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Favorite and Least Favorite Character Dittos?


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Frankly dittos are either really fun or annoying what dittos do you prefer and what ones do you think are a slug fest?

My Favorite is a tie between Ganon and Falcon dittos while Diddy dittos are my least favorite to watch and play.

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Ganon dittos are objectively the best.

I personally have poor experience playing Lucimarth dittos, simply because the person I generally play them against is campy as fuck and I'm not super great at approaching with either of Lucimarth.

not sure about watching; I'm gonna bet the most toxic combinations are ones I've neither watched nor experienced, like, say, DHD dittos.

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for smash u, i love marth and falcon dittos. the spacing game for marth dittos is fun, and falcon dittos have tons of cool combos. oh, and kirby dittos for trolling. for melee, i LOVE kirby dittos for whatever reason, and i hate falco dittos with a passion.

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Adamant with max IVs across all stats.

Oh, Smash Bros., right. Uh, well, I don't play many dittos because the characters I use don't seem to be popular, but R.O.B. dittos tend to be fun because he's ironically good at spacing himself out and taking advantage of the big hurt box.

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Rosalina is easily the worst Ditto ever.

Really only due to both players starting with Yellow Luma and there isn't any indication which is yours when it's out punching dudes.

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so Olimar dittos are basically three times worse than Rosalina dittos

and then some, because at least you can keep track of Luma colors easily once one is dead

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so Olimar dittos are basically three times worse than Rosalina dittos

and then some, because at least you can keep track of Luma colors easily once one is dead

Yeah but no one plays Olimar.

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Yeah but no one plays Olimar.

I run into olimar more often than I run into any of my mains (Peach, Palutena, & Rosalina). I don't see him as much as some of the more popular characters, but he's appearing more frequently.

Edited by Tsunami922
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it's funny how like

people think that olimar is a hoo hah counter now

wish more people played Yoshi after m2k lost to aMSa

It's even funnier when people act like M2K hasn't lost much before, the dude is good yes but he isn't impossible to beat.

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Ayy, yes. Falcon and Ganon ditto matches easily take the top of the list. To be honest, I think Little Mac comes next on the list of amusing ditto matches.

Diddy dittos are my least favorite to watch and play.

Diddy in general is never fun to watch.

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For favorite overall: PM Snake Dittos, just watch the Rolex/Professor Pro MM to see why

Least favorite overall: Melee Puff Dittos, since Puff is such a spacing char and a landed rest will usually lead to a rest punish so it's less desirable to use it

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