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In honor of lost pets


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So I am making this because my family had to put down our pony Tuesday, he was 32 and I knew him my whole life and learned to ride on him and have lots of good memories of him and me doing things together. If any one would like to share memories of pets that they miss please go ahead and share. I remember one time where I was riding my pony and doing this thing called side passing and I fell off because I leaned to far to the side and my pony just looked at me like I was an stupid, but he took good care of me and I deserved that look. I will miss him a lot but I know he is in a better place now and I hope he is getting all the peppermint treats he wants because those were his favorite.

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Dang, sorry to hear about your pony. :( it's always sad to lose a pet. I love horses and ponies a lot myself, I'd feel just as you do if I had one and it passed away...

Well, the only pets I've had that have died in our care other than a bunch of fish were two pairs of birds. They were cute, but died quickly because of some bird disease that was going around. My mom never even got to meet the two canaries we had because she had gone away for basic training since she joined the Army Reserves. Then the parakeets, who I liked better (they were just cuter, imo), went quickly too. I don't even remember much about them. But the bird disease sucked. :(

Otherwise, I did also love some of the pets my late grandmother had. She always liked rescuing lost animals and kept cats and dogs that were dumped on the street or in shelters to get put down. I used to walk her dog Buck for her sometimes. He was fun, and a rare kind of dog. He was a black and white border collie. Border collies are usually brown and white. Another dog she had, Patches, was already kind of old when I first met her, but she was sweet. She was some kind of collie mix.

Edited by Anacybele
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Man,this is a sad topic,yet it's nice to have somewhere for people to get this stuff off their chest.

I always wanted a dog,and then 5-6 years ago,we got one.She was a black lab-cross,and her name was Shinia.She was cute and adorable,and seemed healthy.But,the vet told my mother she had a failing heart and only a couple months to a year to live.She never told us (My sister,brother and I).One day I went to school,and when I came back,my mother told me that she passed.It was upsetting to know that the last moments I had with her were wasted due to school.It was even more heartbreaking to see my grandparents cry,too,because my grandmother helped my mother break the news,and my grandfather brought my brother home.It was the first time I saw him cry.I could barely sleep for crying because I was so young,and never lost someone like this.I've had fish die before,but this hurt more.I spend hours just remembering all the stuff she got into,all the moments we had together.I still tear up thinking about her nowadays,and I feel like crying right now.At least I had friends then to comfort me...

I have another story,too.My grandparents had this dog that lived longer then of their other pets.She had been blind for years,and one day my grandfather brought her over to my house.When they were going home,she started having a seizure which my grandfather could not calm.He brought her to the vet,and they put her down.My parents told me when we were eating.I knew her ever since I was born,so it was upsetting to know one of my best friends was dead,and that she was perfectly fine when she visited hours earlier.

We have a new dog,now.Whenever I get home from school and she isn't outside or at the window,I get kinda nervous just in case she died.

I'm going to have a good mental cry now.

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Unfortunately, I lived in a string of places with a "no pets" rule, so I can't really say much about this. That being said. . .while death is a pretty heavy topic, it doesn't quite fit this forum, so I'll move this to somewhere slightly more appropriate.

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hey now don't you countermand me, i was leaving it in serious discussion so i could levy huge penalties at anybody who disrespected the topic >:O

for topic, i had a cat for like ten years. stupid sonofabitch was inbred as hell, dumb as hell, and pointlessly lovey. he'd sleep under the covers with me every night, curled into my chest. he died about two years back, unlimited rip

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So, instead of telling you stories of MY lack of pets, you get one from my friend. . .paraphrased. Whether or not he was pulling my leg, I will never know.

One day, he found a kitten, and named her Sophie. Sophie would regularly yowl like she was in heat. . .despite the fact that "she" turned out to be a "he". He was also a hell of a fighter, and would do amazingly sane and sensible things like attack bigger dogs. This wound up being his undoing, as one dog got tired of it and took a big bite out of a vital place. RIP Sophie, you were truly one of a kind.

Sorry, Inty, but there IS that SD sticky that I sort of helped with. . .still, I'll do my best to keep things in here sane.

EDIT: The cat's name's a coincidence, 'k?

Edited by eclipse
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First our family had a gerbil. I wasn't particularly in love with it. When it died, I was the one who picked it up out of the container and put it in...something...that we buried it in.

Then I had three goldfish. Not at one time, it went 0->1->2->1->2->1->0. The goldfish I had first lived the longest by a wide margin. I never named any of them.

We also had a dog. She was super great. A little bit cynical/untrusting at times, but she was extremely gentle, even around kids who would harass her. A family friend of ours has told me that her former daughter in law was scared of every dog she met but Cocoa. She would let me use her as a pillow while I was watching TV in me and my bro's playroom (eventually I stopped doing this though). I think my family is mostly or entirely in agreement that I had the strongest bond with her. During the last few years of her life she went blind, and possibly deaf as well since she became much less responsive to her name being called etc. She didn't seem to mind it much, not even bumping into walls...but it was still sad.

