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Fire Emblem 4 0% Growths LTC


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Is one of the top 5 items Elwind? Because nobody would expect that.

Considering its combination of potent offense and low weight, I think it's an item to be expected.

I definitely see Hero Lance in there somewhere. It was an important alternative to the Hero sword due to its higher Mt.

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Also one of the top 5 items will surprise you all.

Interesting. Though if it's Cuan's Javelin or Midir's whatever Bow I wouldn't actually call it a "surprise".

Edit: Ninja'd

Edited by Yojinbo
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Even if the enemy did target Sylvia, it probably wouldn't have been an issue, the hitrate would be so low with Charisma and Leadership bonuses (maybe 35ish).

I don't really know how the AI works when it has 0 hit and can KO though. Most of the time they just ignore them.

EDIT: Turns out the Meteo mages hilariously have 3 hit on Levin so they'd go for him when possible.

Edited by General Horace
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So you had to "rig" a dodge against an attack that only has 3 hit?!?

somewhat related: i've had to "rig" humorous things before for the sake of strategic integrity; i've rigged non-crits and non-dodges on occasion just to maintain the suspense.

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And that's the end of Chapter 5, completed in 13 turns, and Generation One, completed in 96 turns.


Here's my rankings. These are all very debatable because ranking in a video game can be subjective.

[spoiler=Top 10 Units/Top 5 Items]

1. Levin: Was in contention with Sigurd for number one, but barely got the nudge in the end since late game would be practically impossible to play efficiently without him.
2. Sigurd: He gets outshone towards the end of the game, but imagine playing early game without him. With access to spears and swords, leadership, the ability to get sibling crits, and massive movement, Sigurd is an insanely versatile unit who carries any FE4 team with or without growths. After the first two chapters he was no longer an invincible monster, but he still managed to do so much.
3. Dew (may he rest in peace): Without him, Lachesis wouldn't promote on time and Sigurd wouldn't be able to get all the items needed for Sigurd. I can't calculate for sure, but I know this saves an amazing number of turns.
4. Sylvia (may she rest in peace): Dancer. Self explanatory. Makes everything faster with very little investment.
5. Lachesis: She was made especially vital by the need to lug a 6 move unit around in mount emblem, but wasn't ranked any higher because she required so much work/investment and only helped out at the end.
6. Ethlin (may she rest in peace): Healing to increase reliability (and make a few strats possible), enemy attack bait (further increasing reliability), and able to set up crits with the two best mounted units? Very useful unit, but ranked lower because she's ultimately only a support unit.
7. Cuan (may he rest in peace): High defense, same movement as Sigurd, great strength, and riggable continues is a winning combination. He's only ranked this low because his kills aren't as reliable as Sigurd's, WTD hurts him in the first few maps, and he just isn't as versatile in terms of available items.
8. Deidre: I think this is the first time Deidre has ever been ranked this high on any list, but prayer is an amazing skill, especially when combined with live. Since she only contributed in two chapters she isn't any higher, but cutting a turn in chapter 1 and quite a few in chapter 2 is good enough to place her this high. Plus, she's the second best dodger after Levin!
Holyn (may he rest in peace): I was unsure whether this spot should belong to Aideen or Holyn but I decided to go with Holyn in the end. All Aideen does in terms of saving turns is warp Sigurd over to Madino castle after Silvail, and Holyn has more varied contributions. I lavish a lot of praise on Deidre for her amazing dodges during Macklily, but without Holyn to tank and finish off some enemies she wouldn't be able to do it. Holyn also helps during Agusty by clearing a path for Sigurd, and during Silvail by increasing reliability. Finally, he feeds kills onto the hero sword in chapter four, which will be a major help in the second generation. Holyn's contributions aren't massive, but they let him snag the 9th spot.
10. Midir: Being locked to 2 range doesn't look so bad when your defense is so bad that enemies would wreck you at one range. Riggable charge and baiting enemies out during Agusty castle were with key contributions (as well as being AI bait), which is good enough to give Midir a spot at the end of the list.
1. Leg ring
Self explanatory. Helps Sylvia zip around and dance more often, saving a bunch of turns.
2. Elite ring
Without this item Lachesis wouldn't be a masterknight and Levin wouldn't be a sage at the beginning of chapter four. The importance of this can not be understated.
3. Return staff
A lot of people chose either the warp staff or the return staff. The return staff pulled ahead because it saved more turns more often. After Anphony, after Madino, and after Silesia the return staff helped save turns, whereas the warp staff was only important after Madino, which is why it was ultimately edged out of the ranking.
4. Circlet
Without prayer and live Deidre would have just been a glass cannon and a healer. With this, she became a turn saving monster. Definitely an important item.
5. Ethlin's Live Staff
The only real curve ball here, but this staff was pivotal. First, the 9 turn of the prologue would have been impossible without it, as I couldn't rig and Cuan would have died. Then imagine Chapters 1 and 2 without it. If Cuan actually had to dodge all axe attacks the strategy would have been absurdly unreliable and I would have been uncomfortable with the amount of rigging required (many things would be less than 1% COS.) Aideen wouldn't have been able to chip in, because she isn't fast enough in the forest and needed to stand next to Azel. The staff's contributions were more of the same during chapter 2, where no units could reliably dodge everything any more. It's an innocuous item and one that won't see any more use, but it really helped out in early game, earning it a much deserved spot in the top five items.

