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A few nagging questions


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Ok, beat the game once, working on second, etc, etc, but I have a few nagging questions I've yet to ask. Wasn't sure if I should revive my other thread or not, so hopefully made right choice here.

1. Is there a list of skills that work for the secondary unit in a pair up? Some seem obvious, others I'm not sure about.

2. Does STR do anything for a magic only unit anymore? I don't see weapon weights or anything like in older editions.

3. (Unlikely plot spoilers)

I get that Basilio switched the gemstones at some point. I don't get why he gives the story of his gemstone being list before his time, and then after suddenly has it to give to Flavia. Has this even been clarified or elaborated on anywhere?

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For 1, here's the general rules I read about:

- If it's active (Luna and its ilk, rallies, etc.), it won't activate, period. Pretty sure Aggressor falls under this, too.

- If it gives a passive stat bonus (the -faires, Quick/Slow burn, etc.), it'll be active. For stuff that gives Hit/Evade, you'll only get Hit out of it.

- If it affects units in a X-tile radius, it'll affect the pair-up partner and/or the units in X tiles (Anathema, Demoiselle, etc.)

- Passive skills will mostly work. . .but there's some exceptions, which I can't remember off the top of my head.

Someone correct this list, if I screwed up!

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For 3) I think the last part of your post got a bit mixed up but this is straight from the Fire Emblem Wiki of Basilio's character so I hope it helps shed light on whatever you're looking for.

The Avatar suggests sending a small group to the north to stall Walhart, which Basilio volunteers to lead. However, Lucina attempts to stop Basilio since in her timeline, Basilio was killed during this stall attempt. Basilio ignores her warning telling her that he is not easy to kill. Nevertheless, Flavia joins him to increase the odds of survival. However upon entering Valmese soil, a single figure begins to mow down the force, Walhart himself. Walhart and Basilio engage in battle, leaving Basilio gravely wounded. Walhart is impressed by his endurance and comments that only Yen'fay had previously survived a single strike from the Conqueror. As he moves to finish Basilio, Flavia steps in to parry the assault and allow Basilio to land one great blow on the Conqueror. However, Walhart stands and deals a final hit to Basilio. Basilio gives Flavia the red jewel Gules to deliver to Chrom as he lies on the ground defeated. However, Basilio did not die, thanks to Lucina's warning. Instead of letting his pride put his life into mortal peril, Basilio feigned death and barely survived his encounter with Walhart. At The Dragon's Table, Basilio arrives just after the Avatar attacks Chrom. He reveals that the Gemstones were never truly placed into the Fire Emblem, and Validar would never had known since the people watching Chrom's group did not know that Basilio had lived. Basilio and Flavia fight alongside Chrom and the Avatar and take down Validar.

Edited by LordTaco42
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1. All statboosters (*Faire, LB/Agg, Stat+2), all auras (Hex/Anathema/Solidarity/Demoiselle/Charm) except Bond, all +Hit/Avo skills (the Avo does nothing because the support isn't being attacked, but it's still applied), and Armsthrift work in the back. All skills with activation cut-ins/icons (including Counter, Galeforce, Lifetaker and Despoil) don't work. You still receive bonuses bonuses from Rallies/Auras when in the back, but can't use Rallies of your own there.

2. It increases the boost from Ignis when leading and increases the amount of Str the unit gives when supporting.

3. He was probably lying because he a) wanted to make a big scene of it later, or b) didn't want Validar's spies to know he had it but knew they were there. But don't think too hard about it, there are a good deal of inconsistencies/plotholes surrounding Basilio and his Cht.18/23 shenanigans.

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Good to know, and thanks! Been away from a PC for a while (lack of internet) but funny how a 3ds doesn't need that, eh?

I had not considered the aura's working from the back row... so does that make Dark mage/sorcerer's the best class or what? Nosferatu tanks in the front, or giving allies aid even when they're chilling in the back. Also, totally was not thinking of pair up bonus for a caster's STR, so good catch on that.

Good to know I'm not the only one scratching my head with Basilio's antics. Considering how major a plot point it is, you'd think it would get explained better. Oh well.

Another one for you, if you don't mind....

I'm looking into the critical hit rate formula, wondering how high a crit rate one could achieve. Right from this site, I see this:

Critical rate = Critical + Support bonus - Enemy's (Luck + Support bonus) [%]

Most of which I get, but the last part there.... am I seeing this right in that the enemy's get a support bonus? It raises a lot of questions in my mind, but before I drive myself mad pondering them, could I request clarification on this?

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Its relevant for when the enemies are attacking you.

Because from their perspective YOU are the enemy.

If you are attacking the enemy (as your opponents don't have support bonuses), it looks like this:

Critical rate = Critical + Support bonus - Enemy's (Luck) [%]

If the enemy is attacking you, it looks like this:

Critical rate = Critical - Your Units' (Luck + Support bonus) [%]

And of course Critical = Skill/2 + Weapon Crit rate + Critical rate increases from skills
Although if Anathema is in play the "enemy" loses the benefit of 10 points of their luck/support bonuses towards avoiding the crit [i.e. dodge] (although if they have less than 10 dodge they cannot lose more than they have).
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It would probably be clearer if it said target's support bonus, but yeah that's for when the enemy is attacking you.

The max crit I've gotten is 178 (counting Anathema as +10) and think it can go a point or so higher. It always rounds down to 100 though (and that's with DLC). Realistically ingame if you have your Avatar reclass to Dark Mage, level to 10 for Anathema, and pair up at A with a Sage or something who has Focus active, high Skl and a Thoron, you'll be looking at around ~50 listed crit- there are plenty of easy ways to get it higher but that's a sample of what a non-dedicated ingame crit build could look like.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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170 crit, eh? Nice. I'll have to see if I can figure out how you did that!

How about this one: I wish to build many, many supports up on my new file. I hear talk that there is a DLC to get support bonus' up fast. Any truth to this? Seeing how long it's taking me, this would be worth a purchase.

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The Scramble Pack technically doesn't make your supports grow any faster. However, there are massive amounts of shiny tiles on the map, and support bonuses gained from them (or from using Seeds of Trust found from them- the latter two maps also have three Seeds held by enemies) aren't affected by the per-map support gain cap, so you could see an improvement there if you know when to use them for maximum efficiency.

However, if your one and only goal is to build supports, it still won't be as fast as summoning a weak Risen/Spotpass team over and over again and simply repeatedly ending your turn with enemy phase set to skip (or mashing Start while one is moving). However you will get a ton of extra loot that way and there's a lot more to those maps than just building support (dozens of original convos, often between units who don't normally get to interact, most of which are of higher quality than the main game's writing- the Boss of one also holds a Master Seal, and it's the only way in the game bar Streetpass to get reliable early Master Seals) so you may wish to look into them anyway.

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