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Final Grade calculator.


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^This, so much

if you need to use this to calculate your final grade odds are you're in trouble anyway

I guess I'm in trouble for wondering how certain final exam grades will affect my overall grade, because nobody who's doing well ever worries or stresses about their grades.

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I guess I'm in trouble for wondering how certain final exam grades will affect my overall grade, because nobody who's doing well ever worries or stresses about their grades.

Sure sometimes if you need X mark to get into a certain program or something its not bad to know what you need to get sure, but like 90% of the people I knew who did this were checking what mark they needed to pass, not "do I maintain a 90 if I get this mark? how bout this one?" etc.

I just think if you're thinking about what you need to get on said exam it's always in the back of your mind when taking it which puts more stress on achieving said mark rather than learning the material

I guess the math might be hard for someone who stopped taking math after highschool or something but I guess if you don't have a calculator around the tool would be more handy although there is just the calculator on the computer

Edited by General Horace
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It does give rather amusing answers if you give it an impossible set of numbers. I've always gone for doing as well as I can rather than a certain percentage, but it's nice enough.

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that math isn't as dead simple as you nerds think it is

i was about to make a smartass comment about how it is dead simple and how people generally just don't like math before I actually went through it. Comes second nature to me, but it would take a few sentences to type out because it's actually kind of weird.

A = final exam percent

B = current grade

C = desired grade

(C - (1 - A) * B) / A

Is the percent you need on a final exam to get a grade of C%... and I doubt that's a formula most can remember or generally will come to.

Having that said I'll definitely link this to my students in the last month or so. I only tend to calculate this myself so I can ration my studying time for finals. I remember one semester I needed like a 60% on a stat final for an A, 50% on chem and like a 90% on a physics final (where I didn't really understand the whole last third of the class too well - I still don't understand fucking lenses and I'm in grad school). You better believe I was studying physics most of the time, I only showed up to study sessions for the other classes to help people out who needed it.

(Amusingly enough I think I ended up with like a 63% on that stat final, I barely got it, I didn't bother learning the last few weeks worth of content in much detail)

Edited by Lord Raven
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