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There are currently 4 villager classes, but I'm actually also planning to add about 8 more than can only be accessed via a randomizer, giving the player a diversity of possible combinations every time they run it. They won't be in the base game at all, but they will have a huge number of possible classes the player can draw from.

Edited by Klokinator
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There are currently 4 villager classes, but I'm actually also planning to add about 8 more than can only be accessed via a randomizer, giving the player a diversity of possible combinations every time they run it. They won't be in the base game at all, but they will have a huge number of possible classes the player can draw from.


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There are currently 4 villager classes, but I'm actually also planning to add about 8 more than can only be accessed via a randomizer, giving the player a diversity of possible combinations every time they run it. They won't be in the base game at all, but they will have a huge number of possible classes the player can draw from.

I assume Camtech randomizer 2.0 will be FE8CM compatible?

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Could I ask why?

I get the feeling that raising recruits is going to be a high risk high reward type thing if you're using fe7CM's enemies as a baseline.

Do you plan on editing the monster weapons too?

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Could I ask why?


I get the feeling that raising recruits is going to be a high risk high reward type thing if you're using fe7CM's enemies as a baseline.

Not particularly '3'

Do you plan on editing the monster weapons too?

Already did, added more too!

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I like the trainees too much. Plus, I tend to make him a Druid. In any case, I said Shaman!Ewan rather than Summoner!Ewan.

Exactly my point! Ewan is supposed to be a druid while Knoll should always be a SUMMONER. Which is why you can't really compare them since they're always doing different roles. Im not saying druid ewan is bad, because i use druid ewan all the time, im saying that you shouldn't really compare ewan and knoll.

Are we going to get a high crit anima/light/dark tome to be on par with the killers?

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I assume Camtech randomizer 2.0 will be FE8CM compatible?

it's entirely up to klok and the community whether my randomizer is compatible with anything Edited by CT075
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Exactly my point! Ewan is supposed to be a druid while Knoll should always be a SUMMONER. Which is why you can't really compare them since they're always doing different roles. Im not saying druid ewan is bad, because i use druid ewan all the time, im saying that you shouldn't really compare ewan and knoll.

I have no basis to compare Knoll to Ewan on other than 12 y/o and younger me attempting to use him sans promoting him right away. I never use more than one Shaman at one time, except MAYBE FE6. I feel like the other two magics are better to have more than one user of because they're much lighter than Dark.

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so what are the current classes to note

also if there is one thing GhebFE taught me is that Moulder should have a custom class named the stache

Axes Light Staves Anima Dark

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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Who said I was telling all the classes I've added just yet? Also, I can confirm other than Seraph Knight, there are no other magic/physical hybrid classes. I'd be up to add more, except other than I think Green Patch/Pi's Hack, nobody has ever listed all the weapon levels on one page and until that happens it really deters any desire to add hybrids.

Edited by Klokinator
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I can confirm other than Seraph Knight, there are no other magic/physical hybrid classes. I'd be up to add more, except other than I think Green Patch/Pi's Hack, nobody has ever listen all the weapon levels on one page and until that happens it really deters any desire to add hybrids.

Aww... That probably requires hardcore ASM, though.

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If only we could pick apart those japanese romhacks, we can find what makes them tick...and then steal japan's ideas like they did to us. Now to wait for the day they end up stealing FEXNA and then making their XNA games unreadable by us.

Edited by RandomSwordmaster
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  • 5 months later...

last post feb 25th oh wow

Okay, so there is a teeeeeeny tiny update.


Tequila was working on a big super image very similar to the above image. Think like this old GameFAQ's thing, but much much bigger. The overall idea being to show each class and how it relates to other classes, as well as where each character appears on the class pyramid.

Problem! It was a lot of work and he got bored :(

Solution! If anyone would like to tackle it, they get exclusive access to the sekrit FE8CM spreadsheet, the sekrit FE8CM conversation about upcoming things, and they get to help make this one mega-image thingy. Ofc I don't like posting much more than teasers publicly, so you also can'tsayaword about the sekrit stuff publicly. So if you're unable to resist the temptation of spoilers, it's not the job for you :(

Anyone interested?

Edited by Klokky-Kuuuun!
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