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Who could Ike's wife be?

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I am too, but I've also seen plenty of things that I thought were 'jokes' turn out to be serious. Anywho...

I'm surprised at Lethe being in there. I mean, sure, it's not IMPOSSIBLE, but if it wasn't for her Ike support they'd have nothing in common, not even the same species. So why her as opposed to, say, Titania?

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That doesn't really change anything though. Ike doesn't leave Tellus, so who's the mother? Bloodline still has to start, Ragnell still needs to be passed down, and those were the big things that needed answering to figure out who his wife was.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if he remained in Tellius its more likely one of the PoR/RD girls were able to track him down somewhere down the line opposed to the second option of having to jump continents which in the Tellius saga are all supposedly flooded.

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I'm surprised at Lethe being in there. I mean, sure, it's not IMPOSSIBLE, but if it wasn't for her Ike support they'd have nothing in common, not even the same species. So why her as opposed to, say, Titania?

1. Titania is too old. 2. She was in love with Greil. It'd be awkward and weird as hell for her to then fall for his son.

Or perhaps he left on a mission, and just ended up dying without anyone realizing... Unlikely, but an option nonetheless.

Nooo, don't kill Ike so soon. :(

Edited by Anacybele
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1. Titania is too old.

Maybe that's exactly the reason. Ike was always so cold to women his age because in reality he's into old women! He just left Tellius because he knew that people wouldn't like to think of their hero of a granny chaser. But anonymously on a new continent, no one will ever know...

2. She was in love with Greil. It'd be awkward and weird as hell for her to then fall for his son.

Yes, give me all the creepy issues. I love stories like this (as long as the authors know that the story is fucked up).

Edited by General Asthar
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That sounds like a kind of weird oedipus complex if it really was Titania. I don't particularly see it.

I subscribe eternally to the Ike/Lethe ship because I honestly feel like it'd be the perfect pairing for developmental purposes (no, I don't mean like with kids, pfu). Lethe would learn to trust beorc more having actually fallen for one, and Ike would learn, through his relationship with Lethe, that people can change if they're so willing, which is something that may have been lost on him through the various wars (first with Daein, then with Begnion's senate and the Goddess Ashera).

Plus they'd be adorable together, don't even lie. Lethe has Actually Tolerable Type One Tsundere written all over her.

And for the potential matter of Priam having cat-Laguz genetics in him still.. while it is possible, his bloodline is likely so diluted at this point that he wouldn't be able to do anything with the Laguz blood he may have had left.

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Titania is not 'too old' for romance. IIRC it gets hinted that she's only in her late 20's to mid 30's. I agree that Ike probably wouldn't go after her as she's probably been the closest thing to a surrogate mother for him, but I'm not sure that makes her less likely that Lethe.

Anywho, I'm not against Lethe, it's just that, Ike support aside, I don't see anything to suggest it happened.

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Titania is not 'too old' for romance. IIRC it gets hinted that she's only in her late 20's to mid 30's.

Definitely not too old. Her having been in love with Greil is the bigger issues. (But I love issues, they make stories more interesting)

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I meant too old for Ike, not too old for romance. I DO ship her with Rhys. And it's said somewhere that she's in her thirties. Ike is only 20. That's quite a gap there.

Lethe invites Ike to visit her and train with her in Gallia and he agrees to do so in their A support, I believe. Seems solid enough to me that romance could develop from there. Lethe DOES learn to trust some beorc outside of this though, as she can become friends with Jill (this support is amazing for developing both of them!) and as said above by Radiant Head, she becomes tight with Elincia and company.

Blackhawk Stinger also summed up the ship pretty well.

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I don't see the big deal between Titania and Ike. Heck, the age gap between Titania and Greil is probably larger than the one of Titania and Ike.

How old is Rhys anyway? I think it's weird to support Rhys x Titania but not Ike x Titania due to age gap given Rhys' age doesn't seem to be too apart from Ike's.

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Titania first met Ike when he was an infant.

Kind of surprised we're actually talking about this. Then again it's only slightly creepier than Robin/Lucina, which is a popular ship in Awakening's fanbase.

Edited by Radiant head
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How old is Rhys anyway? I think it's weird to support Rhys x Titania but not Ike x Titania due to age gap given Rhys' age doesn't seem to be too apart from Ike's.

