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Paper Dragon

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Part of me wishes that there was a third faction in the Aqua + Magma conflict. It would be a sky based team where the leader uses a Tropius because it has the same BST as Camerupt and Sharpedo and forms a nice trio among them.

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Clearly they represent the ideology of "both of you are complete idiots", assisting the player through the storyline. They could offer transport and actually make more use of the double battle mechanic that gen three invented but didn't push very hard. Have sky team people act as your partner in double battles from time to time, maybe eventually betray you when they see Rayquaza and essentially 'damn now I see what was giving those guys legend boners gib pls'

Or that might just be dumb I dunno. Three enemy teams just seems like too many, so a third just feels like it'd be better as an ally/neutral faction IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Drake's Mega-Salamence.

That fucking Salamence, fuck's sake.

It knows DragonRush which is a surefire way to OHKO every single Pokemon in my party.

My Mega-Sharpedo with ice fang should be more than ready to take it out, right? Wrong, fucking thing misses every time, EVERY TIME.

Mega-Salamence looks horrible, why did they ever think it was a good idea?

Then we get to the champion.

I fucking hate how his pokemon are higher than the rest of the league.

Yeah, it makes sense to have his pokemon better than the other four, but at least in regards to GYM leaders there's a space between them of which you're more than capable of levelling up to match, to show that you're growing, getting better and being on an even ground amongst the top trainers.

However, with the Elite 4? You face four dudes at the lower of the tens and then you face the champ who is the higher of the tens, that makes no sense gameplay wise, so you're going to be put to a disadvantage to the champion, or be level-wise prepared for the champ on even footing and have an easier time with the previous Elite Four.

Then his Skarmory, oh boy. At least on the second time 'round, it's got Sturdy, so when I loaded it with a fire blast it survived and set me up with spikes.

Then it gets full-restored and I miss the second fire blast. After that, another round of spikes and it survives another of my fire blasts with sturdy.

Also, why is it that if a mega-pokemon faints, it reverts back to original form and you can't mega-evolve it in the same battle even after you revive it?

Such a weird decision...

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