fortune telling abilities can't be summoned at will. I could be wrong though; it's been a long time since I played RD.

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Naesala did that, but she could still tell he had warm feelings for Leanne. It's possible that she can see through whatever facade Nyra might be putting up, not being able to read her mind entirely, but feeling the negative/evil/whatever. Like...she couldn't tell that Naesala had been a dick to Reyson and Tibarn, but when Leanne was involved, she found his love for her obvious.

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Naesala did that, but she could still tell he had warm feelings for Leanne. It's possible that she can see through whatever facade Nyra might be putting up, not being able to read her mind entirely, but feeling the negative/evil/whatever. Like...she couldn't tell that Naesala had been a dick to Reyson and Tibarn, but when Leanne was involved, she found his love for her obvious.

Fair enough, I suppose, but I really don't see anyone following her with her cassus belli being "I can feel it."

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