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Which character would you...


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Owain. He'd be the funniest LP-er ever!

WCWY expect to be addicted to Candy Crush Saga?


WCWY you expect to hilariously awkward at a party?

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Dangit I knew he'd be the answer.

Seeker, that raven pirate boss from PoR. Both like gold...

WCWY expect to have a major meltdown because their favorite sports team lost?

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Dangit I knew he'd be the answer.

Seeker, that raven pirate boss from PoR. Both like gold...

WCWY expect to have a major meltdown because their favorite sports team lost?

Boyd. Imagine his reaction.

WCWY expect to spoil a story for everyone?

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Explain what it is, instead of just what it's from... But it sounds like a dangerous pet, so Sumia. She can calm it down like she did her pegasus.

WCWY tell that the word gullable was taken out of the dictionary and expect them to believe you?

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Explain what it is, instead of just what it's from... But it sounds like a dangerous pet, so Sumia. She can calm it down like she did her pegasus.

WCWY tell that the word gullable was taken out of the dictionary and expect them to believe you?


WCWY would you expect to lead an alcoholics anonymous group?

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