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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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but tbh i love a lot of smells

ha-hazukashii desu


And I have these lovely smelling maple sugar candles so I guess I love the smell of maple sugar \o/

And even though I haven't really liked any of the hams I've tasted, working in the deli taught me I really love the scent of honey ham. UGUU that smells amazing

And I wish I could answer


But my nose is apparently a horrible aiku scent detector~

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Off the top of my head in no particular order:

My uncle's red velvet cake when it is in the oven (okay I lied this is my favorite smell in the universe but everything else is in no particular order).


Strong marijuana.

New car.


Red Wine.


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There's some pretty major mechanical (as in pure game design) issues that I can't particularly forgive, though they are largely late-game grievances. Other issues too when looking back in it, actually, but it's not like the game is super terrible, just flawed.

Edit: Also, just because there was a previous version that was then built upon doesn't exactly excuse the fact that there was some shotcalling as to what content was put in the version that was shipped internationally.

agreed. i really enjoyed that game because i had been craving a ff-esque game, and that's exactly what i got (pretty much), so at the time i kind of ignored the problems.

cinnamon, peppers, carne asada tacos, and freshly baked apple pie are pretty near the top. i'm not exactly sure how to phrase this without sounding silly, but walking past girls with really nice smelling perfume is also pretty cool. and i also like the smell of forests.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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There's this aromatic spray that I really enjoy. It's made with a base of vanilla and vetiver, and then it has rose, geranium, petitgrain, ravintsara and peppermint in it. It is the most glorious thing I have ever had the pleasure of smelling.

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They always fill me with a wonderful sense of nostalgia, every time I sniff one.

Incense too. My favorite is Nag Champa. I love chilling out and lighting a stick of it in my room.

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what the actual hell lol

>Without frequent bathing

As in people who bathe, but not too much? Or people who don't bathe at all?

Edited by Apparition
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what the actual hell lol

>Without frequent bathing

As in people who bathe, but not too much? Or people who don't bathe at all?

We were on a canoe trip, so there weren't showers. Some lakes were pretty clean and good for swimming, which kinda helped us clean up a little, and we had a soap dispenser for washing hands.

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Oh yeah, definitely garlic! Though not from other people's mouths. Also when stuff is fried with olive oil.


also barbecue and also mmmmm delicious cooked meat in general

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