And, unless I've counted incorrectly (which I might have), Mekkah takes the competition. However, if anyone can guess my top 5 hairstyles in the first generation, I will read a poem in their honor too during the battle of Barhara.

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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awesome job so far!

Rescue doesn't save any turns in Chapter 6, even if you go over the mountains near where Fee and Arthur spawn, Celice is 2 spaces short of a 15 turn clear. It's rather inconvienent.

I agree that Azel/Aideen and Claude/Fury is the way to go in 0% growths though. Leaf won't be promoted until probably chapter 9 (or 10 even) without growths anyway.

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I get him promoted by chapter 9 with a bit of arena rigging, a few kills, and by feeding him all the citizens in chapter 8. It's amazing, I can clear chapter 9 in 9/8 turns with the rescue staff and knight!leg!Laylea (I'll have to see if I can revamp my strategy to not require the prayer ring.)

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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magicring!lightsword!Oifaye hits him twice (dancer support), maybe Leif used a powerful magic tome on him, I forgot, and then Shanan finished him off with a continue. The prayer ring is important to one of the strategies I have in the final chapter (my 2 turn of Edda), but I think that I might be able to do without it, depending on how stupid the AI is. Near the end of chapter 9 I'll probably be taking a break from recording to try out a few different strats as I don't have generation 2 endgame completely planned out.

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Nice job!

Levin, Sigurd, Alec, Cuan, Aira. They're probably all wrong.

How did you manage chapter 6 on your test playthrough?

Also, I'm just curious to know how many kills Holsety has.

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Elwind has 45, Wind has 4, and Holsety 15. You'd expect it to be higher, but I did skip a lot of enemies.

I think I'll settle for like, a 20 turn for chapter 6. It could go much lower, but guess and checking with RN burns in chapter 5 is just too tedious for me to do for long. When Celice gets two shotted the optimal strategies are all really unreliable and there's no arena.

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Levin, Sigurd, Dew, Sylvia, Lachesis, Ethlin, Cuan, Deidre, Holyn, Midir
Leg Ring, Elite Ring, Return Staff, Circlet, Live Staff
Levin (2) Sigurd (2) Cuan (1) Sylvia (2) Lachesis (2) Ethlin (2) Dew (1) Fin (0) Deidre (1) Midir (1) = 14
Silver Lance (0) Elite Ring (2) Warp Staff (0) Leg Ring (1) Hero Lance (0) = 3
-> 17 points
Levin (2) Sylvia (1) Dew (2) Lachesis (1) Sigurd (1) Cuan (1) Ethlin (1) Deidre (2) Midir (1) Fin (0) = 12
Leg Ring (2) Elite Ring (2) Warp Staff (0) Hero Lance (0) Circlet (1) = 5
-> 17 points
Dew (1) Levin (1) Lachesis (1) Sylvia (2) Ethlin (1) Sigurd (1) Cuan (2) Midir (1) Deidre (1) Aideen (0) = 11
Elite Ring (1) Let Ring (1) Warp Staff (0) Hero Lance (0) Return Staff (1) = 3
-> 14 points
Levin (2) Sylvia (1) Dew (2) Lachesis (1) Sigurd (1) Ethlin (2) Cuan (2) Midir (1) Deidre (1) Holyn (1) = 13
Elite Ring (1) Hero Lance (0) Speed Ring (0) Return Staff (1) Leg Ring (1) = 3
-> 16 points
Levin (2) Lachesis (1) Sylvia (1) Dew (1) Ethlin (1) Sigurd (1) Cuan (2) Holyn (1) Beowulf (0) Aideen (0) = 10
Leg Ring (2) Warp Staff (0) Hero Lance (0) Hero Sword (0) Elite Ring (1) = 3
-> 13 poins
Sylvia (1) Levin (1) Lachesis (1) Sigurd (1) Dew (1) Cuan (1) Aideen (0) Deidre (2) Midir (1) Fin (0) = 9
Elite Ring (1) Warp Staff (0) Leg Ring (1) Silver Lance (0) Return Staff (1) = 3
-> 12 points
Levin (2) Cuan (1) Lachesis (1) Sylvia (2) Fin (1) Sigurd (1) Ethlin (1) Dew (1) Aideen (0) Deidre (1) = 11
Elite Ring (1) Leg Ring (1) Hero Lance (0) Warp (0) Circlet (1) = 3
-> 14 points

1. Mekkah / Yojinbo @ 17 points
2. momogeek @ 16 points
3. Horace / Baldrick @ 14 points
4. franku @ 13 points
5. BBM @ 12 points
Looks like we get to hear 2 poems :P
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