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Tier List


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3/4 of that post wasn't about stealing experience. Lrn2reed. Ewan is a mediocre unit, at best. He's nothing like Ross, who turns out awesome.

I stopped reading right after that part because it's a bad reason entirely. The rest, I must say, was valid.

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Why I consider "Arena Abuse" valid: the chances your unit will die eventually are pretty high, regardless of his level and stats. I think restarting until things go your way is cheating. On your first run in any given map, if you manage to get a guy to high levels via the arena, then more power to you for being lucky. If he dies, guess you are out of a good unit now and are going to have to find a back-up because if you hit reset, you better be starting your entire game over and not just reloading your last save.

In FE8 debates we aim for beating the game in the least amount of turns possible. When you arena abuse you use up your turns. No arena abusing. It's only considered valid in FE4 and FE6 and FE7, but for the latter two only if you can afford it in the turn limit.

Tower of Valni, I don't consider abuse, unless you re-enter it like a million times. It's meant to be attempted in the story line at least once, and if you do it, let's say right after Ephraim and Eirika get promoted, it's still a challenge to beat the entire thing in one sitting. I say if you exit because you're afraid of losing your units, you don't return to it.

It's meant to be attempted after the storyline to recruit all the secret characters. Going to the Tower means using more turns, too, although the game doesn't count them. The same goes for skirmishes and the Ruins.

You seem to like citing precedence against me. That's going to change how I see things! For sure! I guess I can't have my own opinions about a game because I have to have fun with it the same way the "experts" have decided I need to play the game! I guess I've learned my lesson. I'll never question your mighty expertise ever again.

You're completely wrong. I don't tell you how to beat the game, I'm debating. Debating and playing the game are two completely different things.

Edited by Tino
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In FE8 debates we aim for beating the game in the least amount of turns possible. When you arena abuse you use up your turns. No arena abusing. It's only considered valid in FE4 and FE6 and FE7, but for the latter two only if you can afford it in the turn limit.

It's meant to be attempted after the storyline to recruit all the secret characters. Going to the Tower means using more turns, too, although the game doesn't count them. The same goes for skirmishes and the Ruins.

You're completely wrong. I don't tell you how to beat the game, I'm debating. Debating and playing the game are two completely different things.

If you want to debate, go to somewhere like FE Planet.

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If you want to debate, go to somewhere like FE Planet.

What's wrong with it happening here? Just let the calm people deal with the debating, and the anti-debators can just ignore it. Really, I could really care less if Vanessa's > Tana, I just use her for fun. In fact, I don't really care who I use in this game...

Point is, debating is likely to happen no matter where you go. If fact, you guys did debates, if in much less detail, long before Tino and Salmon came to town, just look at the Lord Debate from some time ago. Look at the topics with various classes, it even has the word debate in it.

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What's wrong with it happening here? Just let the calm people deal with the debating, and the anti-debators can just ignore it. Really, I could really care less if Vanessa's > Tana, I just use her for fun. In fact, I don't really care who I use in this game...

Point is, debating is likely to happen no matter where you go. If fact, you guys did debates, if in much less detail, long before Tino and Salmon came to town, just look at the Lord Debate from some time ago. Look at the topics with various classes, it even has the word debate in it.

Indeed... I did enjoy a good debate about Nino a few months back. I think that was with Tino, too.

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Anyway, Lute is a pretty good mage.

Only second to Moulder in FE8. <3

Tino, I think Vanessa might actually be better than Franz. She has a bit better overall offense and destroys Franz once her supports build.

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She's not much better, if any at all once she has her supports, and she has pretty fail offense the first couple of chapters. I don't see how Franz could be worse than Vanessa :huh:

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Well, Vanessa's durability is barely lower than Franz's, and she's two rounding most enemies, while Franz is three-rounding. She's slightly better early-game, Franz is better mid-game, and both are about equal late-game. I do think Vanessa is slightly better.

EDIT: Nevermind, I forgot about her 16 HP. >__<

Edited by Swordsalmon
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-It's not hard to beat the game. At all. A tier list might tell somebody which characters are worth using to make the game easier, but it's an easy game, so who cares. Not needed.

-There aren't any rankings in the game. No reward for doing "better" according to any standards the game throws at you. A tier list might help you for trying to get a good rank in the games that have ranks, but no ranks, so it doesn't do that. Who cares.

-Who cares about a tier list for SS? It's pointless.

Dude Tier list aren't needed for FE period. It's just gay, I'm fine with a Brawl tier cause that has a competative Meta-game or any sort of game. FE is something you play alone. Tiers aren't needed play with who you want

Look, I know that you guys don't like tier lists. I'm not partial of them either. Can't we just stay on topic and humor the guy?

I am humoring him, by arguing with him

Completely irrelevant. In debates, facts are used, not opinions, no matter how much you think they're worth.

*rolls eyes*

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That's what averages have been calculated for.

tch. Whatever not that i care. I just use who I like depending on class or personality. I play for fun not to use the top characters.

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Don't overreact, man. I just said you didn't have to post in the topic (which obviously means that you shouldn't post if you have nothing to add).

If i have a question about the topic im not allowed to post? Interesting............

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