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24 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because I just learned that Fates' character designer worked on the Senran Kagura games.

No wonder the designs are mostly garbage fanservice crap.

Citation needed because Kozaki never worked on those games as far as I’m aware. Maybe you’re thinking about the art director because it’s definitely not the character designer. His artstyle doesn’t really suit Senran Kagura anyway.


Banned because kill la kill is an amazing anime

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3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because it was the story writer. Whoever said it got the two mixed up and corrected themselves afterwards.

Regardless, that makes complete sense given the route that Fates took (haha).

Banned because which one? Nami Komuro or was it the mangaka they brought on board. I’m just curious. If it was the latter well you have to realize that his original draft underwent heavy rewrites by the scenario team least as far as I can tell based on the limited information we know of his involvement and the development process of fates.

Edited by Ottservia
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11 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because it was Kitajima. An FEtuber I watch often was discussing it.

I don't know the full extent of their involvement, but I don't doubt that that kind of influence made its way over.

Banned because Kitajima isn’t even credited as a scenario writer. He’s credited under “Synthese”  and I have no clue what that means. Even so all sources I could find says that he really only worked on Revelation. Myanimelist also credits him as a scenario writer for Conquest but the lead writer for that game as well as birthright was Nami Komuro. If he had any involvement at all it was likely fairly small.

Edit: he is credited as a scenario writer for these games. I misread the credits and Synthese is the name of his company. So that’s a mistake on my part. But again, most sources I found says that he only worked on revelation. Fates has 11 people listed under its scenario team. Six of which are from different companies. Again his involvement in the product as a whole is likely pretty minimal.

Edited by Ottservia
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Banned because I remember hearing that there were two teams with two different directions they wanted to go with Fates, leading to a lot of confusion and odd choices in the development process.

Also, I've heard that there were some 13 odd writers. Can't imagine that'd help with narrative cohesion.

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Banned because I have also heard about the two teams Hoshido and Nohr, they were about the same amount of fan service vs less fan service in the mechanics, correct?

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22 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because I remember hearing that there were two teams with two different directions they wanted to go with Fates, leading to a lot of confusion and odd choices in the development process.

Banned because that’s also a bit of misinformation. The whole “Team A and Team B” deal was only a thing with the team tasked with debugging the skinship mini game not the entire development staff.

24 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Also, I've heard that there were some 13 odd writers. Can't imagine that'd help with narrative cohesion.

Well 13 if you include script writers. Regardless, a lot of games, movies, and TV shows have entire huge teams of writers. The quantity of writers cannot be blamed for the story’s quality because the influence they have is relatively minor because in the end the director is the one with the final say on anything. 

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