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I normally wouldn't care so much, but it's always fun to get into a scrap.

And the people had a damn good reason to be afraid. How would you feel if Obama had ice powers and could freeze anyone who opposed him? Admittedly, that would maybe make Congress go a bit smoother, but that's beside the point. Her parent's biggest mistake was not making Anna heir.

They may not have had a choice. Government systems, especially monarchies, have a set guideline as to who may inherit that's been kept around for years. If they had had a baby boy the day before they set out on that voyage he could have been the heir despite a whopping age of 0. Changing a system like that isn't minor either and could easily result in massive political upheaval. Most likely they had a system in place where the older child inherited, loved Elsa too much to kill her, but couldn't make Anna the queen so long as she was around.

Finally, Hans wasn't a good plot twist because there was no evidence for it. It would be like if in Star Wars, C3P0 turned out to actually be the Emperor. It would come completely out of left field, but it would still fail as a plot twist.

Of course. 3P0's the Star War's version of the Godfather. Who do you think talked Jabba into killing the valuable hostages instead of ransoming them while somehow remaining innocent? Why do you think the Stormtroopers missed him? Why do you think they didn't fire on that escape pod at the beginning of the first movie? They were worried someone would find out and they'd have a wookie breaking their kneecaps before having to flee to live with the jawa's to survive to risk hitting them.

Edit: Forgot. Elsa's actions DO make sense and the like. She was already under a lot of fear and pressure, then that stuff happened and she ran away terrified due to mentally snapping.

Edited by Snowy_One
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I normally wouldn't care so much, but it's always fun to get into a scrap.

They may not have had a choice. Government systems, especially monarchies, have a set guideline as to who may inherit that's been kept around for years. If they had had a baby boy the day before they set out on that voyage he could have been the heir despite a whopping age of 0. Changing a system like that isn't minor either and could easily result in massive political upheaval. Most likely they had a system in place where the older child inherited, loved Elsa too much to kill her, but couldn't make Anna the queen so long as she was around.

Of course. 3P0's the Star War's version of the Godfather. Who do you think talked Jabba into killing the valuable hostages instead of ransoming them while somehow remaining innocent? Why do you think the Stormtroopers missed him? Why do you think they didn't fire on that escape pod at the beginning of the first movie? They were worried someone would find out and they'd have a wookie breaking their kneecaps before having to flee to live with the jawa's to survive to risk hitting them.

Edit: Forgot. Elsa's actions DO make sense and the like. She was already under a lot of fear and pressure, then that stuff happened and she ran away terrified due to mentally snapping.

And that, my dear boy, is where you and I differ. The King and Queen should have loved their country more than their daughter. If that meant killing her, so be it. Also, the baby would be under a regency. Elsa's actions might have made sense, but that doesn't make them right. As a queen, she should have grinned and bore it. And none of that excuses damning her country to a freezing hell while singing about it. For further discussion, please go to the thread I opened in the entertainment section.

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I don't agree that parents should love a country more than THEIR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD, but yeah, the Frozen debate isn't for this thread. I apologize for even bringing the movie up... Sorry about that, Dcat. :(

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All right! All but one of the submitted characters introduced. The remaining one...there was an agreement to introduce him in the epilogue. His creator hasn't been active lately though :( Hope that changes soon.

Chapter turned out shorter than usual, like half the normal length. Meh...

Two of the Crimean knights who died (Raeni and Cadil) share their names with characters from my original fiction experiment. I came up with Raeni before I played Awakening. So the similarity to Raimi is entirely a coincidence.

I got the phrase "beaten hooker at that time of the month" from a crazy sprite comic back in the days of FE Online. Figured it'd be perfect for Boyd and Cerai. Lol. It's crude, but that's how they roll...

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Heh, figures that Ike would be Nyra's main target. All I can say is that this just keeps getting more interesting. ^^

I should be able to get the first chapter of my upcoming story about Jerec up real soon, my co-author is just about done with it! However, he kinda went bananas with it and it's gotten quite long...according to him. lol

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Haha, I just might read it if it's not like...10 pages.

Glad it's still interesting, and forgot to add: that couple Jerec mentioned :( Real sad. They're never going to be mentioned again and are there to drill in the "war is tragic" thing, but still.

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10? That's kinda short imo. It was longer than that even before I handed it over to Falchion. But I use a slightly bigger font than most, so that might be why.

But yeah, that couple Jerec mentioned. Sad indeed. :(

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Ah, so Theodor has made his appearance! Good to see. I also have to wonder, though, why Geoffrey considers Daein troops above bandits? Bandits are trying to support themselves by stealing from others, Daein troops are,trying to help their insane queen take over the world.

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Ah, so Theodor has made his appearance! Good to see. I also have to wonder, though, why Geoffrey considers Daein troops above bandits? Bandits are trying to support themselves by stealing from others, Daein troops are,trying to help their insane queen take over the world.

Bandits also burn down villages and rape and stuff like that. They generally have no good bones in their body. Daein troops...well, I'll point out the couple Jerec mentioned again. I put that in there to humanize them.

