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Which character would you...


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^ Probably Brady with Owain's and Inigo's help. At least, he seems to have the mouth for it.

Which character would look best in skinny jeans?

Idun, Lilina, Lyn, Ninian, Dierdre, Julia, Lucina. I could go on about this for quite a while.

WCWY think is most likely to go on a television binge?

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Gaius, he'd be a couch potato and eat a buttload of cookies...

WCWY expect to have a weird food combination? Like...dipping donuts in ketchup or something.

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Gaius, he'd be a couch potato and eat a buttload of cookies...

WCWY expect to have a weird food combination? Like...dipping donuts in ketchup or something.

Ilyana. She'll find new and creative ways to eat.

WCWY expect to overreact to nearly everything?

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Define amazing xD

I'm gonna say Chrom. He already has it done, poor guy... (Frederick's posters) He wouldn't enjoy it lol, but the brand would be interesting for the students to replicate...

WCWY NOT want to give a bunch of energy drinks to?

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Seth. FE12 MU would also be pretty funny.

"Princess Eirika! *sniff* I just...wanted...to protect you! Whyyyyyyyy do you have to hate me sooooooo?"

WCWY beat in chess?

Edited by momogeek2141
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Kellam; he'll probably make a large amount of noise in that armor of his, but given that he's invisible, it'll look like a hunted armor moving on its own.


Vaike; I'm terrible at chess, I suspect that he is too.

WCWY like to hand draw a picture of you?

Edited by Xyr
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Kellam; he'll probably make a large amount of noise in that armor of his, but given that he's invisible, it'll look like a hunted armor moving on its own.


Vaike; I'm terrible at chess, I suspect that he is too.

WCWY like to hand draw a picture of you?

Forde. He's the artist, after all.

WCWY expect to sing an opera to perfection?

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WCWY expect to be friends with Mario???

Merlinus. He looks like Luigi.

WCWY expect to shield their eyes and overreact to the littlest things?

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Maribelle. She's pretty much FE's Rarity, so why wouldn't she?

WCWY expect to get something like a Michelin Star as a restaurateur?

I hadn't thought of her as Rarity, now that I think about it, it fits. Also, Florina is Fluttershy, Canas is a male Twilight Sparkle, Nephenee is Applejack, Serra is Pinkie Pie, and Farina is Rainbow Dash. Seems the FE series as the Mane 6 covered.

Lowen for his cooking.

WCWY expect to squee over something so adorable it hurts?

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Myrrh, she can turn into a badass looking dragon and scare the monsters/whatever back.

WCWY expect their favorite food to be peanut butter and banana sandwiches?

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No idea. Illuyna?

I misread the question for a moment and thought you asked 'which character would you expect to be a banana and peanut butter sandwich?' Corrected myself (luckily)

WCWY expect to misread a question?

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Vlake. He would probally say the queston wrong, for example, the queston is How is Liz (Lissa, Vlaikes Wife In This Situation) Doing?

And he would say "How Is Liz Hurting?" Or something like that

WCWY Go to Hogwarts?

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Volke. He's a thief/spy. And I can see him wanting his martini shaken, not stirred.

And Racer, it's spelled Vaike...you've spelled it that way twice so yeah.

WCWY photobomb a celebrity with?

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