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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Banned because I'm sorry if that hit a nerve. Though at least you got past the issues, I spent the entirety of my youth never having the ideal form I was wish I was closer to.

Banned because no, not at all. You just reminded me of it. No worries.

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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I thought the blonde guy wanted the furniture and his name was Reese? 

Yeah, Reese is the main lord; the guy you buy it from,is Jonathan, was a rich merchant, until he spent his vast fortune on furniture and now is forced to live in the Atelier to peddle his wares-To quote the mighty Aggro Incarnate: "Jonathan isn't kidding when he said he went bankrupt, that's 317,000 denarii total geez." Just for reference, a good horse costs six thousand, a considerable investment. The most I've ever had at one time is 50k-You really don't get much more than that without a lot of planning.


Banned for being able to rebound from weight issues. It ain't easy. Congrats!

Edited by Benice
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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Banned because your thoughts are not actually your own. There is an evil calorie fairy in cahoots with Big Pharma invisibly hovering over your head right now trying to make you eat so much chocolate you need medication to address cardiovascular issues stemming from your excessive weight.

Banned because
1) I don't consume that much chocolate :\\\\\\\\\\\
2) Bringing up a Big Pharma conspiracy. I'm really sick of those after reading shitty anti-vaxxer/COVID-19 denier arguments.

6 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because no, not at all. You just reminded me of it. No worries.

Banned because it's way more common than you think.

Just now, Benice said:

Banned for being able to rebound from weight issues. It ain't easy.


Edited by WeAreNewcastle1053
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6 minutes ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

2) Bringing up a Big Pharma conspiracy. I'm really sick of those after reading shitty anti-vaxxer/COVID-19 denier arguments.

Sorry, I was trying to make a stupid silly lighthearted joke, nothing more. I completely understand your disgust.


6 minutes ago, Benice said:

Yeah, Reese is the main lord; the guy you buy it from,is Jonathan, was a rich merchant, until he spent his vast fortune on furniture and now is forced to live in the Atelier to peddle his wares-To quote the mighty Aggro Incarnate: "Jonathan isn't kidding when he said he went bankrupt, that's 317,000 denarii total geez." Just for reference, a good horse costs six thousand, a considerable investment. The most I've ever had at one time is 50k-You really don't get much more than that without a lot of planning.

So the indebted are trying to force you to experience their misery? If the guy is that poor, you should be able to squeeze him for steep discounts. Or you know, spend the money on a mercenary to confiscate what you want. Darned be the good-doer 100% completionist!


Banned because we all should honestly be banned from using the Internet in the late hours of the night. 

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Banned because I'm only writing something this long is such a verbose manner to give my assassin time to sneak up behind you.

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