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Your StreetPass Team

Grima's Hero

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in so long (actually, I bet a lot of people are grateful for that, now that I think about it), but I've been caught up with a lot of work (and a lot of Alpha Sapphire and Smash Bros.), so I haven't been doing much Awakening for a long time. But I went back, and found some of my old savefiles, and realized only one was completely maxed. So, I need some help. I found some more higher level players, and their teams were beating mine pretty easily. I tried out some of their tactics, but even then, they were still beating me. I have 3 files, and 1 is maxed out. The other I don't plan on maxing out, but this third one is completly open to options. So I was wondering two things. One, what's YOUR SP team? For one thing, it'll be intresting to see what you guys have to play, and if I can pick up on these sorts of things. And two, what are some good pairups? A lot of my second playthrough's team relied on stats, and I quickly realized how easily that could collapse on me. So far, the only people that are married are Chrom with Sumia, Lon'qu with Cordelia, and me with Severa. My asset is skill, and my flaw res (you can see what I was aiming for now.), but I haven't decided what my end class will be. I can pretty much confirm Ricken!Laurent, and I've heard that Gregor!Yarne makes a nice Berserker, so I'm considering that too. But I'm pretty much open to ideas. Anyways, thanks guys!

TLDR Version:Post your ST teams here, and tell me any good pairups if you can. Thanks!

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I found some more higher level players, and their teams were beating mine pretty easily. I tried out some of their tactics, but even then, they were still beating me.

No matter what happens, they will still beat you.

Look at the following team:


They demonstrated pretty nice planning with their streetpass team, but it still won't be enough.

Apotheosis Anna has freaking Dragonskin and Aether.


And you can one hit KO her with a 1st gen, no support MU pairup.

If they can beat Apotheosis, they can beat you. Easily.

As for my streetpass team:

Item shop.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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There's no such thing as a good Streetpass team. Up to a point, they're evenly matched with ingame teams... But the possibilities for a Streetpass team cap out way lower than an ingame team and a properly prepared one (read: LB/Agg/Rally/Pairup/Braves) can mash anything you have to offer, no contest. The best you can do is make a team that's as punishing as possible, so if your opponent does slip up or happen to be unprepared, they go down.

That said, I'm using a team made by Airship_Canon consisting of 10 +Str/-Def Avatar-Ms@Boots (LB/Agg/Ignis/Luna/Counter) holding +3/25 1-range Braves and in classes like Wyvern Lord, General, Warrior and Hero. There's nothing your team can do on PP anyway so range for retaliation doesn't matter- but if the enemy slips up and lets you have an EP with something in your range, it's gone.

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Mine is a Street Pass Shop! It has every imaginable items, equipments, and stat boosters for sale. However, if they want a skirmish then they would be facing all Sage/Sorcerer with Limit Breakers, Luna, Vantage, Lethality, and Aggressor/Faires/Breakers/Miracle/Vengeance. All units are given Celica's Gale to raise chance of activating any skill.

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I went the Item Shoppe route as well; I tried to balance clutch ingame stuff, important Apo prep, and exclusive items. Generally, it was the very best D/C rank weapons, the top-tier weapons you're strapped to access ingame, boosters/seals, and exclusives needed for Apotheosis. More fun than trying to wave your StreetPass dick around.

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I went the Item Shoppe route as well; I tried to balance clutch ingame stuff, important Apo prep, and exclusive items. Generally, it was the very best D/C rank weapons, the top-tier weapons you're strapped to access ingame, boosters/seals, and exclusives needed for Apotheosis. More fun than trying to wave your StreetPass dick around.

I can respect that you're goodie two shoes who wants to 'help' people, but please keep your uncouth opinion to yourself if all you do is judge others on basis of some random incentive you came up with on the fly. I can load up my team with useless overpriced items just fine, some people might not need that though, for those I have a little challenge which can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Maybe I should replace those items with two Naga's tears or spam* Supreme Emblems to provide sanctimonious hypocrites like you with a raison d’être.


Edited by Knusperkeks
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I can respect that you're goodie two shoes who wants to 'help' people, but please keep your uncouth opinion to yourself if all you do is judge others on basis of some random incentive you came up with on the fly. I can load up my team with useless overpriced items just fine, some people might not need that though, for those I have a little challenge which can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Maybe I should replace those items with two Naga's tears or spam* Supreme Emblems to provide sanctimonious hypocrites like you with a raison dêtre.


Someone's got a temper. Terra's comment isn't even that big of a knife unless you're really that invested. Then again, if anyone's got streetpass e-peen waving, no one can compare to me. I have a youtube channel and playlist for unpromoted, no support couples kicking your sorry maxed out asses.

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I can respect that you're goodie two shoes who wants to 'help' people, but please keep your uncouth opinion to yourself if all you do is judge others on basis of some random incentive you came up with on the fly. I can load up my team with useless overpriced items just fine, some people might not need that though, for those I have a little challenge which can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Maybe I should replace those items with two Naga's tears or spam* Supreme Emblems to provide sanctimonious hypocrites like you with a raison d’être.


Nothing I can chuck at them is going to be more difficult, in an appropriately-prepared environment, than an organic L+ CLA ingame run. If they need challenge, they can go there instead of having Risen Encounter: The Glorified Waifu Exhibition.

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I did a mix shop/stats thing so that if people want to recruit my avatar I'm going to at least try to make them pay attention, but if they want to shop that's fine too.

Got enough slots for everything.

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Someone's got a temper. Terra's comment isn't even that big of a knife unless you're really that invested. Then again, if anyone's got streetpass e-peen waving, no one can compare to me. I have a youtube channel and playlist for unpromoted, no support couples kicking your sorry maxed out asses.

I just dislike it when people ridicule me for the way I approach games, that's all. And that post was obviously written in a provocative way, so I let myself get baited and responded in kind. I don't mind getting a warning for that, either. It's justified. He had it coming, I did as well.

Sorry for derailing the topic, but you reminded me of something when you mentioned your channel.

2 months ago you gave a statement in one of your comments, on this video: Fire Emblem: Awakening - Streetpass Battle #8 - Tactician Town

Well, I have to admit, I am curious to how this will go without Limit Breaker.

I have a save for this.

I'd like to see that if you have some time to spare, it would help me become a better player.

Nothing I can chuck at them is going to be more difficult, in an appropriately-prepared environment, than an organic L+ CLA ingame run. If they need challenge, they can go there instead of having Risen Encounter: The Glorified Waifu Exhibition.

I'm positive my team is more dangerous than your average risen encounter, if only for brave weapon spam and focus on hit rating.

I did a mix shop/stats thing so that if people want to recruit my avatar I'm going to at least try to make them pay attention, but if they want to shop that's fine too.

Got enough slots for everything.

The same as I did then.

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I still don't see what the big deal with Terra's post is.

I'm just not used to this kind of passive aggressiveness, don't worry about it. It's hardly something worth getting worked up for now that I look back. I apologize for the inconvenience caused.

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I'm positive my team is more dangerous than your average risen encounter, if only for brave weapon spam and focus on hit rating.

It's a glorified Risen encounter. Everything aggros at once, no reinforcements.

T'be honest, I'm not sure I set my team up entirely with unusable weapons, for an easily-recruited MU... hrm.

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  • 1 month later...

Since any player worth their shit would roflstomp any team, I decided to make a premier Anna shop.

My team holds one of every stat booster (including arms scrolls), gaius and kris confect, and Tiki's tear. My forged Braves are in there too but they cost way too much, lol.

So yeah, my team is more to show off my pairings and help people as opposed to creating an opponent.

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