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Who could Ike's wife be?

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I also believe a theory that Ike x Elincia WAS an originally intended pairing, but IS cut it for some reason like half way through the Tellius saga. They become close friends in PoR, but in RD, it seems like that never happened. :/ Or, given that Elincia's death quotes mention Ike more than any other person, they might have intended for them to have feelings for one another, but not pursue a relationship due to their duties. I believe either theory is 100% possible.

Nearly all of the teasing of the ship in PoR came from the localization team. I guess they weren't expecting the sequel to go that way or something /shrug

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Sort of... It's not impossible at all that Ike had a kid in Tellus. After all, just because the game didn't say Ilyana started a family in her epilogue doesn't mean she never had kids. The problem is that both supports and the endings to RD were... rushed... so they didn't give any definite bits. For all we know there originally was going to be a paired ending between Ike and Elincia that resulted in little Priam's ancestor running around. But now, due to time constraints and poor planning, it's just pure speculation.

But going 'random village girl' is no fun for anyone.

Yeah the endings still leave room for that possibility, which is sort of what I was getting at when I said writing around the RD endings. The default assumption is that it was a random girl he met outside of Tellius, since that's where he went in his ending, but since there's no definite idea of what happened, there's plenty of room to theorize headcanons.

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Sort of... It's not impossible at all that Ike had a kid in Tellus. After all, just because the game didn't say Ilyana started a family in her epilogue doesn't mean she never had kids. The problem is that both supports and the endings to RD were... rushed... so they didn't give any definite bits. For all we know there originally was going to be a paired ending between Ike and Elincia that resulted in little Priam's ancestor running around.

Source for that last bit? Never heard that before.

Nearly all of the teasing of the ship in PoR came from the localization team. I guess they weren't expecting the sequel to go that way or something /shrug

Also never heard this. Very interesting, the translators boosted an entire ship by not doing their jobs totally correctly omg.

lol at actual speculation of Ike cuckolding someone omfg this is Ike we're talking about

Cell division happened, obviously.

No, seriously, I think Priam is just a dude with a mental illness. He has delusions and thinks he's the descendant of an hero, who nobody knows how he looked like anymore because he lived centuries ago. He just found a sword he thought that had to be Ragnell because his delusions told him so. And because IS is a troll, he vaguely looks like him and got some lord skills. He's pure fanservice.

Also, this thread turned out the exact way I thought it would turn out. Awesome.

I'm actually really interested in this theory and I can't believe no one mentioned it till now.. Assuming you're serious idek. I think even if Priam was just some dude I think Ragnell is the actual Ragnell though. Like maybe Priam or one of his ancestors found it.

I'm going either with random girl, or Ike raises an abandoned kid by himself/with Soren or maybe even the whole company.

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Source for that last bit? Never heard that before.

There's no source. He's saying "For all we know..." as in "IS maybe intended Ike x Elincia to be a pairing at some point but there's no way to prove it". It's all speculation.

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I'm actually really interested in this theory and I can't believe no one mentioned it till now.. Assuming you're serious idek. I think even if Priam was just some dude I think Ragnell is the actual Ragnell though. Like maybe Priam or one of his ancestors found it.

I imagine everyone's aware of that possibility, but since he's very clearly based on Ike, since it would be lame and ruin the easter egg if he was just making it up, and since he's officially described by Nintendo as a scion of a legendary hero, occam's razor says he's Ike's descendant.

Edited by Radiant head
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Nearly all of the teasing of the ship in PoR came from the localization team. I guess they weren't expecting the sequel to go that way or something /shrug

I know, it's not so much the teasing of the ship, I'm talking about how Elincia and Ike became good friends regardless, and that seems nearly non-existent in RD. But yeah, sometimes I hate localization teams because they mislead people like that, that teasing in the English PoR was a part of what made me love the pairing, then I find out that it wasn't IS's doing, but NoA's... Sigh.

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I know, it's not so much the teasing of the ship, I'm talking about how Elincia and Ike became good friends regardless, and that seems nearly non-existent in RD. But yeah, sometimes I hate localization teams because they mislead people like that, that teasing in the English PoR was a part of what made me love the pairing, then I find out that it wasn't IS's doing, but NoA's... Sigh.

