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Input Lag Problems on 3DS

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I dont know if this happens to others (it probably does), but whenever i play online, regardless of the type, with or without friends, i always experience like a full second of input lag (to clarify; its when i press a button, and its effect happens a while after pressed). This happens all the time, and is seriously annoying and putting me off playing multi altogether on Smash.

Does anyone know if there is a way to fix this? Would appreciate it lots...

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Are you sure it isn't just your Internet? Or the opponent's?

I have input lag at times, too, but it usually resolves after one match for me.

And if it doesn't by the second match, I just leave that match and join a new one.

Of course, I've really only played 1v1, so I'm not sure how common of an occurrence it is in other formats.

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Either your internet is not fine or the people you are playing against have bad internet.

If it's consistently bad it's probably you, maybe too many people using your connection at once or something. Fighting games demand a better connection than any other type of game. Distance between you and the other player if you live in different countries can also be a factor.

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Either your internet is not fine or the people you are playing against have bad internet.

If it's consistently bad it's probably you, maybe too many people using your connection at once or something. Fighting games demand a better connection than any other type of game. Distance between you and the other player if you live in different countries can also be a factor.

Well, ita possible that you're correct (although i still think my internet speed is fine). I'll get it checked out soon. Thanks
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Its likely your ping being atrocious. Especially if its constant. Since i get lag issues, but never in a constant, its not me thats causing it. Distance between opponents isnt that huge of a factor since ive played Japanese people consistently and never had much lag. It has to do with ping usually. For some reason, North American names are the ones that tend to bring lag with them in matches....

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