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Fire Emblem TCG Returning this Summer


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Speaking of that Lucina card I was trying to do a bit of rudimentary translating and it seems that the first line in the second box states that "This card's unit is also treated as a 'marth.'" So it implies that certain characters might have affects based upon who they are? The second line of text I'm not sure since I never got to far into kanji could translate to "does +20 damage to dragons(or whatever that symbol means)"

Anyone else wanna take a whack at it?


Also if you look at Gaius's art he's in assassin's clothing so we might be able to see characters in their promoted forms?

Edited by Trickster
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Yeah, some characters are promoted. Gaius is an Assassin, Palla is a Falcon Knight, Nabarl is a Swordmaster, etc.

But most surprising: there's a promoted "Lodestar" version of Marth in the Shadow Dragon starter deck.


I don't know enough Japanese to read the skills and stuff. I can read most of the skill names though... Palla's first skill is a FS/Formation Skill called "Triangle Attack". Meanwhile Gaius's second skill is a CCS/Class-change Skill called "Rewarded in Sweets" (loose translation).

Edited by VincentASM
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I apologise for being just an epic noob about this but could someone explain how the game part of this normally works please? I understand that the cards and rules haven't been released yet but I assume there is some similar non-FE card games that will have a similar structure and that the FE game will probably be along the same lines?

Or am I totally getting this wrong and the idea is just to collect all the cards?

Apologies again for asking, please understand that TCG's have just completely passed me throughout my entire life and I assume I'm not the only person in that boat.

JUST FROM READING VARIOUS THINGS PEOPLE SAID HERE (and a bit of observation from the "known" cards, using this as an example):

In other words, don't take this as anything serious!

- The numbers on the upper-left may work something like Weiss Schwarz, which had its own payment method in the form of stock (it's long and complicated, so just nod). If a character only has one number up there, then it's costless to play? Pretty sure that number's directly tied to unit strength, as the higher-number units seem to be both stronger and a higher card rarity.

- Icons on the left, from top to bottom: Army, gender, weapon, other special characteristics. Certain weapons/abilities depend on this (Lucina's triggers when she fights dragons like Tiki, for example).

- Looks like certain costs require resting a unit (Gaius), flipping. . .something over (Linde, and that cost reminds me of counter-blasting in Vanguard. . .perhaps it's related to the first bullet point), or both (Maribelle)

- Certain abilities require certain named units (Maribelle gets a bonus if Lissa's around)

- I see stuff like weapon range (next to the left-hand number on the bottom, which I'm assuming is attack power), something that seems to be related to position on the field (I see kanji for up/down, and whatever Tiki's is supposed to mean), and class, followed by the second largish number (assuming this one's defense, or Lucina's skill would make no sense).

- At the very bottom is a fancy title, followed by the unit's name.

If I had to take a stab at it, the 1-units have an ability and something else that triggers, based on whether they're attacking or defending. From what I can see, this really reminds me of Weiss Schwarz (the game, in as few words as possible, is not to hit a certain damage point, but as your damage gets higher, you're allowed to play stronger units. . .at a cost, of course - anyone that plays the game can mentally crucify me for using "damage" instead of "clock").

EDIT: Forgot the Leader card - that could be Vanguard's starting vanguard (unlikely), Force of Will's Rulers (slightly more likely), or something else entirely (most likely).

Edited by eclipse
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Thanks for the analysis : )

I already knew most of that (minus the comparison to other TCGs), but I'm lazy to explain in words XD

Speaking of rules, the official Twitter account just announced a livestream on 14th April 14:00 (Japan time), which will explain the rules.

Sadly, I don't understand a word of spoken Japanese, so don't expect anything from me : P

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This is exactly the kind of thing you're going to get from the DeNA/Nintendo deal. TCGs are huge on mobile devices, where fans of the genre are already used to dropping money on new packs, the real-world equivalent of IAPs. If a digital version of this isn't released (at least in Japan), I'll eat my hood.

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Thanks for the analysis : )

I already knew most of that (minus the comparison to other TCGs), but I'm lazy to explain in words XD

Speaking of rules, the official Twitter account just announced a livestream on 14th April 14:00 (Japan time), which will explain the rules.

Sadly, I don't understand a word of spoken Japanese, so don't expect anything from me : P

Do you know if they'll record the stream? I'll be at work while it's on. Though my spoken Japanese is. . .uh, bad, I might be able to puzzle out more of the rules through the demo itself.

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