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Treasure In 1-E

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Was anyone able to recover all the chests in the Part 1 endgame? I try to get Sothe to go for the chests, and I accompany him with someone like Naliah or BK, but the enemy thieves make this really difficult. I get the Reaper Card easily, but by then, the thieves go up deep into enemy territory and I have no idea how to stop them.

Thanks in advance to anyone with advice on this.

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You need to be more than a little fast to catch thieves. Pass Nailah and proper use of Rafiel might be what you're lacking.

I usually just steal the standard speedrun strat for the first turn or two for 1-E. You can see it here from 25:00 or so onwards.

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Pass also works with Sothe well, if you want to keep it with the Dawn Brigade.

Not as well as it works with Nailah but then again. It's freaking Nailah

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Yeah I tried that, but Sothe gets hit pretty badly. Which is weird, since he's like invincible in the previous DB chapters.

1-E is when he starts losing his powerful status. He's decent for the rest of the game till end game, but yeah he gets hit pretty badly unless you've given him some boosters or bexp.

Which kinda hurts the rest of the DB as a result.

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You have to not be afraid to use Nailah and potentially let her get multiple kills. It's not too tough to run her up there quickly and take out a thief when they appear; if you can stop the one that gets the Reaper Card, just try going a little faster. You don't need Nailah to have Pass (I don't like to because that gives up a good skill for a large portion of the game), but it is helpful if you're willing.

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You have to not be afraid to use Nailah and potentially let her get multiple kills. It's not too tough to run her up there quickly and take out a thief when they appear; if you can stop the one that gets the Reaper Card, just try going a little faster. You don't need Nailah to have Pass (I don't like to because that gives up a good skill for a large portion of the game), but it is helpful if you're willing.

Yeah this is the main reason that its not an easy choice to give her Pass.

I usually do one of three things. Give it to Sothe, hand it to Ilyana to hand to the Mercs for lols or Nailah wrecks with it.

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You have to not be afraid to use Nailah and potentially let her get multiple kills. It's not too tough to run her up there quickly and take out a thief when they appear; if you can stop the one that gets the Reaper Card, just try going a little faster. You don't need Nailah to have Pass (I don't like to because that gives up a good skill for a large portion of the game), but it is helpful if you're willing.

If you don't give Naliah pass, do you send her up the large staircase? She doesn't have a ranged attack to deal with the dudes blocking the ledges.

I guess Sothe could throw knives, but his aim is usually bad when attacking ledges.

Edited by Radiant head
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You can send her right, or you can have someone like the Black Knight get rid of the enemies blocking her way in the middle. Rafiel helps with that a lot.

Seconding this, although I tend to have the BK stay back and deal with the mage reinforcements. Because he's an exp sink but I like him doing something

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Yeah I have tried using BK to take the guards out, but I haven't used both him and Naliah in the same game because it would feel like hilarious overkill.

Seconding this, although I tend to have the BK stay back and deal with the mage reinforcements. Because he's an exp sink but I like him doing something

Ooh that's a good idea, though I don't have too much trouble with letting the mages catch up and destroying them with my mages.

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If you're worried about losing Pass and don't want it on Nailah, you can give it to Sothe. He doesn't take as much penalty from ledges so he can get up there pretty easily. If you play your cards right, he can take out both thieves on his own, but you really need to keep an eye out on the upper enemies with him.

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Actually you don't need to rush after the thieves. After they had plundered the chests, they run back to the entry area behind the second stairs (where the two myrmidon reinforcements appear). So you have enough time to catch them.

When they come back, block the entry with any two units (the thiefs won't attack you). Steal with Sothe the things. Make sure he's a free slot in his inventory. With help by Rafiel he can steal two things in one turn.

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For what it's worth I don't think Pass is a great loss. The GMs get another one courtesy of Heather and they will usually not need two. The DB can't do much with it in part 3 since they are forced on defense in 3-6 and 3-13, while you simply don't need it in 3-12. After that Nailah rejoins and you can reassign it.

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