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Top 10 Fire Emblem Soundtracks

Blaze The Great

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A thread for people to list their top 10 favorite FE songs or just discuss the music in general. Because FE music is the best thing that has happened to me since FE itself.

Edited by Blaze The Great
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Top 10 out of 13 games, 2 of which are remakes seems pointless. So top 5 instead:

1) Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem (These 2 share so many songs that they might as be the same soundtrack. New Mystery pretty much includes almost every song from Shadow Dragon anyway)

2) Genealogy of the Holy War

3) The Sacred Stones

4) Gaiden

5) Thracia 776

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1. The Binding Blade. Between Shaman in the Dark, Battle for Whose Sake, Path of the Divine Generals and more, it wins.

2. The Genealogy of the Holy War. Every Map theme, Arvis's cutscene and battle themes, Julia's theme and the Standard Attack theme, it falls just a bit behine FE6

3. The Sacred Stones. Mainly for it's not Distant Roads map themes, Return of the Demon King, The Prince's Despair, Lost Heart, Lyon and the organ version, it's great.

4. The Blazing Blade. For it's later map themes and almost every cutscene theme. Reminiscence is probably my favorite cutscene theme in the series.

5. Radiant Dawn. 60% of it's map themes, every battle theme but King of the Sky, Child of Chaos and Empress Sanaki. So nice.

Honourable mention: Gaiden. It's map music is all very nice for an NES game. The final map theme is my favorite of the lot.

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Just out of 5 because 10 is stupid.

1. Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem

2. Path of Radiance

3. Radiant Dawn

4. Sacred Stones

5. Awakening

So far anyway.

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1. "The Black Knight" - BK's theme music just screams "this man is fucking dangerous". At no point do you not tremble a little when you hear this play. This man means business, and this track highlights that.

2. "With Us" - Probably my favorite recruitment theme in all of FE. This song is just absolutely fantastic. I get thrilled whenever I hear this song, and it just sounds like a song that emphasizes the whole "brothers-in-arms" type of deal, which is really symbolic of the relationship that most of the Greil Mercs have with each other, in that they treat each other like family.

3. "Powerful Foe" - Oh man. In terms of end map boss themes, this one is among the highest. That opening guitar slide or whatever you want to call it just sounds so good.

4. "Softly With Grace" - There isn't much for me to say on this one, other than the fact that it just sounds SO good.

5. "The Black Fang" - In terms of menacing evil team music, this one is pretty damn good. Gets elements of malicious and foreboding mixed into one.

6. "To Challenge Ashnard" - This guy. This guy and his dragon. This guy and his theme.

7. "Comrades" - Most of the recruitment themes are some of the best pieces in a FE ost, this one is no exception. (Awakening was such a disappointment in this regard.)

8. "Together we Ride" - I think everyone who has played FE has heard this song at some point or another. Literally a classic.

9. "Clash" - Just dredges up great memories of playing POR. As a "normal battle theme" this one is one of the best.

10. "Return of the Demon King" - If Formortiis wasn't such a pushover this would have been ranked so much higher.

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1) FE4

Every single track in this game is fantastic. Even the original SNES soundtrack beats out the Tellius games orchestrated scores. And having support convo music that changed with every support level was a nice touch. Notable tracks ( for me ): Disturbance in Augustria/Final Holy War ( fav map themes in the entire series ), Arvis' boss theme and that gut-wrenching Part I Ending Theme. Also has my favourite version of the FE theme.

2) FE8

Because Comrades and Fly with the Breeze are just too amazing for the GBA soundchip.

3) FE7

4) FE9

5) FE10

lol, only three tracks in this game stood out for me: Echoes of Daybreak, Empress Sanaki and Child of Chaos.

6) FE6

I can't even remember this one...

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I don't make order, only share my impressions about these completed games:

FE5 (currently playing)

  • love the map themes so far
  • a quiet, but epic sounding recruitment theme
  • my second most favourite attack theme
  • epic boss theme

=> 9 / 10


  • tbh don't like most map themes except for "Roy's journey", the Gaiden chapters and the final map, too much synth for me in this game. Escpecially the map theme against Murdock, Zephiel and Brenya bored me after a while.
  • Against the Dark Shaman was an amazing final boss theme

=> 7,5 / 10


Only have played once. Can't remember on this :(


  • "Comrades" is my favourite recruitment theme
  • great map themes especially "Truth, despair and hope" and the "Final Battle"
  • love the theme against Lyon
  • "A powerful foe" is my favourite boss theme

=> 9 / 10


  • "Clash" is my favourite attack theme
  • great map themes except for the theme in the desert and in SF
  • "Challenging Ashnard" is an epic final boss theme and fits perfectly
  • many nice character themes (Sanaki, Tibarn, Naesala)

=> 9 / 10


  • "Dawn Brigade", "The Devoted" and "Time of Action" are EPIC themes, while "March" and "On Glory's Wings" are meh themes
  • lots of great map themes "Dark Traveler", "Bearer of Hope", "A proud fight" and especially "Echoes of Daybreak" (why does this only appear in two maps :,( ?)
  • "A Grasping Truth" is the perfect theme against a goddess

=> 9 / 10

FE11 and 12 (only played barely):

  • good, but very few map themes
  • Medeus theme is awesome
  • FE 11 has best arena theme
  • best version of Tiki's theme

=> 8 / 10


  • "Purpose ID" is way too amazing for a so pathetic designed final map and boss
  • so many great themes "Don't speak my name", "Divine Decree", "Champion", "Hope"

The only use of FE13 for me is to listen to the soundtrack.

