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Wait, Ike was on the floor? lolwut, I thought you wrote that he was on a couch or something. XD

Btw, I posted my entry for Sangyul's contest, if y'all are interested. Here's a hint about it: it features a certain son of Ike that I came up with. ;3

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Wait, Ike was on the floor? lolwut, I thought you wrote that he was on a couch or something. XD

Btw, I posted my entry for Sangyul's contest, if y'all are interested. Here's a hint about it: it features a certain son of Ike that I came up with. ;3

He could be on either. I didn't write either way xD

Cool, I'll make sure I check it out!

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Would you be willing to do a chapter focusing on Kelly sometime soon? I know it's your fanfic, Kelly isn't your character, and that it probably wouldn't be a big bit of the story, but I would very much like her getting some more of the Limelight. Like maybe just have it focus on her personality and how she deals with magic and the like?

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Since Ana's doing it, I might as well, too. My entry is up as well. As for the actual chapter, it is good to see that canon characters are getting the spotlight as well. A consistent problem with fanfics is the sidelining of canon characters, so its good to see its not happening here.

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Erm, I only did it because Dcat is my friend and I know her well. It's not really polite to advertise your stuff in someone else's feedback thread if you don't know the person at all. Heck, I probably still should've PM'd her anyway.

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Would you be willing to do a chapter focusing on Kelly sometime soon? I know it's your fanfic, Kelly isn't your character, and that it probably wouldn't be a big bit of the story, but I would very much like her getting some more of the Limelight. Like maybe just have it focus on her personality and how she deals with magic and the like?

Idk about a whole chapter, but that sounds like something I can certainly do. She's traveling with the group after all.

As for the actual chapter, it is good to see that canon characters are getting the spotlight as well. A consistent problem with fanfics is the sidelining of canon characters, so its good to see its not happening here.

That's good to hear.

Erm, I only did it because Dcat is my friend and I know her well. It's not really polite to advertise your stuff in someone else's feedback thread if you don't know the person at all. Heck, I probably still should've PM'd her anyway.

He didn't advertise it, just mentioned it briefly...he's fine.

Edited by Dragoncat
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  • 3 weeks later...

Another minor laguz OC introduced. Torrel has a reason to be distrusting too, her backstory has her younger sister being captured by Daein and feralized and killed. She and Strixal will probably make another appearance later...

And Shenzi is the name of one of the hyenas from Lion King xD Meh.

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I figured you got Shenzi from The Lion King! That's awesome since the movie is awesome. :D

Good chapter, it makes sense for Torrel to be so hateful of beorc. She acts much like Lethe, so yeah. They'd be good friends. lol

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I also named my mightyena Shenzi. I used to think that pokemon was based on wolves, then I found out that they were hyenas.

She would get along with Lethe. Only difference? Lethe's sister is still alive.

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I thought Mightyena was a wolf for awhile too. But hey, a hyena is also a canine so it's not that hard of a mistake to make. In fact, the Poochyena line could be based on both hyenas and wolves, who knows...?

Speaking of The Lion King, if I find a shiny Litleo, I want to name it Kiara or Kovu. XD

And yeah...

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Come to think of it, and this just occurred to me now, whats going on with Sephirans plan? Did the Senators still pull all that bull in Bengnion? It'll be interesting, actually, to see how Bengnion has been affected by all the butterflies going around, as it is my favorite FE nation ever.

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The Begnion senators are still being dicks, and it looks like parts 2 and 3 of RD aren't going anywhere. We had the Crimean rebellion, and...the laguz alliance vs Begnion will be in too.

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The Begnion senators are still being dicks, and it looks like parts 2 and 3 of RD aren't going anywhere. We had the Crimean rebellion, and...the laguz alliance vs Begnion will be in too.

So in that case, we'll probably have a Bengnion-Daein alliance where Daein is a willing partner. Interesting. Come to think of it, wasn't that Ashnards whole plan? Could Sephiran and Nyra be working together? Now I'm just speculating, of course. But Theodor hates Daein. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to the alliance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Borrowed Ana's cloakweed idea...also, Snowy and I discussed having Kelly try some magic invention and fail epicly. Hope what I came up with will suffice.

Oh, and fart humor is always hilarious. It's not as blunt/out there/obvious as some of Gangrel and Basilio's lines, but it's still there xD Towards the beginning of the chapter...

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Welcome. But I think that would be a one time thing, I can't see them needing cloakweed/having to hide their scent again. Idk...

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Borrowed Ana's cloakweed idea...

I noticed. lol Don't worry about it, I'm fine with you using the idea. I doubt some other FE fanfic writers haven't come up with something similar anyway. :P

But nice chapter! Poor laguz kids. Glad they got rescued!

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The cloakweed was such a genius idea, so yeah.

And ikr? I didn't get to put it in, but the bandits were going to sell them as slaves in Begnion...even though the apostle has that outlawed there's still some creeps who do that. They're lucky the bandits turned out to be cowards.

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Well, I derived it from the one part in my story The Secret Sword where bandits reveal that they killed some laguz and took their fur so they could cover up their scent. So, I came up with a way for laguz to cover up their scents when needed as well. I also remembered the herbs Falchion came up with that have different medicinal properties. So then I thought, a plant that can cover up one's scent! :P

And yeah, there was even a chapter in PoR where Sanaki had Ike and his group bust some slave sellers.

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