I also believe a theory that Ike x Elincia WAS an originally intended pairing, but IS cut it for some reason like half way through the Tellius saga. They become close friends in PoR, but in RD, it seems like that never happened. :/ Or, given that Elincia's death quotes mention Ike more than any other person, they might have intended for them to have feelings for one another, but not pursue a relationship due to their duties. I believe either theory is 100% possible.

Must have read wrong then. Oh well.

Either way, in the Japanese script Ike literally only saw his mission as a job rather than something more. It was kind of cruel of the localizers to ship it like they did, but it's not the worse thing a localization team has done.

Why are We back to screaming at Anacybele to stop shoving Ike/Elincia down our throats? You know she Won't stop.

What? No one's screaming at anyone, at least not now. We're discussing the differences between the Japanese and English script

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Must have read wrong then. Oh well.

Read what wrong? I'm not shoving anything down anyone's throats, nor am I trying to do so. I'm tired of people saying I do this EVERY single time I mention ANYTHING I like.

And now I feel like screaming at someone. I'm sick of this BS.

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Read what wrong? I'm not shoving anything down anyone's throats, nor am I trying to do so. I'm tired of people saying I do this EVERY single time I mention ANYTHING I like.

And now I feel like screaming at someone. I'm sick of this BS.

No no no, I meant that it sounded like you were just talking about the possibility of IkeXElincia being planned instead of the friendship thing. Sorry, I should've added in your previous quote 'cause now it just sounds like I'm taking a shot at you .-.

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Ohhh! Man, I was being an ass for nothing now. Gods, I'm so sorry, Kon. >_<

But what I meant there by that sentence was that IS might have intended to build the romance in RD rather than PoR, but decided to scrap it. Ike and Elincia became friends in PoR regardless of the version of the game, and perhaps in RD, IS wanted to take that to the next level and have them grow closer. Even in Ike and Elincia's Japanese A support, Elincia talks about the memories of her and Ike being dear, and the translator in that link you posted interprets this as her saying that one day, they could bring even more pleasure.

And even then, Ike and Elincia don't need a romantic paired ending. I'd have been satisfied with Ike returning to her court or visiting her often or something.

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Honestly, if they re-release PoR/RD for the Wii U, I hope they restore a lot of the 'cut content'. Like, say, make it 'Tellius Remastered'. They update the visuals, throw in some rebalances, mix in some of the cut supports (if Mia/Nephenee was really planned, why did it get cut?), and a few other things.

Edit: I can't believe I didn't think of this, but I just checked Priam's supports and I noticed one thing. He loves training. A lot. Like, near-Mia levels of love. He also cares for his sword and food. A lot. Remember Mia's Ilyana support where she defended her boots? While I don't think Mia cares that much about a good diet it's far from impossible she started to care at least a little bit about proper eating habits after Ilyana. Obviously this, too, doesn't prove anything since personalities aren't genetic in the slightest BUUUUUTTTT... That is a small nudge that can't be denied.

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I would have loved a Mia/Neph support. As it is, I don't support Mia with anyone in PoR. Mist needs a few chapters before she can really be the sole healer, but once she gets going, there's no point in using Rhys. Largo is redundant when I have Boyd, and not to mention other axe wielders like Titania, Kieran, and Haar. Illanya is pretty good in this game, but even then I'd rather use Soren and two mages is just not an efficient use of deployments.

Edit: I can't believe I didn't think of this, but I just checked Priam's supports and I noticed one thing. He loves training. A lot. Like, near-Mia levels of love. He also cares for his sword and food. A lot. Remember Mia's Ilyana support where she defended her boots? While I don't think Mia cares that much about a good diet it's far from impossible she started to care at least a little bit about proper eating habits after Ilyana. Obviously this, too, doesn't prove anything since personalities aren't genetic in the slightest BUUUUUTTTT... That is a small nudge that can't be denied.

Yeah he's pretty similar in the way he's obsessed with training and becoming stronger with the sword, though I'm not seeing the food thing. That's probably more of a callback to Ike's love of meat.

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The food thing is a throwback to Ike's love of meat and eating. Remember, a base conversation describes Ike's appetite as similar to that of the laguz, which is pretty damn big.

Frederick also trains vigorously. Is he a descendant of Mia too? :P

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Oh yeah, I would say Ike trains an awful lot too... Just look at those muscles in RD. Priam could be like "I gotta train as much as my ancestor did so I can be as strong as he was!" :P

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