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Is my Brady going to be good in Secret Path Apotheosis? (Frederick!Brady)


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I know that Frederick!Brady most likely makes a bad Brady, so he'll be a support unit.

His skills will probably be Lancebreaker, Deliverer, Limit Breaker, Pavise and Galeforce? I'm thinking of changing Galeforce just because he'll be a support unit, probably to another Breaker.

He'll be a Sage that basically spams Physics/Fortify and uses Rescue at times.

He'll also have a forged Celica's Gale (two of them) just incase he gets attacked.

Should I get rid of Galeforce? I'm going to pass it down obviously but I don't know if I should use it, since he'll only be a support unit, and only attacking when needed as he'll probably be at the back of the map most of the time.

EDIT: If I do replace Galeforce, I'll most probably replace it with Dual Guard+, since he'll always be paired up with someone and he has deliverer. Is that a good idea?

I also might change him to a War Monk with Forged Tomahawks/Brave Axes, as well as healing and more defense/resistance. Should I change him to a War Monk or Sage?

The other skills that I was thinking of were: Aegis, Renewal and Dual Support+

Edited by OriginKenji
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Literally 4 of those skills are combat oriented. For the staffbot you would rather increase your magic as much as possible, as they should not be getting attacked. Throw in tomefaire, along with mag+2. Breakers will be useless, as will Galeforce because you shouldn't be in any fights. Also deliverer? They aren't in a pair up. So... I would say go with Tomefaire, All+2, Mag+2, Limit Breaker, and keep Pavise in case of player error. Honestly though, you kinda fucked your Brady bad, so you might as well use a spotpass unit instead as they aren't limited in their skillsets.

Edited by Gaia
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If you're using him as a staffbot, you don't need any combat skills at all…. He'll just be spamming Rescue, Fortify, and Recover all day.

If you use him as a combat unit, Limit Breaker, Galeforce, and Luna would be a good idea for you.

Also, you are seemingly over-estimating the difficulty of Secret Route Apotheosis if you think that Frederick!Brady has to be a support unit because he'll be "bad".

I'd STILL use Brady for offense. Galeforce + Luna = already a very useful unit for that purpose. Don't worry if he doesn't have enough speed to double the final bosses of Apotheosis; you only really need one character or pair of characters who can do that; everyone else can get away with less.

You do want staffbots, but Brady in general is too good to waste on that position; use a Spotpass unit instead, or a weaker Shepherd who doesn't have such good skills.

You will be abusing Rescue a lot (in many strategies for the map, although there are other ways). Generally, you will be able to manipulate things if you bring enough staff users so that your units NEVER end their turns in the range of enemy attacks.

As such, with such careful management the combat stats of the staffbots are almost irrelevant as they'll never get attacked. Only magic matters for them for influencing staff range and healing.

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Might as well replace Pavise with Healtouch - at least it'll do something more than sit there most of the time.

Oh yeah, healtouch exists. God I haven't played FE13 in so long.

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If you want to use him as a staffbot, you'd be better off benching him in exchange for a Spotpass unit with better mods, ending classes and Boots.

In fact, unless you're really attached to him I'd bench him anyway. He's not exactly terrible in comparison to the enemies, but you really want all your combat units to be exceptional to justify running 8 full pairs.

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But 8 full pairs is overkill…..

Yes, I understand the arguments about maximizing the number of attacks per round, but frankly even three pairs (one of which is only a single-Galeforce 1st generation pairing) is more than enough to clear Apotheosis (Secret Route). It will even have more than enough turns to spare in the time-rounded.

So there's no need to over-prepare and get EIGHT fully trained pairs for the Route.

That would just be getting into "win-more" territory.

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If you're using him as a staffbot, you don't need any combat skills at all…. He'll just be spamming Rescue, Fortify, and Recover all day.

If you use him as a combat unit, Limit Breaker, Galeforce, and Luna would be a good idea for you.

Also, you are seemingly over-estimating the difficulty of Secret Route Apotheosis if you think that Frederick!Brady has to be a support unit because he'll be "bad".

I'd STILL use Brady for offense. Galeforce + Luna = already a very useful unit for that purpose. Don't worry if he doesn't have enough speed to double the final bosses of Apotheosis; you only really need one character or pair of characters who can do that; everyone else can get away with less.

You do want staffbots, but Brady in general is too good to waste on that position; use a Spotpass unit instead, or a weaker Shepherd who doesn't have such good skills.

You will be abusing Rescue a lot (in many strategies for the map, although there are other ways). Generally, you will be able to manipulate things if you bring enough staff users so that your units NEVER end their turns in the range of enemy attacks.

As such, with such careful management the combat stats of the staffbots are almost irrelevant as they'll never get attacked. Only magic matters for them for influencing staff range and healing.

If you want to use him as a staffbot, you'd be better off benching him in exchange for a Spotpass unit with better mods, ending classes and Boots.

In fact, unless you're really attached to him I'd bench him anyway. He's not exactly terrible in comparison to the enemies, but you really want all your combat units to be exceptional to justify running 8 full pairs.

Thanks, but I don't think I'll bench him just because I don't know any other good spotpass units.

Would these skills be good? He'll still be healing, but also attacking this time.

Galeforce/Aggressor/Luna/Dual Guard+/Limit Breaker?

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That set is pretty much what he'd be running normally (with TF over DG+) and will work pretty well.

In terms of Spotpass units, Minerva/Raquesis/Nanna/DLC!Elincia have Charm if you want to load them up with Aura skills, and after that pretty much any female will be equally good (though getting one with a high Mag mod helps a little- it's not too hard to tell who they are, but you can also look here).

The reason females are preferred is because Falco and Valkyrie have more Mov than all the male staff classes (and Falcos can fly, so no terrain penalties).

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