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If you could nerf one character (besides Diddy) who and what would you nerf?


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I'm curious honestly about what everyone thinks about game balance, so if you could only edit one character, who would it be?

I would nerf ZSS's Up B because if i remember correctly it has more knockback grounded than Luigi's Up B. Could be wrong so feel free to correct me.

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I would nerf ZSS's Up B because if i remember correctly it has more knockback grounded than Luigi's Up B. Could be wrong so feel free to correct me.

I haven't exactly tested, but I'm pretty sure that's not true.

And fuck your title, Diddy Kong is the only one I'd nerf. Take some power off that up air, or make it harder to combo out of down throw.

Although to be fair, I also wouldn't mind nerfing Ness' back throw. Being able to kill with a grab that early is kind of absurd.

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i would rather buff most of the cast rather than nerf them to give the game a bit more color.

And fuck your title, Diddy Kong is the only one I'd nerf. Take some power off that up air, or make it harder to combo out of down throw.

get good at di

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I'd nerf Link some. His ability to produce such heavy projectile density, as well as having all of his smash attacks offer such huge knockback at such incredible speeds is a wee bit irritating to deal with. His projectile game is so much better than Samus, who really should be all about projectiles

Edited by Sara.
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I'd nerf villager (even though he doesn't need it)

I just have some sort of mental block whenever I fight him/her, since my mains have issues with the slingshot and missile spam.

It's more i just hate fighting them.

Edited by General Horace
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I don't have problems with Diddy. I just watch a lot of competitive, and they have problems with Diddy.

that's because most people don't know how to di out of it when it can kill, or di so triple (maybe double too but idk since i don't have trouble with diddy) up air strings aren't possible. it's just the most blatantly abusable thing in the game, so of course people are going to complain about it. it's like wobbling in the sense that people like to whine about it but it's really not that good.

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Usually I just SD if I see a toon link. Even when you crush, it still isn't fun.

See, I feel like Toon Link's projectile game is what Link's should be: slower projectiles with heavy density to balance his pretty good A-button game and suave Zair tactics

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I haven't exactly tested, but I'm pretty sure that's not true.

And fuck your title, Diddy Kong is the only one I'd nerf. Take some power off that up air, or make it harder to combo out of down throw.

Although to be fair, I also wouldn't mind nerfing Ness' back throw. Being able to kill with a grab that early is kind of absurd.

You do realize the point of the title was to avoid the obvious "Nerf Diddy" considering at least 90% of anyone who plays smash would agree that Diddy needs to be nerfed.

Nerf Ike to spite my sister

And b/c I hate him but spiting my sister sounds satisfying.

You do realize he is barely viable right

Edited by Craptain Fabulous
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You do realize he is barely viable right

Yeah I know.

But I hate him so if I was given the choice I'd make him slower than Old Bowser

Nerf his range

And make it so he can't KO at 67 damage

The works

All in the name of a burning hatred of the character.

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You do realize he is barely viable right

She knows

Uhh Link.

His projectile game is way too good if the person playing is competent.

I really hate fighting Link.

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Yeah I know.

But I hate him so if I was given the choice I'd make him slower than Old Bowser

Nerf his range

And make it so he can't KO at 67 damage

The works

All in the name of a burning hatred of the character.

Wow, this hatred of Ike of yours is getting a little irrational, isn't it? I mean, I hate Soren, Geoffrey, Micaiah, etc., but I wouldn't nerf their growths or stats. I do like killing Geoffrey off though... But I'd actually give all three of these characters buffs, truth be told. Particularly in RD. Soren actually kinda kicks ass in PoR.

I don't have a problem with you hating Ike, I'm just saying...

But anyway, if I WERE to nerf a Smash character simply because I hate them, it'd either be Greninja, Lucina, or Peach. But I wouldn't do that either. I just wouldn't feel like it.

Edited by Anacybele
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In smash probably Duck Hunt. I hate going against him his smash attacks are all within a sweet spot range where you're not close enough to attack but he is and he is ridiculously quick. Also because my friend is a huge dick about playing as him but thats besides the point.

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If you want to nerf Diddy's down throw follow up you may as well nerf any throw follow ups other characters have. Like Luigi and Sheik.

Though Sheik can suck it because her mobility is insane so screw her. I say just adjust the kill power on some of Diddy's air moves.

As for throws, Sonic's backthrow is a beast. Ness' is probably a stronger beast but still. Considerations and all.

Also, why can Diddy grab you when you trip on the banana peel. That's some BS right there.

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Hard choice between ZSS and Rosalina. They're both totally broken, imo.

Rosie is not nearly as broken as she used to be. ZSS really isnt that broken either. Rosie's hit boxes arent as all over the place as before and Luma regeneration being longer actually nerfs her more than one would think.

Oh come on, Ike is kinda bad. Hes so slow and clunky...He needs a speed buff.

I'd nerf Sheik a little. Just slow her down ever so slightly.

I actually do not agree that Diddy needs to be nerfed. Considering his banana move has been nerfed since Brawl. Ive fought a couple of Diddys lately, and while really good players, they arent completely unbeatable ridiculous. Im actually having a really hard time coming up with people to nerf. I think i would nerf Ness' PK Thunder movement.

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Poor Ike is always going to need buffs... He got buffs this game, but so did just about everyone else, so he's not in any better shape than he was in Brawl. In fact, his tier placement is even lower this time.

Yeah, he needs some more speed buffs and for his Quick Draw to not leave him helpless. Then he could recover the way Luigi does. Side B + Up B.

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wtf even is the problem with Diddy?

Literally everything about Ness

and by that I mean his backthrow it's a little ridiculous

Down throw leads to easy 50% and you can trip with banana to down throw then kill on your next up/back air strings. He's just a ridiculously strong character that's easy to use so he gets really scary in the hands of a skilled player.

Edited by Ein
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Take some power away from sonic's back throw and fsmash because of how safe they are and how hard sonic is to punish overall.

And fuck your title, Diddy Kong is the only one I'd nerf. Take some power off that up air, or make it harder to combo out of down throw.

Either that or nerf the KO power of his other moves, he has too many safe KO options for being a fast character with a good grab game.

Besides those two I'd rather buff the lower tiers to have more options because I like how the higher tiers play overall.

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