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Banned because that moment when you side with a king who locks thousands of his people outside his city as the literal apocalypse approaches so he can hoard more resources for himself.

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18 minutes ago, FlyingKitsune said:

Banned because did you do it because you were curious on what would happen?

Banned because there are a few reasons, but none of them are that.

1. The leader of the rebellion is a selfish, snake type character who does whatever he has to for some power, and doesn’t mind betraying anyone (he betrays the player’s group earlier unless you make a specific set of decisions that he likes (and by betrays I mean literally attempts to stab the main character)) and I can’t feel good about putting him in power, because I know he’s actually worse than the king (who seems like a good person, just trying to do his best (he kept some families in the city, just not most of them)) and just couldn’t shake the feeling he would be an even worse ruler. I mean, when he talks to you in private about the conflict before it escalates he implies he would do the exact same thing in the king’s position.

2. There is a race in this world that is only men, so no reproduction, but they live for hundreds of years. Well, they’re slowly dwindling, but the king has agreed to bring the biggest group of them left into the city, meaning they all fight on his side for the preservation of their own race, and siding against them is basically making them go extinct. I don’t want to do that, plus some of them are really good playable characters that I really would like to keep. In particular the king of the varl is carrying my team since my best unit had to temporarily leave for story reasons, and I don’t know if my team could manage a battle without him and my best unit who left.

3. The king agrees to keep the player caravan in the city as well (assuming they don’t join the rebellion, of course), which is literally hundreds of people. Now the thousands of people total outside deserve to be helped as well, but guaranteed help for hundreds might be more valuable than possible help for thousands, depending on how you look at it. I don’t know, I’m kind of unsure on that one.

4. The reason everyone is rushing to this city in particular is because it has very good walls protecting it, but attacking the city is very likely to damage and even break the walls, and what’s the point of a bunch of people dying to get in the city if they all die afterward anyway? The leader of the rebellion is convinced that they could repair the walls, but I’m not so sure.

5. I might be able to convince the king, he really does seem like a good person. This is a very choicey game, so I am holding on to hope that I can. 

6. The prince is a very good unit, and if you join the rebellion he obviously won’t stick around with you. (His bodyguard doesn’t either, she’s pretty cool and a good unit, though I’m not using her.)

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39 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because IIRC @Sooks, you were playing Spider-Man on PS4? Do you have the DLC for it?

Banned because I was, although I dropped it pretty quickly because while the combat was fun, it was the same for every enemy, basically, and got very old very fast, and the open world was very basic. I don’t have the DLC for it, no.

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