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Surprisingly, I'm a dirty casual of a gamer who cannot math for life, and I don't really consider myself that much of a gamer either. Regardless, I'm Tragoedia, a very Egyptian monster out to steal all your monsters and win in a children's card game.

Fire Emblem? A friend of mine introduced me into the franchise, and eventually I picked up my own copy out of sheer curiosity, which is partially why I'm here in this forum, hyped for FE: if. I liked Awakening for the concept, but the storyline/characters turned me off after awhile, though that fact alone did not dissuade me from being apart of the fandom. I've played FE7 and Radiant Dawn, although I have yet to finish those two and have put the progression on hold, alongside Chrono Trigger and Tales of the Abyss. I'm holding interest to play FE4 in the future as well, and maybe catch up with the Dresden Files series while I'm at it while waiting for Patrick Rothfuss to release another novel in the Kingkiller Chronicles.

Let's say I'm not-so-well rounded in terms of what I do, I suppose. I watch anime, read mangas, actual books, play YGO/CFV/Smash Bros, roleplay and cry when I need to. Feel free to ask questions and get a derpy response~

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~!

Edited by Tragoedia
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A children's card game you say! well welcome to the forest, i hope you have fun here since there's plenty of things to do here and there's heaps of people to talk to.

Yeah you should give FE4 a try when you're able to, i'm sure you'd enjoy it.

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Welcome to the forest friend! Hope you enjoy it here. Chrono Trigger is awesome by the way.

Thanks. I still kind of get lost on what to do in-game, but so far, Chrono'sone of the better characters to play as. Though I wish I can switch him out to have a fullteamof people with healing techs. xD

Yeah, you can take all my monsters, I don't mind. Hehe, welcome to the forest. It's fun around here, so just have fun and enjoy your stay.

Thanks! Now to sacrifice them for allthe synchro summons~~~!

Dresden files...I kinda forgot about those. I did like skin game, though.

Isn't Skin Game like book 7-8..? Or was it a later book- my memory on the chronological order is quite scattered, but Harry will always be my favorite in the series. x)

But can you steal monsters better than Snatch Steal.


A children's card game you say! well welcome to the forest, i hope you have fun here since there's plenty of things to do here and there's heaps of people to talk to.

Yeah you should give FE4 a try when you're able to, i'm sure you'd enjoy it.

Sounds like a plan! Butfirst, I must convert peope into believing the heart of the cards~~!

Greetings, my friend. I hope you enjoy your stay here~

Hopefully, you're all fine and dandy. XD
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Ahem. . .yo~! Don't forget to read the rules and all~!

(end generic greeting)

You see, I have played Vanguard actively for a short while, but then meh addiction to YGO and derpiness kicked in, thus leaving me with Battle Sisters~ What about you? What deck do you play? :)

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Normally, it's Liberators/Regalia, with a side of Seekers/Aqua Force. . .but then something happened, and I need to add Perdition to the list. RIP wallet.

Speaking of, Battle Sisters just got their Legion~!

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