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Who could Ike's wife be?

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Yeah, well, the thing is, I've actually met people that ship Elincia with someone that isn't Ike OR Geoffrey. His name is Tibarn. I'm not joking. :P

EDIT: I have to disagree with your post edit. The pairing is "obvious" in PoR due to Ike and Elincia's support, Elincia's crush on him, some characters teasing them as a pairing (specifically Ranulf and Shinon), and then the final cutscene icing the cake. The narrator even said at that point "Queen Elincia and her noble hero Ike." D'awww. In fact, that cutscene was what REALLY made me love these two as a couple. :P I'm a sucker for hero x princess pairings, but there was more than just that going for them.

Oh, and I didn't even mention how passionate Ike is about Elincia. Sanaki acknowledges how beautiful it is.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, well, the thing is, I've actually met people that ship Elincia with someone that isn't Ike OR Geoffrey. His name is Tibarn. I'm not joking.

I swore I wouldn't take part in this discussion anymore, but I have to say that the Tibarn/Elincia pairing is really out of nowhere. I first heard of it as a joke in a video by Dawnofstefan, then suddenly the whole rest of the scattered nameless FE fans I knew started referring to it, too.

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All I know is that the basis for it comes from a single quote Tibarn makes at the part where Elincia disarms herself in an attempt to stop Zelgius and Valtome from clashing with Ike and company. He basically says Elincia is amazing for that. lol

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Yeah there's that scene where Tibarn tells Ike he thought Ike was the craziest beorc he knows, but he has serious competition now.

I guess for some people it's impossible for people of the opposite gender to develop a non-romantic relationship.

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Yeah, and then for some people, it's also impossible for best friends not to develop romantic relationships (which is a reason Ike x Soren fans tend to annoy me)... I never liked either one of these mindsets, to be honest. It's fine to ship some best friend pairings or to have some pairs of opposite gendered people become a couple after being good friends. But doing those things for every single best friend pairing or opposite-gendered friends is just ridiculous. :/

But...sorta going more on topic, I plan to draw an Ike x Elincia family for Tellius's 10th, just throwing out there. ;3

Edited by Anacybele
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People probably ship TibarnXElincia because there's a lack of female characters that it's logical to ship with him so they try to make something out of very little. He's similar to Ike in this regard actually. The most logical ship for Tibarn is either Reyson or nothing IMO.

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Nailah: …I must confess, I’ve wanted this since I first laid eyes on you. I can hardly hold myself back right now.

Tibarn: Lady, the feeling is mutual. Why do you think I winged my way over here? It looks to me like we can have a nice, private time right here. No interruptions. Just you and me.

Nailah: Hawk King Tibarn. I think that a few more scars on your face will complete that rugged look you’re going for.

Tibarn: For a beautiful woman like you, I’ll gladly offer my head. Of course you’ll have to bring me down to the ground first.

Nailah: Challenge accepted. I think you’ll regret it once I add your feathers to my necklace, though. Oh, and let’s not tell Rafiel about this, agreed? He wouldn’t understand these urges of ours.

Edited by Baldrick
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Ooh you got me there, I forgot about that conversation(probably because it's so hard to trigger in game). Perhaps not indicative of romance exactly, but that's like as sexy as Fire Emblem gets lol.

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I just thought it was awesome that two characters who don't have much in common at all (besides royalty of course) like Tibarn and Elincia could just hit it off like that. Making it romantic just seems like shipping for the sake of shipping.

Edited by Radiant head
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Nailah seems to be shipped more with Rafiel than anyone else though lol. Even Volug.

But yeah, Ike doesn't even have many really reasonable options himself besides Elincia. Females, I mean. Other than her, or an unnamed female, there's Lethe, Mia, and Marcia. And the latter two are still a good stretch. Ike at least has supports with Elincia and Lethe, after all.

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I think people feel 'pressured' to create a pairing for Ike because society is very used to seeing the male lead end up in a heterosexual relationship by the end. But considering Ike already has two support pairs, there are other romantic pairs in the game, and other Lords very frequently end up with women, the decision by IS to not go this route with Ike seems quite intentional. I doubt they forgot that Elincia/Lethe/Mia etc. existed. I kinda respect them going a little outside the box for once.

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Yeah, but then IS went right back to that route with Chrom in FE: Awakening and added Priam to suggest that Ike did marry a girl and have a family after all. So there's more fuel to the fire now. :P

Or, perhaps this was IS's intention all along, and for once decided to let the fans imagine for themselves who the lord married rather than give him an ending with a defined female, whether it's a named female, an OC, or simply an unknown woman.

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I'm not sure it was intentional. From what I've read, IS had a bunch of support endings, and then removed most of it, so that we're seeing this really bizarre jigsaw view of what would have probably been closer to Awakening's ending options.

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I don't know about RD, but I did hear that PoR had a bunch of cut supports. But if RD had some cut endings as well, that's a shame, I bet something with Ike and Elincia was one of them, although probably not romantic. I'd have been fine with that, I just wanted SOMETHING with them!

Oh yeah, I'd like to write a little one-shot featuring that Ike x Elincia family I mentioned, though it would take place later than the picture I have in mind. What if Ike's wife, whether it's Elincia or someone else, got sick and Ike had to try watching over the children and helping to do her duties himself? lol this would make for some comedy gold, I bet. XD

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Well yeah, they wouldn't still be there if they were cut.

They actually would

It's actually easier to "hide" script to do nothing in the long run over removing it entirely

The best example I can think of is the cut holy weapons in FE5, which are there (and work fine iirc), just unobtainable to both the player and enemies

If you hack them into inventories, the game even tells you "hacking is bad don't do it" or something like that, lol

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Yup :V

There's also some unused script and dialogue data for Radiant Dawn, and a support list, though they were only for A supports and had no actual text assigned to them. The list in question can be found here

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Yup :V

There's also some unused script and dialogue data for Radiant Dawn, and a support list, though they were only for A supports and had no actual text assigned to them. The list in question can be found here

Ah, this list.

...I cry every time I remember it was cut

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Yup :V

There's also some unused script and dialogue data for Radiant Dawn, and a support list, though they were only for A supports and had no actual text assigned to them. The list in question can be found here

Ike x Mia :cry:

Its too bad they cut supports out entirely there was alot of potential with them in RD ending the saga and all.

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