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Physical, Download, or Both?


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Just as the title suggests. Most games nowadays have an option to download the game directly, so it's quite a convenient way to play games, especially since you don't need to load the disc every time you want to play.

On the other hand, physical copies are always nice to have, especially for collection purposes. As with the case of the Wii U, it's nice to be able to play my Wii discs on a newer system with backwards compatibility.

Personally, I do both, depending on availability of a game, as well as convenience. What are your thoughts on this? Do you do one, or the other, or both?

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I always get a physical copy. Both for collecting and I have always prefered my games that way. Paritcularly on the Wii U where games and their DLC can get pretty hefty. There is just something about owning something physical with your hard owned money. Sadly I think these days are numbered.

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Digital only on PC, and that's primarily because I don't frequently buy full-priced retail games.

Elsewise, if it's something I can personally only get digital (VC games that I don't own the original systems for, for example), is offered as a download (Club Nintendo), or is significantly cheaper as digital at one time (Grandia on PSN since the physical copy was like $40 used online and $10-15 digital), then digital, but otherwise physical.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Things You Can Do With a Physical Game

1. Buy it new.

2. Buy it used.

3. Play it.

4. Borrow it from a friend.

5. Lend it to a friend.

6. Sell it to a friend.

7. Trade it with a friend.

Things You Can Do With a Digital Game

1. Buy it new.

2. Play it.

I only buy digital games if they're digital-only or cheaper than the retail version.

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If it's only available digitally, then I'll get it digital. Otherwise, it has to be an EXTREMELY low price compared to retail-like it was with Resident Evil a couple of weeks back. Awakening was the exception when it was very difficult to get a physical copy at first.

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console games always physical. i hate having digital copies of games if its not necessary. virtual console games are kind of an exception to this, though if i can get a decent SNES or N64 cart ill do that first.

pc im 100% digital these days. steam is da best.

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- No import taxes (which are roughly 80% of the total cost, around here);

- Doesn't take up space;

- Unlimited availability;

- No lending/borrowing is a non-issue when you can just buy the games you want;

- Used game market is terrible where I live, so I can't save money that way either.

On the flip side, there's always the danger you'll lose access to your entire collection for reasons beyond your control.

Edited by OldMan
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I definitely prefer physical copies whenever available. It's weird having to play certain games on certain 3DSes based on which one the game is downloaded on, and I'm not looking forward to having to dick around with system transfers and the like when the time comes to upgrade. Physical games can be simply and easily played on any applicable system, loaned out to friends, resold or traded in, etc.

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It would be nice to have a physical copy and have a digital back-up copy yourself. Physical copy can actually keep its worth and have utility in future if you ever need to attempt to get money back. My Raidant Dawn investment has already earned me about $20-$30 in value lol

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When possible, always physical. However, if this means i have to pay much more than for a digital copy or can't even access the game due to regionlocks or something, I just go for the download then. As much as I like to collect the games physical, it's just not worth the extra money imo.

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I only play console games and these have to be physical copies. The only exception is FE13, because I got the 3DS Fire Emblem edition.

If possible I even try to get a physical copy of games for my consoles, which weren't released outside of Japan (FE12 and Tales of Hearts for NDS).

Virtual console games (GBA) are excepted.

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Things You Can Do With a Physical Game

1. Buy it new.

2. Buy it used.

3. Play it.

4. Borrow it from a friend.

5. Lend it to a friend.

6. Sell it to a friend.

7. Trade it with a friend.

Things You Can Do With a Digital Game

1. Buy it new.

2. Play it.

I only buy digital games if they're digital-only or cheaper than the retail version.

You just gave me more reasons to like physical copies more : ]

I definitely prefer physical copies whenever available. It's weird having to play certain games on certain 3DSes based on which one the game is downloaded on, and I'm not looking forward to having to dick around with system transfers and the like when the time comes to upgrade. Physical games can be simply and easily played on any applicable system, loaned out to friends, resold or traded in, etc.

This is also a huge plus in my book system transfers can get iffy at times especially with not 1 not 2 not even 3 but 4 different models of DS's out.

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Good things about Digital:

Easy access to buy the games.

Never able to be lost(unless you lose the system...)

Never have to be worried about something being sold out.

More likely to be on sale

Things digital is worse at:

More expensive

takes up lots of space sometimes

No way to let someone borrow it.

Stuck to the 3ds, meaning if you lose, it's gone.


Personally, I think physical copy is better currently. Maybe one day they're equal. On Pc though; digital is the only way to go haha.

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