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Possible Faction Differences (gameplay wise)


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So it's pretty apparent that the West and East factions in FE14 have fairly large differences in terms of design, weapons, and what have you, but after rewatching the teaser for only god knows how many times, I got to thinking how these differences could effect the gameplay. It honestly makes sense considering the west and east in real life had many differences in how warfare went for them and what they used to fight with with each side having different training and the like, so I do have to wonder if a similar type of differences could apply to the FE14 factions.

For example, let's say the west side gets regular thieves and assassins with normal thief abilities while the east gets something akin to ninjas which more varied weapons, different innate skills or differing stats.

So I must ask, would exclusive benefits for the two factions sound like an interesting idea, or make the game unbalanced for one side?

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You might get some differences; I can see some only being aesthetic like Myrmidon being Samurai, Mages being Miko, etc. However, I think a lot of potential exists in the bestiary department. Like for the beast-folk, you could have Kitsune, Tanuki, Jorougumo, etc, basically just crack open a dictionary about Youkai and you could find all sorts of possibilities.

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