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ORAS secret bases!


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Post the QR code for yours here, along with anything you'd like to say about it.


Battle format is doubles.

Is it just me, or did they move the guy who gives you secret power? I couldve swore he was on the Mauville side of that route, am I right or is my memory being a butt?

Edited by Dragoncat
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I'll post mine when I get the game and such.Good idea to have a thread about this.I'm surprised nobody did this yet.I hope there's a way to remember where you put it.I can't even count how many secret bases I've forgotten after not playing the game for a while.

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Oh, here's mine! :)


I wanted to find yours, Vincent, but it's located in the same place as mine. I was afraid that I wasn't the only person who just kept the base Arune opened for you. I like the tree, and I never taught any Pokemon Secret Power, so... xP

Btw, I named my trainer Alicia because I felt like it. I wanted something that kinda played off of the game's name. And I was kinda bored with using my real name or the default name for my trainers.

I wish I could've used the female swimmer for my icon though... She's just too cute!

Oh, also, my message there is an Ike reference. lol And my happy/encouragement messages are Frederick references. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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I never use my real name on stuff like this. It's way uncommon, my mom pretty much made it up. If you were to google it you'd probably get my facebook. I'm not a fan of it -_-

Mine isn't in the default tree, the default tree is boring. It does have a nice layout though. But I put mine in the cave on the beach out of Mauville for easy access. No repels or HMs required.

Haven't played with the messages yet. But the Ike and Freddy references? Awesome xD

Shine: Yep! It shows up in the map!

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Well, I liked the tree because it makes me think of a treehouse, which I had one of when I was little. It technically wasn't IN a tree, it was basically a two-floor shack in the back yard, but it was sitting among a lot of trees since were pretty much right in the woods, so... :P

I'm probably going to move my secret base in the future though, but to where I don't know yet. I like those little secret islands out near Sootopolis and Ever Grande, but I also like how some base areas are right next to berry soil. I don't know which to choose!

And thanks. lol

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For anyone who needs a Secret Pal that's useful:


Street Thug - make goods, find stones, find treasure, do some training

Team - Lv100 Blisseys

Location - Route 123 next to the Berry Master's house

Basically, you can either keep me around and use the limit remover for lv100 Blisseycide double battles, or you can add me as a Secret Pal and have me find/make/do shit for you and also battle.

Edited by Joltaeon
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I wanted to find yours, Vincent, but it's located in the same place as mine. I was afraid that I wasn't the only person who just kept the base Arune opened for you. I like the tree, and I never taught any Pokemon Secret Power, so... xP

I figured it would happen sooner or later.

I'm still looking for new spots, but I don't really like many of them. Maybe I'll just settle with one that's close to a Fly spot that isn't terrible : P

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Oh. I never found him there. I was in every house...

He's in the bottom-right house on the second level. Alternatively, check your Secret Base and look for an item called "Proclamation" in your Secret Base's PC.

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The secret base shop where you get the item you need for battle rules is in the same place it was in the GBA originals. Go down by the pokemart, then there's one house with a kid standing outside it who talks about bug pokemon flying in the treehouse windows. There's a bridge past that, longer than any of the other bridges in the town. On the other side is where you need to go. The building has a picture of a green flag on it.

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Is there a way to change my team that I use in the Secret Base? I don't want people fighting random scrub Pokemon. XD

I think your team is based off of whatever was in your party when you streetpassed your base to someone or when you made the QR code.

I'm still working on mine so I'll put it up when its ready and when I figure out how to put up screenshots of the QR code from my 3DS.....yeah, I still don't know, don't judge meee.... >_<

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Leveling my 'mons and I'll chuck my thingy here when they're a decent level.

Might also do something like a theme and consider myself something like a GYM leader or something to that effect, something.

How do you post the QR codes?

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Scanned you all 'cept one but it turns out that I can't battle any of you and have to wait until tomorrow?

I'm assuming that a person can only be battled once per day, which is absolutely fucking ridiculous if it's the case.

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Scanned you all 'cept one but it turns out that I can't battle any of you and have to wait until tomorrow?

I'm assuming that a person can only be battled once per day, which is absolutely fucking ridiculous if it's the case.

Yeah, you have to wait till tomorrow.

Also, you can battle twice per day by adding that person as a Secret Pal after the first battle. TBH, one a day is fairly generous considering the possible *cough* Blissey abuse.

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Yeah, you have to wait till tomorrow.

Also, you can battle twice per day by adding that person as a Secret Pal after the first battle. TBH, one a day is fairly generous considering the possible *cough* Blissey abuse.

Blissey abuse?

All I wanted to do was go 'round and wreck some friends. Kinda upsetting that you can only do one a day.

Knowing me, by the time I get 'round to it next people would have already beat me to it.

Last thing I want to do is have to go online and face people, I can only take so much of being absolutely destroyed by 10 Japanese people in a row..

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