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I only had one pet that had to be put down. Saddest day of my life...she was a very sweet black lab mix named Blacky. One of her hips was actually broken/pulled to the point that she would have to be on 10 pain pills a day just to feel comfortable. Her other hip was going the same direction. She had been on arthritis meds for awhile before that, one day she just collapsed in the yard and had to be carried to her bed. I had her for 13 years. Living in a small town, the vet that put her out of her misery was the same one who saved her life before when she was young, she ate a peach pit and it got embedded in her gut. We told him thanks for giving us like 6 more years with her. He said she'd been in pain for quite some time, but didn't act like it because she didn't want us to feel bad. Bless her heart.

Before her, I had a pomeranian/pekingese/poodle mix. His name was Gizmoe. He had congestive heart failure due to old age and that's what took him. My mom found him at the bottom of the steps outside the next morning. It's like he was trying to get to us to say goodbye or something.

And I had a cat named Kiss, because he gave kisses with his nose, who got hit by a car :( He was barely a year old. It was a tragedy. We still have his sister Kay.

It's always sad when we lose our animal friends...

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Oh man, I was just playing Illusion of Gaia and I got all teary when,

SPOILER (highlight to view)

Hamlet jumps into the fire to save everyone from starving


I had a cat as old as me, who got sick in my final year of high school, he went around the same time as my grandmother did, which really put a dent in my semester and life at the time.

And my dog of 18 years went two summers ago, but I felt more sorry for my sister, who loved him the most. I had to be there to hold him alone until everyone got home to say goodbye, it was really scary and sad for me.

When I was young, I wanted a tortoise so I wouldn't have to deal with saying goodbye to my pets. Looking into getting a turtle though, to keep my cat company.

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I had to say goodbye to my oldest rooster just yesterday, actually. He was like 90% chest meat and he tripped over his own feet all the time and he was dumb as a sack of rocks but man he was a character ;_; Like he used to do a strange sideways shuffle dance when he was happy and he sometimes got weird wild hairs to nest on eggs and exhibit behavior exactly like broody hens do. And he was really sweet with hens, and I'm totally gonna miss that. Finding roosters who the hens like is not an easy feat.

Also he randomly lost a toe at some point in his life and to this day I have no idea when it happened or what caused it. When I found out it was perfectly healed over, just without the toe. IDK I got like 100 absolutely stupid stories about Ulrich, I swear.

He just got super super super old as dirt and probably super super sick and he started getting confused and couldn't stand up straight for long anymore. He couldn't find his way home to the coop at night anymore, he couldn't remember how to roost properly, the flock was getting distressed, and his quality of life recently just went completely downhill. So, RIP Ulrich buddy ;_____;

Edited by Specta
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I had to say goodbye to my oldest rooster just yesterday, actually. He was like 90% chest meat and he tripped over his own feet all the time and he was dumb as a sack of rocks but man he was a character ;_; Like he used to do a strange sideways shuffle dance when he was happy and he sometimes got weird wild hairs to nest on eggs and exhibit behavior exactly like broody hens do. And he was really sweet with hens, and I'm totally gonna miss that. Finding roosters who the hens like is not an easy feat.

Also he randomly lost a toe at some point in his life and to this day I have no idea when it happened or what caused it. When I found out it was perfectly healed over, just without the toe. IDK I got like 100 absolutely stupid stories about Ulrich, I swear.

He just got super super super old as dirt and probably super super sick and he started getting confused and couldn't stand up straight for long anymore. He couldn't find his way home to the coop at night anymore, he couldn't remember how to roost properly, the flock was getting distressed, and his quality of life recently just went completely downhill. So, RIP Ulrich buddy ;_____;

Daww. I never thought I'd say that about a rooster, they can be mean. I'm reminded of a story my grandma told, whenever she went to a relatives farm the rooster would chase her and peck at her and she had to hide in the outhouse until he forgot she was there. One day the rooster didn't show up and she was super happy to find out what they were having for dinner...

That being said, he does sound like one in a million, it's cool that the hens liked him, meaning he was a good lover lol. If I ever had farm animals I would get attached to all of them and be sad when they have to be slaughtered. If I had chickens I wouldn't be able to eat chicken without feeling guilty.

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I've been considering posting on here about my several dead pets (I live by a busy road near a freeway) but just today my Chihuahua, Hercules, got hit by a car. Whoever hit him moved his body from the road next to our fence. They took the time to stop and move him but didn't even come and tell us he hit him. I could understand if they just didn't notice him and kept going but they stopped and moved him without coming and telling us what happened. We were wondering where he was and we looked around while calling him till I found his body.

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I've been considering posting on here about my several dead pets (I live by a busy road near a freeway) but just today my Chihuahua, Hercules, got hit by a car. Whoever hit him moved his body from the road next to our fence. They took the time to stop and move him but didn't even come and tell us he hit him. I could understand if they just didn't notice him and kept going but they stopped and moved him without coming and telling us what happened. We were wondering where he was and we looked around while calling him till I found his body.

:( I'm so sorry to hear that. The people who hit Kiss didn't move him or anything, I think it happened at night so they probably didn't even know it happened. An old couple who walked every morning saw him, moved him so he wouldn't get hit more, and told us.

While it wouldve been nice if whoever hit your dog told you, they probably didn't want to make themselves feel any worse. Having to tell someone "sorry, I ran over your dog" wouldn't be pleasant...so I guess it's a good thing they at least moved him.

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