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Class path for children units.


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So I recently decided to pick up my 3ds and load FE:A for the first time in a few months. And I'm hooked. Again. I continued through my Lunatic play through, and I'm currently on stage 18. I grinded up my units and got the skills that I want them to pass down. The pairings, and the skills (as suggested by another user) are here:

Chrom/Sumia: Chrom always gives Aether, Sumia's skill doesn't matter since Lucina and Cynthia are able to change into all of Sumia's classes. So choose whatever you want

Donnel/Sully: Sully's skill doesn't matter and as for Donnel, well most people would pass Aptitude while I went for Counter since I played on harder difficulties, though that skill is useless on Apotheosis. Either way pass a male exclusive skill that you will use. While I don't mind Aptitude, growth rates and stat growths are not a problem in this game. (I'm thinking on just passing Armsthrift)

Gaius/Tharja: Tharja's skill doesn't matter and for Gaius, whatever fighter related skill you want

Lon'qu/Miriel: Lon'qu's skill doesn't matter. I suppose Vantage would be best if you aren't gonna grind levels. Miriel should pass down something from the Valkyrie class. Dual Support+ is great as is Renewal since Laurent can't become a Priest.

Stahl/Cordelia: Doesn't matter from either parent. Severa can reclass into all of Cordelia's and Stahl's classes.

Ricken/Lissa: Lissa should pass Galeforce and Ricken's doesn't matter

Henry/Maribelle: Maribelle should pass Galeforce. Henry's skill doesn't matter.

Libra/Olivia: Olivia should pass Galeforce. Libra's skill doesn't matter.

Gregor/Cherche: Cherche should pass a Valkyrie Skill. Gregor's skill doesn't matter

Frederick/Panne: Doesn't matter what skill they pass, Yarne can reclass into all of their classes

Vaike/Nowi: Nowi's skill doesn't matter since Nah can reclass into all of her classes. Vaike should pass a Barbarian/Fighter skill. Choose whatever you feel is useful.

MaMU/2nd Gen: Well assuming you marry your MU to or Kjelle, Noire, Nah have them pass down the fighter/barbarian skill they inherited. If married to Lucina or Cynthia, take Aether. Severa's skill doesn't matter. As for your avatar, pass down a male only skill.

So, now I just need class paths for all the kids. Now I would just pull up the wiki and do this myself, but I'm requesting the help of more skilled players - due to my accidental discovery of internal levels yesterday. I had reclassed Miriel so many times (the end result I wanted was Dual Support+) that when she was a Valkeryie, and I was trying to level her up on EXPonential growth, she was only gaining 8 EXP for killing the highest level enemies. Eventually I got her to level 15 (and got Dual Support+), but it was a pain. Long story short, I don't want to screw up my child units by reclassing them so much that they're near impossible to level up.

Sorry for the long post, and any typos - I'm writing this from my phone.


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Generally with Chrom x Sumia, you want to pass down galeforce to both girls, especially on nogrind. That way they can more easily level grind without slowing you down. They don't have to be tough enough to survive the enemy onslaught to kill things, they can just hit and run with some slayer weapons. They'll want to both go into great knight next, mostly because that class sucks the longer you're in it, but has a crucial skill and some great growths for toughening weak, fragile units up.

I find that Kjelle doesn't make good use of ANY of Donnel's male-exclusive skills, so I always give her aptitude, especially on no-grind. At least it makes one child less of a hassle to max out.

Also, just because you can eventually get any of the skills a character can pass down doesn't mean inheritance "doesn't matter". For example, have Gaius pass down Astra and Tharja pass down Luna and boom, you've got both of Noire's recommended procs already, and the parents have been in classes that will buff up physical stats nicely. It puts her in the perfect position to abuse walls, healing and meatshields to solo her entire map with some longbows and patience.

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So, now I just need class paths for all the kids. Now I would just pull up the wiki and do this myself, but I'm requesting the help of more skilled players - due to my accidental discovery of internal levels yesterday. I had reclassed Miriel so many times (the end result I wanted was Dual Support+) that when she was a Valkeryie, and I was trying to level her up on EXPonential growth, she was only gaining 8 EXP for killing the highest level enemies.

Easy fix: don't use EXPonential growth. It's one of the worst maps in the game for training high level units.

Once everything is giving you 8 exp anyway, just go for an easy map with loads and loads of units (LB3). Same exp per kill, but 50 kills instead of 2-3 per map. You can go through a promoted class in less than 5 mins on it even with a capped IL.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Easy fix: don't use EXPonential growth. It's one of the worst maps in the game for training hing level units.

Once everything is giving you 8 exp anyway, just go for an easy map with loads and loads of units (LB3). Same exp per kill, but 50 kills instead of 2-3 per map. You can go through a promoted class in less than 5 mins on it even with a capped IL.

Seriously? Oh wow, never thought of this. Thank you!

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