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3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because I'm doing a Marth and Shiida only run of Shadow Dragon, am on Ch. 21, and have no mage to cast Starlight with, therefore making it impossible to get the true Falchion.

Wow. You got there fast. I mean... I only finished writing the answer to the question of the plausibility of it, and you've already reached the point I talked about most. It's probably best to keep the starsphere in such a run... because unlimited weapon uses are better than a tome with no one to cast it. Also, hope you have some pure water, because that'll really help with chapter 23.

Anyway... banned for being so efficient.

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Banned for being a human/feline hybrid.

4 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wow. You got there fast. I mean... I only finished writing the answer to the question of the plausibility of it, and you've already reached the point I talked about most. It's probably best to keep the starsphere in such a run... because unlimited weapon uses are better than a tome with no one to cast it. Also, hope you have some pure water, because that'll really help with chapter 23.

Anyway... banned for being so efficient.

Thanks for the tips. I've been burning through weapons like crazy and didn't actually know that the starsphere does that. Marth has been maxed out for several chapters and Shiida is a lvl 15 Dracoknight (although with how many horsemen I've been going against I'm reclassing her as a paladin). I've read that there is an inferior Falchion that can be obtained, but somehow Tiki needs to be killed or something like that to get it. Does a Wyrmslayer have a similar effect on Medeus to Falchion, or maybe something else that I haven't considered?

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Banned for not telling who the other 9 were.

13 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned for being a human/feline hybrid.

Thanks for the tips. I've been burning through weapons like crazy and didn't actually know that the starsphere does that. Marth has been maxed out for several chapters and Shiida is a lvl 15 Dracoknight (although with how many horsemen I've been going against I'm reclassing her as a paladin). I've read that there is an inferior Falchion that can be obtained, but somehow Tiki needs to be killed or something like that to get it. Does a Wyrmslayer have a similar effect on Medeus to Falchion, or maybe something else that I haven't considered?

If you don't have Tiki (this includes by failure to recruit her) or the regular Falchion, you can get the inferior one. There's also the option to forge something... a wyrmslayer (I'm fairly sure they do function on Medeus, though usually I use something fancier, as by that point I'm not worried about conserving uses on the Regalia or divine stone or any of it), or a killing edge.. maybe a silver sword if you're desperate. The star sphere has to be in whatever character's inventory to work. The light sphere nullifies enemy terrain bonuses (handy against bosses). If you forged a poweful enough weapon and made advantage of the star sphere, you could render it unbreakable in a solo run like this and use it to really improve Marth or Shiida's damage output.

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6 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

If you don't have Tiki (this includes by failure to recruit her) or the regular Falchion, you can get the inferior one. There's also the option to forge something... a wyrmslayer (I'm fairly sure they do function on Medeus, though usually I use something fancier, as by that point I'm not worried about conserving uses on the Regalia or divine stone or any of it), or a killing edge.. maybe a silver sword if you're desperate. The star sphere has to be in whatever character's inventory to work. The light sphere nullifies enemy terrain bonuses (handy against bosses). If you forged a poweful enough weapon and made advantage of the star sphere, you could render it unbreakable in a solo run like this and use it to really improve Marth or Shiida's damage output.

Banned for having such helpful advice.

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Banned because I'm at Shadow Dragon's endgame with only Marth and Shiida going against what looks like dozens of enemies with no hope of winning. Nagi's Falchion is as weak as crap.

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Banned because I'm running out of ideas to help.

4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because most of the game can be relatively easily beaten with only Marth and Shiida if you play around the enemies more often than engaging them directly.

For the record, you do know you can use the Falchion as an item to recover HP? That definitely can help. Mind it's only ten, so it's not gonna help much. I'm afraid I'm low on ideas. A forged brave sword might also work. If you got the Gradivus, that can be used as an item to heal HP (and if Shiida's holding the starsphere, I think it won't take up a use, and it's ALL HP apparently). So that could help depending on how you distributed the stat-boosters over the course of the game.

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Banned because I'm actually terrible at FE and only made it this far due to sheer luck and lots of resetting.

EDIT: Roger ninja'd me.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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1 minute ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Banned because I'm running out of ideas to help.

For the record, you do know you can use the Falchion as an item to recover HP? That definitely can help. Mind it's only ten, so it's not gonna help much. I'm afraid I'm low on ideas. A forged brave sword might also work. If you got the Gradivus, that can be used as an item to heal HP (and if Shiida's holding the starsphere, I think it won't take up a use, and it's ALL HP apparently). So that could help depending on how you distributed the stat-boosters over the course of the game.

Banned because this is my kit and stats. Thanks again. I forgot Gradivus and Falchion can be used to heal.



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Banned for having a theme song that is too awesome.

Dangit,  ninja'd!


Edited by Benice
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Just now, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because this is my kit and stats. Thanks again. I forgot Gradivus and Falchion can be used to heal.



Perhaps reclass Caeda into Dracoknight? I've heard that it's an insanely good class.

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2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because I might have gotten myself into an unwinnable situation. But hey, the ride was fun.

Banned because there is an extra couple base defense and an extra point of strength from Dracoknight, and with the Iote's shield Michalis would have dropped, the archers/ballistae won't be doing effective damage. Sure you'll lose a couple hp, but assuming (I'm not totally sure) that Gradivus uses aren't taken when it's used as an item with the star sphere... you might have a fighting chance to get to the boss. More so if you have a master key and pure water left at all. If not.. it certainly wasn't a bad effort at all considering you never finished the game regularly. I'd say it was pretty outstanding. Out of curiousity how'd you divide the draco shields? (there should have been one from a boss, one from a chest if a thief didn't pilfer it, and three from a secret shop).

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3 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Banned because there is an extra couple base defense and an extra point of strength from Dracoknight, and with the Iote's shield Michalis would have dropped, the archers/ballistae won't be doing effective damage. Sure you'll lose a couple hp, but assuming (I'm not totally sure) that Gradivus uses aren't taken when it's used as an item with the star sphere... you might have a fighting chance to get to the boss. More so if you have a master key and pure water left at all. If not.. it certainly wasn't a bad effort at all considering you never finished the game regularly. I'd say it was pretty outstanding. Out of curiousity how'd you divide the draco shields? (there should have been one from a boss, one from a chest if a thief didn't pilfer it, and three from a secret shop).

Banned because I only got one Dracoshield in my entire playthrough and used it on Marth since he's a relatively weak unit. Forgot about Lote's shield since I had Shiida be a Paladin for so long. 

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Banned because I kind of suspected that you missed some. The things are definitely an asset in a solo. A total 10 points of bonus defense is nothing to scoff at, especially for Marth or Shiida. Mind I made the same mistake (missing the secret shops) my first time through (though it was a regular playthrough so I didn't suffer)... so it's not something to be ashamed of.

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