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Does Seliph still get the Tyrfing if Byron is killed in Chapter 5?


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I'm playing through Genealogy of the Holy War right now (for the first time) and I'm loving it. I'm on Chapter 5 right now, and I've come across a problem. Also forgive me if this has been asked before, I jus didn't want to post on a topic no one cared about anymore. I didn't know that Byron would be killed on turn 2, and I know he has the Tyrfing. I'm fine if Sigurd doesn't have the Tyrfing for Chapter 5 (he has so many kills on his Silver Sword it doesn't even matter), but I'm worried about Seliph getting it in Chapter 10. My leg ring is on Ayra, Sylvia's dead, I left my return staff with Ethlin, I don't have the Rescue Staff, and I only have a save on the current turn (2). Will Seliph still get Tyrfing if Byron dies? Also, please refrain from putting spoilers.

Edited by Lantairu
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Yeah, he will get it, as it's a plot related event I believe. I even remember forgetting to repair Tyrfing with Sigurd, and Seliph still ends up receiving it.

Edited by DragonLord
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99% sure he will. I've never actually tested it, but it can't be inherited, so I don't think it matters if it's not in Sigurd's inventory.

Yeah, he will get it, as it's a plot related event I believe. I even remember forgetting to repair Tyrfing with Sigurd, and Seliph still ends up receiving it.

Ok, thanks. Since it was basically impossible for me to save Byron, I was worried Seliph wouldn't get Tyrfing. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Ok, thanks. Since it was basically impossible for me to save Byron, I was worried Seliph wouldn't get Tyrfing. Thanks for clearing that up.

It seems I may have been wrong. The wiki states that Sigurd must at least talk to Byron and have the broken Tyrfing in his inventory for it to end up with Seliph in Gen. 2. It has to do with a plot related event that I won't spoil. If you are still on Chapter 5, try restarting and using a different strategy to at least talk to Byron before he dies. If not, Seliph unfortunately won't get Tyrfing. The game is still beatable without it, I'm pretty sure about that. You get access to a bunch of other Holy Weapons that can help a lot later.

Edited by DragonLord
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The Tyrfing isn't 100% necessary, don't worry if you miss it. A high kill silver/hero sword is about as good if not better offensively, so all you're missing out on is the massive res boost. It's annoying to have Celice put to sleep (which he probably will be if he doesn't have it) but you can work around it easily.

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Tyrfing is still nice to have because then you can transfer said sword to someone else's. Talking to Byron isn't too hard, just end the first turn in range of armor Knights and then punch through with Sigurd on turn 2.

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The Tyrfing isn't 100% necessary, don't worry if you miss it. A high kill silver/hero sword is about as good if not better offensively, so all you're missing out on is the massive res boost. It's annoying to have Celice put to sleep (which he probably will be if he doesn't have it) but you can work around it easily.

Oh. Well in that case I might as well just leave Seliph with Sigurd's over 100 kill Silver Sword. By the way, what happens when something reaches over 100 kills other than a higher crit rate.

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I don't know anything about LTCing, while Marty obviously does, so if you're going for that and he says you don't need the Tyrfing then you don't need the Tyrfing. I'm assuming you're playing casually though, given it's your first time, and if so I'd recommend getting it. The Tyrfing is just super fun to use, with its speed boosts and ability to laugh at all mages forever. It's a blast.

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The tyrfing is a bunch of fun to use in casual play throughs. I love throwing Celice at Edda castle with it and watching nothing happen as all the meteors barely scratch him. But if you have to do a bunch of annoying backtracking to get it, I'd advise you just plow on without it.

I remembered my first playthrough of FE4 I sent Ares and Seliph on a horribly inefficient 2 man mission to seize Edda, it was epic. Then I watched Balcerzak's ranked run. Now I can't not 2 turn Edda, lol.

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Also, i should note that bryron will seek you out and automaticaly initiate The conversation if sigurd is within his movement range, so all that you ave to do is get within 9 squares of him at the end of the second (or third, if you get lucky with enemy phase) turn. Marty gets it on his 0% growths ltc run (albut unintentionaly, because the fastest route happens to go within his range, but still.) Granted, you probably aren't using rescue staff lachesis like he is, but it is still pretty easy to get within his movement range. That being said, i remember reading somewhere that the only effect of obtainong the tyrfang is that repairing it in gen one causes it to appear at full uses instead of broken in gen two (the relevant SF page also seems to imply this). Celice tends to be at full gold by the end of chapter 10 anyway, so it dosn't really matter. Honestly, the main effect of the tyrfang is that it makes the magical holy weapon boss-fights (like reptor and alvis) easier.

Here's the relevant vidio of marty's 0% growths lts for reference:

The link to the relevant SF page is:


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Speaking of which, if the Tyrfing is unobtainable if you didn't save Vylon, has anyone recorded what happens after capturing Miletos in Chapter 10?

So in other words, no one is actually sure what the answer is. I'm on Chapter 7 now, so it's too late. Guess I'll have to find out which answer is right.

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When you do, would you mind sending the screencaps to these guys here: http://serenesforest.net/genealogy-of-the-holy-war/scripts/script-translation/

Honestly, i don't think they are working on it anymore. Please let us know though. I'm curious.

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I just completed Chapter 10 and Seliph does indeed get the Tyrfing. Remember, I did NOT save Byron in Chapter 5. From what I've heard, the conversation that happened is the same as normal. Alvis gives Palumuk (forget how it's spelled) and when Seliph talks to Palumuk, he gets the Tyrfing. However, it will be broken.

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The way I think it happens is Alvis ends up scooping up the Tyrfing after the battle regardless (who else is alive to do it?) so in both outcomes, he ends up with it after gen 1.

That would certainly make sense. I have to say, I've never had as much mixed feelings from killing someone in a game than I have when killing Alvis. Yeah, he stole Sigurd's wife and killed him, along with his friends, but if it weren't for Alvis, Seliph wouldn't have gotten the Tyrfing. Part of me really hates Alvis for what he did in Chapter 5, but part of me feels sorry for him, considering he was being manipulated not only by Manfroy, but also his own son. Can't wait to see how the game ends.

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