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Does anyone else enjoy the Dawn Brigade chapters the most?

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Quite honestly its my second favourite right behind part 3 because its always a challenge and can really affect you in the long run if you aren't promoted or close by the end of part 1 giving the brigade chapters in part 3 a challenge as well. It just doesn't get my number one because the plot to it is very bland IMO but gameplay wise its great and very fun which contributes to radiant dawn being my second favourite.

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Well the story is pretty cool with the whole rebellion, finding the lost heir, and raising a ragtag army against Begnion but gameplay wise I kinda disliked it especially on easy. Micaiah as a lord was hard for me to level up and on higher levels of difficulty just painful. Getting to use the BK was freakin sweet though.

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Not sure I'd say they're my favorite, but I definitely like them more than most people seem to. While I love the entire game, part 2 feels like it jumps around too much and parts 3 and 4 ultimately end up dragging a bit. Part 1 feels really tight in comparison.

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I honestly never got why everyone was so eager to crown Ashnard's (thought to be at the time) son, and anyone who could be deployed in PoR Chapter 28 should have known Izuka was bad.

Edited by Radiant head
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I honestly never got why everyone was so eager to crown Ashnard's (thought to be at the time) son, and anyone who could be deployed in PoR Chapter 28 should have known Izuka was bad.

I don't think they ever meet Izuka himself though, unless I remember wrong.
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The Dawn Brigade chapters are my favorite in general, because of the challenge they provide, and the satisfaction of raising relatively weak units into powerhouses when the game throws tons of overpowered units at you. Part 2 is my least favorite, due to me not ever using any units you get in Part 2 in the long run, and I dislike the Crimean Royal Knights chapter in Part 3. The Greil Mercenaries are fun as well, but the challenges the DB has to go through are really satisfying to me.

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Yeah, but his name was mentioned and it's not exactly a coincidence that he tried to make Muarim a feral one.

Only Bastion mentioned his name when they encountered him in those swamps in Radiant Dawn, explaining that he was behind the feral ones and the one who made Renning go mad. His name was never mentioned in Path of Radiance aside from the soldiers in his tower. There was Naesala, who was the one who rescued Leanne from him, but he wasn't there either.

Muarim doesn't have a boss conversation with him either, even if he was in the party that fights him, though Zihark does. And Zihark never mentions the encounter at the tower, so I think it's safe to assume that Izuka was unknown to the group at large until then.

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Muarim can't be in Elincia's party. He just shows up out of nowhere with Tormod and Vika in Ike's chapter.

But yeah I guess that makes sense then. Though Ranulf and Geoffrey do acknowledge the tower in their boss convos.

Edited by Radiant head
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I enjoy the difficulty, but I'm not particularly crazy about their chapters. Part 1 has been kind of boring to me, lately- at least the second half, barring Endgame. I am fond of their characters, particularly Sothe, Volug & Zihark. I quite enjoy their Part 3, especially 3-13. I love 3-13, so I made my specials:



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Can't watch the first video unfortunately :(

Have finished 3-13 once more again without any problems. Still love this defend mission. It's also kinda unfair that the laguz befenit by Ike's three authority stars. (+15% hit and avoid). It even makes it more a fight like David vs. Goliath. However still managable to defeat them all at least in normal mode for me.

In hard mode I normally don't have enough bexp. for my units so fighting Ike is very tricky. Unfortunately my Jill sucked (terrible strength) so I even couldn't prepromote her via masterseal. Even with stun she only would do 18 damage. And Ike wasn't in Micky's purge range so it was impossible to beat him.

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