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  1. Character design is by Mika Pikazo: Does a lot of light novel illustration. Also did character designs for the latest Sakura Wars anime New Anna:
  2. Character design is by Mika Pikazo: Does a lot of light novel illustration; also did some character design for the latest Sakura Wars anime
  3. I'm trying to remember if that was in the leak that originated from the Chinese boards it came from, or that was just something someone made up later because that happens all the time. That whole thing was kind of a mess with multiple people trying to get in on it
  4. "No, the new FE is not real. Just to prove it, here's a remake of FE4."
  5. I'll make one prediction: Tactics Ogre Reborn. It leaked on the Playstation store but has been curiously absent for the past few weeks
  6. The point is you don't localize that early. Code is too unstable to handle that so localization doesn't really begin, let alone get deep into it, until assets and the bulk of the actual game is mostly finalized. Like I said, localization isn't just replacing text or vocal lines, people still have to play test to make sure the thing doesn't implode. Doing localization in tandem with actual development would just be a nightmare that causes all sorts of problems. The most you'll get is maybe demos for trade shows and trailers, but that's pretty much it. Final Fantasy XVI for example has the assets and localized voice acting mostly finished but there's a reason there have only been trailers so far; localization takes a LONG time, so something being localized that early is weird and best at nonsense at worst. And like many have said about this: it's just a rumor. There is nothing that's definitive proof that this is 100% the next Fire Emblem, especially when there are so many red flags and oddities about it. We'll see, but don't get your hopes up.
  7. Way more complicated than that. Localization typically begins well into development, usually within the last year before release. Scripts have to be translated and localized, contracts with firms have to be made, actors have to be cast, it's a lot of coordination. Sure, there's still development going, but they can't really begin voice acting until assets are done so it can be synched with the animation with ADR. The reveal trailer for Three Houses was a year before release; hell, Edelgard's English voice actress had been recast after that. As such, localization is a final step in development and even with that it can take awhile to do all the scripting, coding, and programming for it. You don't just copy-paste text, you have to make sure it's aligned properly, it's formatted properly, proofread, remove stuff that's contradictory (and even then things can slip by; see Three Hopes getting Jeritza's birth year wrong), and most of all make sure it doesn't bork something in the game because even a single typo can really wonk things out (See - Aliens: Colonial Marines for instance). There's a reason that even today RPG releases can be a year apart from release due to the sheer size of a story's script; some of these can literally be millions of words long. This is done months ahead of time, but not that far before release because everything needs to be tested
  8. Koei Tecmo is not in charge of localization, that would be up to iQue, which is a Nintendo subsidiary (who also handled Chinese localization on Three Houses) or Nintendo's Hong Kong offices as Nintendo is the publisher and IP holder
  9. An "old photo" wouldn't be in Chinese. Localization starts later in production when assets are mostly done. They wouldn't look like this, they would look a lot more polished.
  10. No kidding; if it was far along enough to be localized in Chinese the screens wouldn't be that low quality.
  11. Yup, relying on internet amnesia to keep the notoriety going. It's honestly kind of pathetic and people need to stop feeding them. Regardless, looking forward to what Nintendo's going to show. Considering how intricate Xenoblade 2's mechanics were I wonder how 3's will pan out.
  12. People who claimed a June 29 Direct are now in shambles
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