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Any members from older Fire Emblem communities here?

Black Dynamite

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No one from FE World? No one?

I am the lonely remnant of FEWorld's scattered remains....

FE World and FE Planet (though I joined FEP after I joined SF)

Part of the reason I joined SF was because FEW was dying~ And then eventually it died


Edited by Freohr Datia
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I didnt see your post tbh.

So we are both lonely remnants of FEWorld's ashes. I vanished in 2006 because of lack of internet access. By the time i got webz back. that place was dead.

Th-that's quite the assumption you made, then...

Weeeee 2006 is definitely before my time so I wouldn't have seen you (but really though I wasn't there for very long and didn't say as much)

(also wow that's pretty bad timing to be able to return :c)

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