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What is the year in Fire Emblem Awakening...


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during the defeat of Grima? Or when the game started, what was the year? If there is a year, I'd like to know it since I am writing a story and using the year system would be cool. Thanks.

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I don't think there is a canon year like there is in PoR/RD. You might be able to do some digging, if Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem had one you can work from that since it's like 1000 years after.

But most people suck at remembering numbers. For my Wings of Courage, I used the year for the beginning of RD. Problem is, my story is 5 years after PoR, not 2 or 3 like RD...so the year should be different, but nobody complained.

So you can make one up, and it won't be a big deal.

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I searched but found nothing, Dragoncat. I guess I will just go with a random number and hope that nobody complains. If, however, I find out that there is an exact year, I will edit the story year accordingly.

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They never mention a specific year only vague things like Tiki saying that Chrom reminds her of a man 1000 years before Marth or something along those lines. In short the world may never know.

Indeed, that is why I have to go with my own year for the story. ;)

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The story of Awakening takes place, according to official info, thousands of years after Mystery of the Emblem. Meaning more than one millennia has past since the year 608, putting the story at least in the year 2608, despite the developers not wanting to make Fire Emblem in a modern or future setting. Of course, who knows if this is correct and what could be 2608 to them is possibly 1000-ish to us.

Similarly, Geneolgy takes place thousands of years before Shadow Dragon (the year 603) yet it's calender states it is in 757. The calenders could be different between worlds.

Edited by Power Master
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The story of Awakening takes place, according to official info, thousands of years after Mystery of the Emblem. Meaning more than one millennia has past since the year 608, putting the story at least in the year 2608, despite the developers not wanting to make Fire Emblem in a modern or future setting. Of course, who knows if this is correct and what could be 2608 to them is possibly 1000-ish to us.

Similarly, Geneolgy takes place thousands of years before Shadow Dragon (the year 603) yet it's calender states it is in 757. The calenders could be different between worlds.

Thanks for the info, this will help me determine a year. ;)

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Well, the only estimate I can give you is one worked off of Tellius's calendar. Tellius takes place in the year 800...something, so if Awakening is 2000 years later, which I think is the case, it'd be 2800-something.

That's even past our own year...lol wow. But Awakening does have some modernish things, like candy, inner tubes, and party hats. The armor looks like it could be part of machinery too and perhaps even more fortified than armor in past titles. So technology did advance to some degree.

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Well, the only estimate I can give you is one worked off of Tellius's calendar. Tellius takes place in the year 800...something, so if Awakening is 2000 years later, which I think is the case, it'd be 2800-something.

Radiant dawn/tellius series is set in the year 780 :)

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Radiant dawn/tellius series is set in the year 780 :)

So what can we draw from this conclusion? What year would it be? And, are all FE games connected somehow, then? Sorry if I don't seem to know much, I haven't played the older games that go back from FE7.

Well, the only estimate I can give you is one worked off of Tellius's calendar. Tellius takes place in the year 800...something, so if Awakening is 2000 years later, which I think is the case, it'd be 2800-something.

That's even past our own year...lol wow. But Awakening does have some modernish things, like candy, inner tubes, and party hats. The armor looks like it could be part of machinery too and perhaps even more fortified than armor in past titles. So technology did advance to some degree.

About the technology advancing you're right and kudos to you. That is why I decided to include the Outer Realm mechanism for the story. And yes, I've come to the conclusion to use the year 2707, just because it's the closest imo. I could change it if you people give me better accurate dates. XD

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When PoR/RD take place is irrelevant because even if you had a solid time relation between the two (which you don't) they take place in different worlds which definitely do not share calendar systems, unless you want to write a backstory so elaborate that it contains a reason why they might.

Awakening takes place at least 2,000 years after SD, but everything else about the continent (assuming it even is Archanea) has changed, so there's no reason why they wouldn't have switched when year 0 was as well. In Cht.16 Basilio talks about a "schism" that apparently was a conflict in which Awakening's present setup of nations (Plegia, Ferox, Ylisse) was founded, and if we take that to also be the time of the First Exalt and assume a calendar reset took place there, the year could very well be around 1,000 at the time of Awakening.

You're definitely never going to get an official source. If you need to have a year in the story, make one up. If you're going to try to justify why your year is where it is, do it convincingly- nobody will mind if you just say what year it is, but people will mind if you mutter something vague and never elaborate.

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Well supposedly she is at least 1000 years old when she meets Marth (FE1/Shadow Dragon) and awakening takes place 2000 years later so 3000???


I went with 2707, if I remember correctly. So, I was not that off, eh? lol

Edited by Guenhwyvar
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I went with 2707, if I remember correctly. So, I was not that off, eh? lol

Eh. It's utterly arbitrary anyway because the dating system probably did no carry over. Maybe it would have made sense to use a low number to make things seem more midevil (people tend to expect scifi in years greater than 2100 or so), but whatever. (some dating systems have higher numbers. The hebrew date is 5775, as counted from the biblical beginning of the world. The point being that dating systems can count from anything, and thus be any year, so don't sweat it.)

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