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Map sprite movement issues


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I don't know if anyone has seen this before and if they have I could use some help but I imported a map sprite and whenever I move that class in a chapter they will freeze after moving about two squares. So for example if I select the unit and tell them to move 5 spaces then they will move two and then the animation will freeze and they wont finish moving the 5 spaces until you press A.

Its kind of strange, its like their movement was shortened to two spaces only and anything over that causes them to stop moving and you have to press A for them to complete their movement all the way. If I hold the space bar in my emulator down while moving then everything works fine and they move all the spaces I want but if its at normal game speed then two is all they go.

Furthermore if you hover the cursor over them then while their movement map sprite animation plays red squares appear above them.

Edited by Lance-a-lot
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Sure so I downloaded the "armor knight with sword" map sprite and animation package from the feuniverse directory and imported the map sprite to an offset and then input the offset in the misc map sprite editor after repointing it and gave that to my class as its class number (as well as the standing sprite but that isnt the issue). And then I started my game and when I select my new class it wont move more than two spaces without freezing unless you hold down the space bar.

Edit: I included some images of how it stops the movement short.



Edited by Lance-a-lot
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i think you should try a different emulator and see what happens

alternatively give me an exact step-by-step outline of what you did

that map sprite is in use by at least one hack, so it's clearly doable

Edited by CT075
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Well I have one idea, let me run it by you real quick and you can let me know if it's even an idea about whats going wrong. So when I got the map sprites from the download I saw they were in .bmp and so I converted them to .png and then realized .bmp works fine so I converted them back. Is the process of converting to .png and then back to .bmp a concern? I figured something could have gotten messed up in the process and could be causing the issues?

If this isnt something you see as a potential issue then Ill throw it into a different emulator and see if it changes and if not Ill give you a step by step. Btw what emulator would you recommend? Im using visualboy

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Hey I just tried No $ and now it wont even move one square. The sprite literally just doesn't move. Its as if the animation it has to move the squares doesnt exist. It now makes sense that the space bar in visualboy worked. It was just overall skipping the animation.

Edit: So after some tests I figured out what is causing it to freeze. Its as soon as you take your finger off the A button after selecting the tile you want to move to that it freezes. As long as you are holding down the A button it will move fine but as soon as you stop holding it down the movement freezes. I have no idea what to even think as far as what could be going wrong.

Edited by Lance-a-lot
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Im asking myself the same thing! I imported the animation in the same way I imported 8 other ones and all 8 of the others work fine. I even redownloaded the map sprite and went to an isolated offset and tried it from the ground up and I got the same result.

Edited by Lance-a-lot
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Hang up Ill give you a full step by step when I get the second but to answer your question yes every other unit is fine, and kent still moves if he is any other class besides this one. Im going to check and see if its just this chapter in particular in a second. Could movement/terrain pointers be something to check?

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Alright so my step by step. I download both of map sprites. One is a .png and one is a .bmp. I then repointed the standing map sprite array to D75000 and set the standing map sprite to D7A890 in gbage and yes I had the right boxes checked, the compressed graphics option was selected and everything was how it should be as I faithfully followed the tutorial and this is like the tenth class Ive added a map sprite for so Ive done this a fair amount of times. And so then I went to the standing map sprite editor .txt and added in this class.

Then in that nightmare module I selected the class I added and set the pointer to D7A890 and then went to my class list (my class array was expanded a long time ago so this class has been in this list of added classes for a while at 0x73) and under this class I set the standing map sprite option to this new map sprite (0x60). I then went into the game and it worked fine. Then I went to add the moving map sprite. I got my .bmp file and imported it to gbage to D7B5C0 (and later tried again at D7CB10 with a freshly downloaded file).

Then I repointed my misc map sprite array and added in this moving sprite and set the animation pointer to a random one from the ballistas but it caused a graphical glitch so I changed it to the one the knight class uses and that went away but when I tried moving (with both animation pointers) it caused this glitch. But before that I obviously went to the class editor and edited my class to have the class number set to this particular offset with the moving animation.

So basically I repointed both arrays and then imported to gbage and then set the animation offset to a slot in the nightmare module and then assigned them to my classes class number and standing sprite. I used the same method Ive used all 10 times before with no issue.

Edited by Lance-a-lot
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I then repointed the standing map sprite array to D75000

keep going

Then I repointed my misc map sprite array and added in this moving sprite and set the animation pointer to a random one from the ballistas but it caused a graphical glitch

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Sorry that was a mistake I repointed it from its old origin to D12000 not D75000. D75000 is where I stored all of my standing and moving map sprites. I have pictures of the old and new offsets and pointers from when I repointed the standing and moving. At D75000 I added in about 11 moving and standing map sprites. I attached images of my word document that contains all of the information about where each map sprite is saved and to what offset and the number to the right is where it now is in the nightmare module for standing map sprites (the custom ones start at 0x58 and goes to technically 0x63 as 0x64 was a test with a fresh file). The monarch (king fe7) standing is in twice as my first attempt was buggy and so I dont use it and instead use the other attempt which was done right. You can see the sword armor standing at D7B470 and 0x61 in nightmare and the moving at D7B5C0. So I expanded each table of map sprites by 50 so there should be plenty of room and I repointed them plenty far apart. To the explanation of the graphics pointer. When you load up nightmare misc map sprite editor module it has a pointer to the actual moving inage and a pointer to the "animation pointer" the one that Ive used for all of my other classes didnt work and caused some weird red squares when the end of the moving animation played out and it also had this moving bug so I changed it to the knights animation pointer and the red squares went away but the moving bug still persists.






Edited by Lance-a-lot
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i have literally never seen this bug before, and you're really not giving me enough information to figure out what's going wrong

for that matter, the sprite works properly when i try it; therefore my only conclusion is that you did some kind of voodoo sorcery and should try again with different offsets

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Ive tried a bunch of different offsets. What kind of information do you need me to give you?

Edit: you caught me, I used voodoo to get all of my map sprites in my game, something went wrong

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you have this really bad habit of saying "yeah i did this like they said" or "something is going wrong"

it's a little bit helpful for me if you can outline as specifically as you can

"i followed the tutorial" is not specific enough

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Right, I apologize. Im new to the terminology of rom hacking and its hard to retrace my steps precisely when Im not sure what to even call what I just did. I DID however finally fix it. The only thing I changed this time around was instead of using 0x73 in the drop down for the moving sprites module in nightmare I used slot 0x74 and literally copy pasted the pointers and it worked. So I guess there is something messed up with 0x73 for whatever reason.

I do really appreciate the time though and hopefully if I ever find myself with a question in the future Ill be able to provide more information, thanks!

Edited by Lance-a-lot
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