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I hope they remove Galeforce, since it's too broken for it's own good. I don't really think you can nerf galeforce, so it's either in or out. It kinda ruined the experience having to just grind for Galeforce for every unit that could get it. And I imagine the skills system will stay the same or at least very similar to Awakening.

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There is rarely a skill that is inherently broken in terms of how they function. What previous entries had that Awakening didn't was some kind of limit of how many of those good skills a character could have. Want your PoR Ike to have Aether? Okay, but then you can't have Vantage and Resolve.

With that said, I want as many skills as they can possibly pack into this game, but have a Capacity system or something so that:

1) You can afford to have amazing, fun, and interesting skills because when they come at a greater cost.

2) You have to make even harder choices in which skills to choose.

3) Characters that can't get the best skill are more likely to have a fighting chance by virtue of the fact they are probably going to get more weaker skills.

That aside, I want class-restricted skills, and have them free for that class. Canto, Lockpick, crit bonuses, etc. Inherent crit in particular is cool because it makes it much easier for the designer to keep the Sniper and Swordmaster valuable without gimmicky class-exclusive weapons.

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Eliminate Galeforce, more active skills like Gamble, bring back adept and resolve. Also bring back some of the RD's skills like stun (just don't give them a damage multiplier, kinda made the effect pointless). No Rally spectrum and limited Rally skills (to two preferably).

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Can we have Shade and Provoke back please

EDIT: And Nihil as well, plus Paragon as a non-DLC skill pls.

Also echoing what Hong said WRT Class-locked skills.

Edited by shinpichu
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To be honest, the powerful skills are completely fine to keep. Galeforce was broken as hell, but considering you have to have a level 15 Dark Flier, it's kinda balanced by its late-game addition and that its users are limited. Plus it was just fun as hell to Pair Up Lucina and Cynthia and proceed to decimate entire armies. If anything, I'd say get rid of the ones that just weren't very good.

For example:

Charm - it's a +5 bonus to evasion and accuracy. Just too small of a bonus to waste a slot over

Defender - A +1 isn't going to do much even if it is for all stats

Tantivity - Why in the world would you want to separate from allies? This would have made sense in a game with splash damage, but that's not the series we're talking about

Slow Burn - By the time it's hit its stride the fight is over

The generic "Stat +Number" skills - Just not enough to make a difference. They're just rendered swiftly irrelevant.

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To be honest, the powerful skills are completely fine to keep. Galeforce was broken as hell, but considering you have to have a level 15 Dark Flier, it's kinda balanced by its late-game addition and that its users are limited. Plus it was just fun as hell to Pair Up Lucina and Cynthia and proceed to decimate entire armies. If anything, I'd say get rid of the ones that just weren't very good.

For example:

Charm - it's a +5 bonus to evasion and accuracy. Just too small of a bonus to waste a slot over

Defender - A +1 isn't going to do much even if it is for all stats

Tantivity - Why in the world would you want to separate from allies? This would have made sense in a game with splash damage, but that's not the series we're talking about

Slow Burn - By the time it's hit its stride the fight is over

The generic "Stat +Number" skills - Just not enough to make a difference. They're just rendered swiftly irrelevant.

This, some skills were flat out useless and probably just put there so every class gets one at the same levels.

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