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Hopes for Zelda U

Misses Elise-chan!

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I liked the amount of bottles in Majora's Mask, and I do hope they bring back bow combos. Oh, they oughta bring back Link's special shething animation. That never wore on me.

Also the Ordon Sword wasn't even useless even when you got the Master Sword, iunno what jive you're spittin'. Fighting with it felt more fun, to me anyway.

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The double-clawshots is my favourite item in the series, though the grappling hook would be cool too. Whip is okay but it needs to have more utility or some incentive to actually use it in combat.

As for other items, I've already mentioned the magnet gloves, I wouldn't mind seeing the mirror shield, pegasus boots might be interesting in a 3D Zelda, new versions of the elemental rods might be interesting as well in 3D. Of course, I'd want new items first and foremost.

Oh my god. I want the magnet gloves back so bad.

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I once thought of an idea of having a ball and clawshot, the clawshot grabs a hook at the end of the ball, then Link swings it around and it functions like the regular ball and chain, except Link can throw the ball on a short ledge and climb up it or alternatively, drop the ball on a ledge and vault off the ledge with the clawshot. It's actually a rather old idea of mine.

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Bottle net?

Ganondorf better be ready.His two worst enemies are coming at him as one.

This may be a stupid question-well,it is a stupid question-but,I wonder what Ganondorf will be "weak" to in this game?I hope they didn't cut that out,though,since I don't think anything like that was in Skyward Sword.

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Ganondorf better be ready.His two worst enemies are coming at him as one.

This may be a stupid question-well,it is a stupid question-but,I wonder what Ganondorf will be "weak" to in this game?I hope they didn't cut that out,though,since I don't think anything like that was in Skyward Sword.

Net x Demise.

I once thought of an idea of having a ball and clawshot, the clawshot grabs a hook at the end of the ball, then Link swings it around and it functions like the regular ball and chain, except Link can throw the ball on a short ledge and climb up it or alternatively, drop the ball on a ledge and vault off the ledge with the clawshot. It's actually a rather old idea of mine.

How about instead the grappling item remains the same and when you throw the ball and chain it will actually drag or toss you in the direction you threw it because of all the weight. Maybe some recoil from that heavy thing.
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If there are instruments in this game which one would you like to see?

I'd personally like to see the recorder or flute from the first game.

But Ghirahim is just too fabulous

Ghirahim is the best villain ever, man! (besides Vaati and Mr. L, I really love those guys too) And I don't usually dig girly-looking guys like him. But I think he's just awesome!

I never understood why people liked Girahim. I was always a Bellum kind of person.
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I don't even know who Bellum is...

Bellum is the squid monster big bad from Phantom Hourglass which I don't even think has a speaking line in the game, I think he was being sarcastic.

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Oh, that explains why I don't know him. I never got far in PH because the Temple of the Ocean King annoyed me too much.

But I'm sad that we probably won't see Ghirahim again. I think he was destroyed along with Demise. :( He'd have to pull a Ganondorf and get resurrected.

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh, that explains why I don't know him. I never got far in PH because the Temple of the Ocean King annoyed me too much.

But I'm sad that we probably won't see Ghirahim again. I think he was destroyed along with Demise. :( He'd have to pull a Ganondorf and get resurrected.

Yeah he's as good as dead. I doubt we'd see him again in anything other than spin offs like Hyrule Warriors.

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