We don't have any clue to Rhys's age. But he COULD be around Titania's because he rescued her while she was still a knight of Crimea. He was a healer back then too, because he was collecting medicinal herbs at the time.

Greil and Titania have a smaller age gap than Ike and Titania, definitely. Greil is probably around 40, Titania is likely in her mid thirties since she did indeed first meet Ike when he was just a little baby and it was after Rhys saved her.

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Titania first met Ike when he was an infant.

Kind of surprised we're actually talking about this. Then again it's only slightly creepier than Robin/Lucina, which is a popular ship in Awakening's fanbase.

Elincia and Lucia were raised as sisters and that's an incredibly popular pairing.

Cecilia also met Roy as an infant and that pairing can actually happen.

Every Dew pairing is technically Adult x Minor (Except I think Tiltyu).

Lyn is actually 14/15 in the Japanese FE7.

FE13 also has Frederick x Lissa which is another popular pairing.

Ike x Titania is not that odd when you consider all the things this particular series has done before (and did afterwards). I personally don't buy the pairing, but the age gap has nothing to do with that.

We don't have any clue to Rhys's age. But he COULD be around Titania's because he rescued her while she was still a knight of Crimea. He was a healer back then too, because he was collecting medicinal herbs at the time.

Greil and Titania have a smaller age gap than Ike and Titania, definitely. Greil is probably around 40, Titania is likely in her mid thirties since she did indeed first meet Ike when he was just a little baby and it was after Rhys saved her.

I'll give you the age gap between Greil and Titania, but I'm not sure on Rhys' age. I do think he's a bit older than Ike, but I don't think he's older enough for the difference in age gap to mean much.

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Elincia and Lucia were raised as sisters and that's an incredibly popular pairing.

Cecilia also met Roy as an infant and that pairing can actually happen.

Every Dew pairing is technically Adult x Minor (Except I think Tiltyu).

Lyn is actually 14/15 in the Japanese FE7.

FE13 also has Frederick x Lissa which is another popular pairing.

Ike x Titania is not that odd when you consider all the things this particular series has done before (and did afterwards). I personally don't buy the pairing, but the age gap has nothing to do with that.

Only if you somehow get desensitized to creepy pairings, which I don't.

Some people ship Haar and his wyvern, ffs.

Edited by Radiant head
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Plus we have no idea how old Titania was when Ike was an 'infant'. We've seen plenty of teen soldiers both in FE and IRL. For all we know Titania was, like, 14 when she met Greil. Nobody said she had to be an old knight or even experienced beyond knowing how to fight horseback after all.

I still don't think it's likely, or rather, it's only slightly more likely than Ike/Mist, but if I'm gonna say 'no' I want it to be for the right reasons.

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What Radiant Head said. Also, I'd reckon that Ike x Elincia and Geoffrey x Elincia are more popular than Lucia x Elincia. And this is coming from someone that dislikes Geoffrey x Elincia quite a bit. I've seen some fanart for Lucia x Elincia, but Ike x Elincia is crammed with fanart and fanfiction and Geoffrey x Elincia isn't far behind there, as far as I've seen. And I never actually actively searched for Ike x Elincia much. Also, when I searched Elincia, more fanart for her and Ike together popped up than any other pairing.

Snowy_One: And Greil might've only been 19 or 20 when Ike was born. Still not that bad of an age gap when you consider that Boyd x Mist is a thing. And even then, I don't think Titania was 14. She had knighthood since she was a Royal Knight of Crimea and knights typically don't get knighted THAT young. I'd say 16 is the youngest that that can happen (I write that Frederick was knighted at 16, for example) and 14 is a squire.

And I still think stuff like Frederick x Lissa is creepy and that Elincia x Lucia/Geoffrey is weird because of the raised-as-siblings stuff. Lyn being only 15 in the Japanese version of FE7 is fine to me, as Eliwood and Hector are both only 17. And I ship Hector x Lyn.

Edited by Anacybele
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Only if you somehow get desensitized to creepy pairings, which I don't.

Some people ship Haar and his wyvern, ffs.

Come on dude, now you're just going to the extremes with that example. The ones I mentioned are all actually canonical (or at least, hinted enough to be popular).

