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Videos games as a form of escapism? The heck is this?


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There's nothing wrong with a little escapism once in a while. I do it almost daily for about an hour.

I haven't had a game was was close to being a true experience since I beat Shining Force 2 almost a year ago.

Besides, moderation is key.

How about this, it's completely possible to view video games as being both an experience and a bit of escapism.

To bring up a sort of parallel [Probably the wrong use of the word.], Pulp Fiction was a popular means of entertainment, and was viewed as escapism back in the '30s. Quite a few stories that were originally published in said Pulps [And their precursors, serial mags, dime novels, etc.] went on to be recognized as damn good works of fiction. [Hammet's Maltese Falcon, Chandler's Long Goodbye, and Dumas' Three Musketeers were first publish under said circumstances.]

Over time, various works of what were called "trashy escapist hogwash" became accepted as literary classics. [i'm pretty damn certain that's a huge number of people have read the Three Musketeers. Hell, I'm pretty sure most of Dicken's stuff was published in magazines/sheets early on.]

give it 20 or 30 more years, and we could be treating great games like we treat classic film.

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