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Question about Capturing in FE5


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I just started my first playthrough of FE5 and I'm somewhat confused about how the Capturing system works in this game.

For the most part, I am able to capture successfully by using the Capture command and bringing the enemy's HP down to 0 in the battle that follows. But some times even when I do this, it doesn't seem to capture them and they just disappear. Is there something I'm not taking into account, or is it all randomly based?

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It's simple. Each unit has a build stat, you should be able to see it. You can only catch enemies with a lower build (except mounted units, which you can't catch at all.) Your stats get halved, and if you win the battle, you "rescue" them. When you set them free (after taking their weapons) they disappear from the map. If the enemy has no weapons and your build is higher, you capture them without a battle. I'm not sure what exactly happened in your playthrough.

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It's simple. Each unit has a build stat, you should be able to see it. You can only catch enemies with a lower build (except mounted units, which you can't catch at all.) Your stats get halved, and if you win the battle, you "rescue" them. When you set them free (after taking their weapons) they disappear from the map. If the enemy has no weapons and your build is higher, you capture them without a battle. I'm not sure what exactly happened in your playthrough.

Thanks for that, but I already understand this part. My question is why the capture is not successful even when I use the Capture command and win the battle that follows. I think maybe it's just a glitch. I also encountered something weird when I used a Live spell on Leif, and it didn't heal him at all even though the animation clearly showed Safy healing him.

I would say that in those cases you cannot capture you are not using the capture command.

I have though, the patch I am using shows the options to Hit and Capture, and I almost swear I was using the "Cpt" command rather than the "Hit" command. One of these cases was when I was using Fin to capture and enemy unit with a much lower Build stat. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know.

Edited by DragonLord
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Can you show a video/gif of capture not working? I've never seen someone use the capture command, reduce a unit to 0 HP and fail to capture.

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No idea about Capture not working, but Leaf not being healed might be because Safy missed. That's a thing that can happen in Thracia.

Well, never thought that was a possibility, haha.

Can you show a video/gif of capture not working? I've never seen someone use the capture command, reduce a unit to 0 HP and fail to capture.

I'm playing Thracia 776 on my phone with SuperGNES so I'm not sure if I can right now. I'll try it out on my computer and get a recording if I can.

EDIT: I have a feeling it may have just been me, and not the game itself. If I come across it again, I'll let you know.

Edited by DragonLord
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The legendary IN AMERICA patch is notorious for its terrible menus

True. By far the most common patch has menues that essentially consist of random giberish. It is entirely possible that something that looks like "capt" is in the text of the normal battle option. try save-stating and selecting both options consecutively, then remember which one actually captured.

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