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The Roger The Paladin

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  • Member Title
    Unleash the The

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    Archery, Arthurian legend, Nordic mythology, Greco-roman mythology, pointless facts about extinct animals.
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    Under the The

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Shadow Dragon

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  1. Why stop at three? I'd just make it my way of keeping the cast at a manageable number throughout. Think Ash Ketchum releasing Pokemon to keep his team at 6, but with a higher number.
  2. Banned for not having prior knowledge of Valusian military structure.
  3. I don't know. It's not direct, but the fact the villain is a painter who feels slighted over events that occurred in the previous world war, and wants to plunge the world into darkness to satisfy his personal vendetta sounds awfully striking considering the time frame. Makes me wonder if changes weren't made in development. Look up the Roper Steam Velocipede, and you have a steam powered cycle from 1867. Alternatively, the Daimler Reitwagen came about in 1885. While the designs are too modern, the concept is less out of place than you'd think. Likewise, the earliest model of chainsaw was from 1830. Though all of that's rendered somewhat irrelevant when you consider that Saint Germain, the time traveler from Curse of Darkness, existed and is generally accepted as the reason Hector can create a Gatling Gun in that era.
  4. Should a titan slumber too many years, they may awake to find themselves covered in moss. Such it was with Wario Land, and such it is with Castlevania. The giants of our past either stay active, or someone will fill the void.
  5. I'm happy with that. I've been intending to replay the DS games for a bit, and not only does this give me an excuse, but it helps if the magic seals are even remotely less annoying. But did you erase Simon Quest from memory?
  6. I'm not quite sure how Dawn of Sorrow is gonna work if playing on dock, but touch screen is available in hand-held mode. Ecclesia should be fine either way unless you're playing Albus mode. I know you didn't ask, but Portrait should also be fine both ways for anyone not playing a certain alternate character mode. Point is, Dawn being an early DS game put in far more stuff than the sequels that used the touch screen, and all of it bordered on gimmicky. (Drawing magic seals post boss, breaking blocks by touching them) Took a bit to realize you were talking about the Castlevania 3 sequel, Curse of Darkness. You know it's a Castlevania 3 sequel because Trevor is in it, which means it's 200 years before Simon, give or take. Surprised no one's mentioned Castlevania Chronicles continued absence from collections. I know Chronicles X gets overshadowed by Rondo of Blood because it's the same game with uglier graphics, but Chronicles... Chronicles is it's own can of worms. Anyways, I look forward to finally being able to have the original Capcom vs SNK. But would it really have killed them to throw Rival Schools on the collection?
  7. Banned for giving just bans in a nonsense thread.
  8. I'm never quite going to be convinced the separate carts serve any benefit when I've played the special edition, which I'm of the opinion should have been the standard. Though I'm sure IS would find a way to make that worse. Tell you what, if I ever do make a romhack, that's probably the thing I'm most intent on changing. The age range of playable characters. What is going on here? Something positive about Engage? What have you done with the real Wraith?
  9. I'd actually forgotten about the day one DLC announcement at this stage. That was the point I decided not to buy the game on launch. Which is what happened with Fates due to the route-split being separate carts.
  10. Okay, for the sake of this let's go with Fates. It's the one I most want a change in. Specifically, if I were in charge, there would be one game, on one cart, as the standard. All three routes built in. You can say it isn't gameplay, but when the in game route selection just tries to sell you the other routes as DLC, it comes close enough for me. Alternatively, Three Houses. I'd condense the monastery into either something more like My Castle from Fates, or the base stuff from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn. Maybe just drop fishing and gardening entirely. It takes too long, and makes the game feel more like a standard RPG than a SRPG. It's not the kind of gameplay I buy these for.
  11. I admire your commitment to using the man whose speed growth cannot go above 25. Then again, Bord has the same problem. And so does Astram. And neither of them have the wonderful defense growth to back it up. Of course it's a skill issue. He didn't have enough skill to get away with axe hit rates The true power play. I'd love to see Medeus reaction to someone using the one use of the Aum staff to bring in the base level, early game pirate.
  12. Well, seeing as we're already on the axe appreciation train, I find myself constantly using axe users. Barst, Cord, Lex, Johalvier, Othin, Halvan, Brighton, Lot, Gonzales, Dorcas, Bartre, Dart, Hawkeye, Garcia, Ross, Dolza, Duessel, Brom, Kieran, Jill, Haar, Largo, Nolan, Vaike, Cherche, Arthur, Charlotte and more. I have literally taken Darros to endgame in Shadow Dragon. It was absolutely miserable because he was doubled by pretty much everything, and he couldn't hit the broadside of a barn so his contribution was basically nil. One day, I will have used every naturally occurring fighter, warrior, pirate, berserker, axe cav, axe armor, and axe wielding wyvern in the series to end game. Probably. If I don't keep filling up my New Mystery teams by the time Dice and Ymir are available
  13. Question is, do hawk Laguz taste like chicken? And would anyone risk a round of combat with Tibarn to find out?
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