=> 9,25 / 10

Edited by The Taninator
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I made a video awhile back for my top ten favorite FE songs. :3 It was made before Awakening came out though. I only played through Awakening once anyway, so I don't remember its music very well.


I'm sad no one else has mentioned Eternal Bond/Ike's Theme though. It's THE BEST MUSIC I EVER HEARD. For the record though, I first heard it before I ever even played FE, because it's in Smash Bros. Brawl. :P So any Ike bias has no bearing here.

Second favorite is Stalwarts Unite, also from RD, third favorite is PoR's version of the Fire Emblem Theme, and fourth is Victory is Near, also from PoR. Number five is either Against the Black Knight/Unstoppable Destiny (they're the same song, just with different names depending on which Tellius game you're playing) or Bittersweet Victory from PoR. I just LOVED Tellius's music so much overall. There's only one song from it that I dislike (Power-Hungry Fool, ugh).

Edited by Anacybele
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1.You have power like mine.. fe13

2. Training (Galvanized). Fe13

3.Reign of Despair Fe12

4.Holding your own FE9

5.Boss fight Fe5

6.Distant utopia Fe7

7.A deadly test of might Fe11

8.A grasping truth Fe10

9.Days of Training A Fe12

10.Off to war Fe3 Book 2

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Just going to be 5

1. Id~Purpose (Awakening)

2. Tearing Shadows (New Mystery)

3. Map 5 (Gaiden)

4. Reign of Despair (New Mystery yet again)

5. Shaman In The Dark (Binding Blade)

As you can tell, I love quite a lot of the songs that play near the end of the games

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5. Radiant Dawn. 60% of it's map themes, every battle theme but King of the Sky, Child of Chaos and Empress Sanaki. So nice.

okay what

Child of Chaos is great. :o

Unless you mean CoC and ES stood out to you and that King of the Sky was the only battle theme you didn't like.

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1)FE7 Recruitment

2)FE4 Recruitment

3)FE6 Recruitment

4)FE1 Recruitment

5)FE2 Celica Map 1

6)FE13 Id Purpose

7)FE8 Recruitment

8)FE3 Recruitment

9)Fire Emblem Main Theme

10)FE13 Conquest Ablaze

11)Pollyanna (I believe in you)

These songs are all equal in my eyes, despite the numbers.

Edited by Rabbattack
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okay what

Child of Chaos is great. :o

Unless you mean CoC and ES stood out to you and that King of the Sky was the only battle theme you didn't like.

I like CoC and ES.

I don't like KotS

11)Pollyanna (I believe in you)

But... that's from Earthbound/Mother Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Top 10 out of 13 games is a little weird, but...

1. Radiant Dawn

2. Awakening

...Those are the only two I found had particularly notable soundtracks. The others I've played (all but the first 3) weren't bad per se, but I found, at most, only a few tracks in each really memorable.

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Lol I just realized I said top 10 soundtracks when I meant top 10 songs. Woops.

Haha, that makes more sense and really helps me make a list, especially since the only FE soundtracks for which I wholeheartedly enjoy at least 75 percent of the songs are FE12 and FE4. You should probs edit your OP then.

Here's my list, in no real order (barring the first few, which I will briefly explain):

1. Forbidden Sanctuary (FE12)- For one thing, I find it to be one of the most unique compositions and orchestrations in FE as a whole, and it goes perfectly with the final chapter. I love the way the style/tempo varies and slightly alters the tone as it goes along, yet it still keeps the very foreboding mood throughout these fluctuations. Also, organs.

2. Lion King Eltshan (FE4)- Just as above, this one perfectly matches the chapter it's set to, and I really adore the main melody and background beats. It feels calm and melancholy, and it's really easy to listen to (admittedly, Forbidden Sanctuary is slightly less so).

- order ends here -

3. Disturbance in Agustria (FE4)

4. A Hero's Destiny (FE11)

5. You have power... like mine. (FE13)

6. Shaman in the Dark (FE6)

7. Eternal Bond (FE10) - inb4 overrated

8. Reign of Despair (FE12)

9. The Final Holy War (FE4)

10. Id (Return) => Id (Purpose)

I tend to be biased towards orchestrated pieces, like the ones in Awakening, but for some reason, I just... didn't like most of those compositions. I'm still not entirely sure why.

Edited by The Legendary Falchion
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