I seriously don't understand some of the comments going on here. I can understand this topic not being your cup of tea, but some of us feel we can discuss this in a mature way, so this patronizing attitude is really uncalled for.

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Come on dude, now you're just going to the extremes with that example. The ones I mentioned are all actually canonical (or at least, hinted enough to be popular).

They're only hinted enough to be popular if you have confirmation bias (ie Elincia-Lucia, who I can't see as anything besides nigh-sisters).

Besides, some characters having creepy relationships in past FE games doesn't really affect how Ike himself would act as a character. I treat these kind of things as isolated cases

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Frederick x Lissa is actually popular in Japan, I heard... Japanese people have creepy tastes sometimes, imo. >.> Not directing this to anyone in particular, it's just that a lot of what's popular there is just weird as hell to me. Then again, different cultures, yadda yadda.

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From an age standpoint I don't think its implausible for Titania to end up with Ike. The bigger issue is that she loved Griel and itd be hard for her to move on from those feelings and Ike has always viewed Titania as a mother figure so I don't really see that happening.

Still though I'm gonna go with the theory that Ike got hit in the head in a training accident making him think that he was a martial arts master and he went to an isolated corner of Tellius to train.

I mean that jab combo in smash though...

He later took on the name Ryu


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I think Greil was probably about 30 when Ike was born, because at that time he had already become one of the four riders, married Elena and moved to Gallia. So since Ike was 18 in Path of Radiance, Greil would have been about 48 when he died which seems accurate.

I'm pretty sure Mist was a baby (not Ike) when Titania met Greil, so Ike was about 4 and Greil was about 34. Titania would have to be significantly younger than Greil but still old enough to be a knight, so she was probably 20-25 (9-14 years younger than him). Probably closer to 20 though because she wasn't that old in the games, and 34 seems like a fair estimate.

So she would be 9-14 years younger than Greil and 16-21 years older than Ike, which is waaaay too old.

(This isn't addressed to anyone really, I was just thinking about it)

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They're only hinted enough to be popular if you have confirmation bias (ie Elincia-Lucia, who I can't see as anything besides nigh-sisters).

Besides, some characters having creepy relationships in past FE games doesn't really affect how Ike himself would act as a character. I treat these kind of things as isolated cases

Hey, Lucia x Elincia definitely makes more sense than Ike x Elincia. At the very least, I have no issues believing the pairing is actually canon in a one-sided fashion. Note that the game is very insistent that Lucia never marries, even in her A-Support with Bastian.

But that doesn't mean anything. Are you saying Ike wouldn't get involved with an older woman? Based on what? We know nothing about his sexual preferences. Nothing. For all we know he traveled to Elibe or Akaneia and had an affair with a manakete girl.

Again, I don't buy Ike x Titania, but that's because there's really nothing that hints at the pairing. Age gap has nothing to do with it.

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Hey, Lucia x Elincia definitely makes more sense than Ike x Elincia. At the very least, I have no issues believing the pairing is actually canon in a one-sided fashion. Note that the game is very insistent that Lucia never marries, even in her A-Support with Bastian.

I don't even like Ike x Elincia, but I can't see how Lucia x Elincia makes more sense. I mean it would be one thing if they were really close and people speculated that maybe they could be lovers, but in this case, we're explicitly told they think of themselves as sisters.

And if you're going to say "Well FE has done incest before" it still doesn't make sense. Elincia and Lucia aren't even actually related, so there would be no point in thinking of each other as sisters if they had romantic feelings.

But that doesn't mean anything. Are you saying Ike wouldn't get involved with an older woman? Based on what? We know nothing about his sexual preferences. Nothing. For all we know he traveled to Elibe or Akaneia and had an affair with a manakete girl.

It's not my job to prove Ike would never get with Titania. Only someone who thinks it's remotely plausible would have to explain why.

Even if it's possible Ike was into older women, we know that Titania was a mother-ish figure and Ike knows she loved Greil. So describing Ike x Titania as Ike getting involved with an older woman is a hilarious understatement of what such a relationship would be.

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Still not that bad of an age gap when you consider that Boyd x Mist is a thing.


I'd say that Boyd is around the same age as Ike. And Mist is stated to be older than she looks, and only be 2-3 years younger than Ike, iirc.

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