10? That's kinda short imo. It was longer than that even before I handed it over to Falchion. But I use a slightly bigger font than most, so that might be why.

But yeah, that couple Jerec mentioned. Sad indeed. :(

My chapters tend to be like 4 or 5! Holy crap.

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I'm pretty sure that Kelly wouldn't have been aiming to hurt Darcen. I mean, the girl has the control to be able to make magical weapons, yet flubs up a spell that doesn't require that much accuracy? Doesn't make much sense there.

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My chapters tend to be like 4 or 5! Holy crap.

Really? Wow. My Super Luigi chapters don't even get that short and they're the shortest chapters I write. They reach 14 pages on average. As for my other fics... The average there is...30 pages, I'd say. Give or take a couple, maybe. :P

Buuut, depending on how long Falchion made this thing, I may split it up. I've had to do that every now and then... lol

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I'm pretty sure that Kelly wouldn't have been aiming to hurt Darcen. I mean, the girl has the control to be able to make magical weapons, yet flubs up a spell that doesn't require that much accuracy? Doesn't make much sense there.

I know. He was just in the line of fire and stuff. Samba was joking, like was said.

Really? Wow. My Super Luigi chapters don't even get that short and they're the shortest chapters I write. They reach 14 pages on average. As for my other fics... The average there is...30 pages, I'd say. Give or take a couple, maybe. :P

Buuut, depending on how long Falchion made this thing, I may split it up. I've had to do that every now and then... lol

Combination of me sucking at length and maybe you using a bigger font...

Edited by Dragoncat
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Bandits also burn down villages and rape and stuff like that. They generally have no good bones in their body. Daein troops...well, I'll point out the couple Jerec mentioned again. I put that in there to humanize them.

Fair enough. In real life, most people have legitimate reasons for doing whatever they may do. FE, though, is generally less... complex. They usually have the token anti villain, and that's it. Of course, it's good that you're deviating from this path, but Bandits can be as complex as Daein soldiers. My opinion is that as long as a soldier of Daein genuinely believes in what they are doing, they are evil. Bandits, at the very least, don't act self righteous and pretend their cause is just as they burn down villages.

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Well, why did the Daeins in PoR follow Ashnard? Some of them switched sides (Tauroneo) but yeah. Loyalty to your leader can make you do things you normally wouldn't condone doing. If the leader is strict enough and isn't afraid to use force/rule with an iron fist, a lot of people would rather just do what they're told instead of risk the consequences. I'm sure not every single nazi wanted all the jews dead/agreed with Hitler's master race deal, but they followed him because they were afraid what he would do to them and their loved ones if they didn't. Case in point: the failed assassination attempt involving a bomb in a briefcase under his chair. He wasn't sitting there when it went off. I think he either killed everyone in that meeting or locked them up.

I can't speak for every single Daein troop, but I bet it's like that.

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Well, why did the Daeins in PoR follow Ashnard? Some of them switched sides (Tauroneo) but yeah. Loyalty to your leader can make you do things you normally wouldn't condone doing. If the leader is strict enough and isn't afraid to use force/rule with an iron fist, a lot of people would rather just do what they're told instead of risk the consequences. I'm sure not every single nazi wanted all the jews dead/agreed with Hitler's master race deal, but they followed him because they were afraid what he would do to them and their loved ones if they didn't. Case in point: the failed assassination attempt involving a bomb in a briefcase under his chair. He wasn't sitting there when it went off. I think he either killed everyone in that meeting or locked them up.

I can't speak for every single Daein troop, but I bet it's like that.

Not every single GERMAN followed Hitler. If you were a Nazi, you supported Hitler. I can somewhat sympathize with those Germans who fought for Germany as opposed to Naziism, or those who were worried for their families, but that's also exactly why IS wants you to sympathize with, say, Shiharam, and I do. However, Hitler needed the majority of Germans to agree with Naziism, otherwise coups like that would succeed because they have the support of the people. As such, it is fair to say that most Daeins support Ashnard's ideology; otherwise it wouldn't have taken Ike to overthrow him.

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Some background on the twins in this chapter. Also, both of them now have their future spouses introduced...and some humor thrown in as well. Really like the idea I came up with to end it. Ike WOULD want Greil and Elena to give his friends strength and bring them home safely.

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Haha, Ike crashing on the castle lounge instead of in his room... XD I can actually see him doing something like that if he's tired enough. lol

Good chapter though, and glad to see more backstory on the twins as well as Eloin's introduction. :)

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Yeah I can see it too. I bet he was pretty tired after that surprise attack and then long meeting...imagine everybody walking around him lol.

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Like those tweety-birds in cartoons when someone gets konked on the head too hard?

Wat? Are we still talking about Ike crashing in the lounge hall? xD

I think I get it now...no, not like that. They wouldn't constantly circle him. Just...if he's on the floor, avoid him while passing through, maybe do a double take/eye roll/etc.

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